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scifi guy

hey guys~ starting some kinda guy in some kinda space suit, sculpted it in zbrush with dynamesh.


  • beta_channel
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    beta_channel polycounter lvl 7
    Nice sculpt. Seems like a lot of extra work that's just going to get covered with a suit...might be needed though. He has some hella ass going on though. Maybe it's just me with my no ass thing going on, but he has it going on in the rear. The back seems a bit too long in his lats but you're going to cover it up most likely so I won't go too crazy on the anatomy. His forearm does look a little to high though to me, looks like bent bones on the inside.
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    MEGALOS polycounter lvl 9
    Nice sculpt you got there dude. Could you post a close-up from his face?
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    awesome style man, really liking them shapes
    id say pay attention to some edges, u really like defining the anatomy but it's a lil overdone in some areas and a lil underdone in others
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    I did a super quick paintover (not 100% accurate), hope you dont mind :) I think the main thing for me is the pose needs balancing and some of the muscles transitions need a bit more love, like the delts/biceps and foream/upperarm relationship. Alot of people make a harsh transition but it should really be quite subtle with alot of width in the elbow. I would also pull his stomach out so hes not hunched, you basically want him as relaxed as possible so when you work ontop it looks nice and natural when rigging starts. The arms need bulking up alot on the upper arms and bought forward so they dont overlap his back aswell. also be conscious of where bones are close to the skin surface, such as hips, inside elbows, wrists etc.

    its a very solid start bud :) ...hope you dont mind

  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    back of the head should align with the heel.. normally
    these r all correct pointers but there's a line where realism and style meet, and while the anatomy could certainly be improved i don't think the posture matters to the same extent
  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    good start on the model.

    however, signing off the errors as a stylistic choice would not be the right way to go here IMO.

    this model is obviously looking more realistic than stylized and the few areas that are not realistic looks more like errors than intentional style choices.

    crazyfool has a nice paint over that covers lot of the issues i see as well.
    to me the biggest errors on this model are the the shoulder/deltoid/arm pit area and the feet are off as well. pay attention to the shape of the heel and the over all foot print.
  • 55joe
    Beta_channel, thanks, its going to be covered up by a suit but i figure i can throw him in folio naked as well ive adjusted the arms a bit hopefully i fixed the issues you saw in it.
    Megalos, thanks! i purposely did not post the face close up because it is in a pretty place holder state i have yet to decide what his face is going to be so id rather not draw attention to it.
    shotgun, thanks i agree with your critique. hopefully ive refined him a bit more so the details are more consistent with each other
    crazyfool wow you go above and beyond man thanks!:) i loves me some polycount
    MM thanks sir, thanks for your crits hopefully these issues are a bit better in this new image.
    thanks everyone!
    removing pics so not too heavy thread
  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    if the body is gonna be covered up entirely then you can skip fixing the anatomy.

    are you working off photo references or just winging it ?

    however if you wanna work more on getting the anatomy better here is a paintover and also a reference sheet for the feet.
    the hands and face anatomy looks off as well but i would need a more close up image to provide any detailed feedback on those.


    feet reference:

  • 55joe
    thanks mm! great crits,
    editing posts so not too heavy thread~
  • 55joe
    k guys here is update, thanks for all the crits here, i think it is shaping up to be a much better model.
  • 55joe
    update, gonna start on clothes now
    ortho view can be seen here if interested ~ http://i.imgur.com/5JhY8.jpg
  • JGcount
    Shit. The improvement on this is inspirering. Really love how it is turning out. He is getting a Arnold feel btw.
  • Kot_Leopold
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    Kot_Leopold polycounter lvl 13
    Glad to see how you took all the crits and implemented them into your sculpt. Keep it up!
  • Jungsik
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    Jungsik polycounter lvl 6
    sick ass paintover...everything looks more natural now
  • 55joe
    thanks jgcount! i was reffing various heads and arnold was one of them :P
    thank you kot_leopold. the crits were great.
    thank you jungsik~
    after i posted i saw some errors ill be fixing tonight so it is not complete i guess lol.
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