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Worst PR Ever...

Dunno if this has been posted. Couldnt find a thread on it.

Holy cow, this is just insane... Long story short, a rightfully angry customer asked legitimate questions and got insanely rude emails back, which ends in the customer service guy having his life destroyed....


and a little update as well.


Sounds like the guy runs his own business out of his home or something.


  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    I think there is a big difference between being sorry and being sorry you got caught. I have a real problem with bullies. I spent my childhood moving from school to school and I got made fun of everyplace I landed. I feel like Paul is a bully and maybe that’s why I have no sympathy here. Someday every bully meets and even bigger bully and maybe that’s me in this case. It’s the same thing that happened with Jack Thompson. It might not always make the most business sense and it is a policy that has caused us some legal problems, but I really don’t give a shit about that. When these assholes threaten me or Penny Arcade I just laugh. I will personally burn everything I’ve made to the fucking ground if I think I can catch them in the flames.
    Respect. Inbefore whiteknights say it's "too much".
  • System
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    System admin
    Who the fuck would want to whiteknight that tool?
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Tool wrote:
    so put on your big boy hat and wait it out like everyone else.

    I didn't know what people were complaining about until right about there. :thumbup:

    Although the guy looking for the controller isn't exactly coming out of it smelling like roses either.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Jackwhat wrote: »
    Who the fuck would want to whiteknight that tool?

    No one I hope. I wish people hadn't started harassing him and his family though. The nets getting a bit fucking scary.
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14

    Apparently the makers of the controller thing gave him the boot over the fiasco. Even in his response where he tries to explain himself he comes off like an asshole.
    "Not that I don't have respect for anybody, but if someone's badmouthing me or being a little punk or being a jerk, they don't deserve respect,"

    Even after the fact, he proves he isn't professional enough to deal with difficult people. How is it that he has any clients at all?
  • slipsius
    I think what sucks the most is that the manufacturers are now getting screwed, because amazon and other sites are getting flooded with bad reviews because of this douche bag solo PR guy. Its a great little device that helps the industry. Gamers shouldnt knock it so quickly.
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    So it wasn't his product that he ruined?
    “You have the power Mike Please make it stop”

    I wonder what his reaction was once he realized he was in too deep
  • Snowfly
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    Snowfly polycounter lvl 18
    This whole exchange creeps me out a little.
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    Snowfly wrote: »
    This whole exchange creeps me out a little.

    Me too, mainly because every one of the persons involved are acting like assholes.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Whole thing seems bullshit. I'm not really a fan of internet fights between bitchy pr reps and egomaniacal nerds. Nobody should be effected by stuff like this purely because stuff like this is infantile and silly.
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    That's the marketing department for you.
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    This is also an interesting read, all the updates: http://www.examiner.com/video-game-industry-in-national/ocean-marketing-gaming-pr-rep-to-avoid-at-all-cost

    Seem like the whole thing is very iffy, I would really have problems having any business with that guy, if I was any of his clients.
  • Mcejn
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    Mcejn polycounter lvl 12
    His latest "apology" is pretty fucking bad. Easily the worst I've seen. It actually made me care even less about him than after I read the shit on Penny-Arcade.

    The whole situation is just dumb. :\
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Yes! people need to chill, 60 bucks and a little bad customer service is nothing try and ruin somebody's life over, even if that somebody is an asshole.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Dave has just created the latest internet mime.

    "Welcome to the internet, bitch. That’s how I roll."
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    SupRore wrote: »
    Yes! people need to chill, 60 bucks and a little bad customer service is nothing try and ruin somebody's life over, even if that somebody is an asshole.

    With his attitude he was going to hit a brick wall sooner or later, and as proven by his recent "apologies" he still doesn't get it.
    He got a bunch of chances to fix this, and every time he seemed to just make it worse.

    If anything he is digging his own grave, he needs to swallow the humble-pill before his "welcome to the internet, bitch" ironically turns around on him.

    With that said, his real/imaginary family should be left alone.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    I feel you eld, the guy's a total dick and I wouldn't associate with him, and i'm glad that's been made public. I just think the harassment/gigantic mobilization of internet armies is a completely excessive response. It's like shooting a guy because he pushed you. Maybe he's a total dick, and he certainly deserves repercussions, but the escalation is just inappropriate lynch-mob shit in my eyes. Losing his PAX booth and potentially his job would've been more than enough, and gabe could've managed that just by contacting his employers.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Talk about a grownup with a kid's brain.
    "If I had known, I would have treated the situation a little better."

    lol, I believe now he knows that internet does a good damage on one's reputation if one is being a douche and represents a known company.

    When will people learn. If you find an email that is offensive or a post that is offensive, you might as well just leave it be. Do not answer, unless you are forced upon.

    First thing I learned in college. This technique works in your benefit. That is if you choose to walk away from the scene if the situation is unstable. Or Apologize and walk away.

    When you are sending a harsh email or a bad news email, proof read, anything can be used against you on the internet to take your down.

    This is the second incident I've seen of some douche bag who thinks he can pretend to be the boss on the internet, forgetting the other part, that there are some people on the internet who actually are the boss or pretend to be better boss.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Skamberin wrote: »
    Respect. Inbefore whiteknights say it's "too much".
    I think it was extremely unprofessional for Penny Arcade to post this on their website for the general public to pick over. Does that count?
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    SupRore wrote: »
    I just think the harassment/gigantic mobilization of internet armies is a completely excessive response. It's like shooting a guy because he pushed you.

    I've seen this happen a few times before over simple issues and every time I see it it just makes me sad. I start losing faith in humanity when I see how incredibly ignorant these idiots are.

    @eld: I think the customer said that comment, not the seller.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Goraaz wrote: »
    Me too, mainly because every one of the persons involved are acting like assholes.

    Well...not really, one person was acting like an asshole and others were forced to be one.

    There is a difference.
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    Nitewalkr wrote: »
    Well...not really, one person was acting like an asshole and others were forced to be one.

    There is a difference.

    There is a difference if you can't control yourself. You should read the previous comment you wrote about how it's better to walk away. He should have his money back of course.

    Acting like an asshole is still acting like an asshole, "forced upon" or not.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Maybe a better analogy would be beating up some guy to protect another person he started a fight with, and then FOLLOWING HIM HOME and beating the shit out of him again.

    The dude was beaten, he was done, and a single email to his employer couldve destroyed his job -- and then Gabe chose to escalate and open the floodgates to all this childish, abusive bullshit. Gabe won, plain and simple, protecting one of his customers from another business, and that makes sense... And then after his target was well and beaten, he continues to seek to beat him into the ground. And kotaku joined in to whore for page hits.

    It's not some huge evil, i'm not gonna quit reading penny arcade over it, but it's extremely petty and immature and irresponsible. Not big on bullies, even ones who only pick on the bad guys.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Goraaz wrote: »
    There is a difference if you can't control yourself. You should read the previous comment you wrote about how it's better to walk away. He should have his money back of course.

    Acting like an asshole is still acting like an asshole, "forced upon" or not.

    Yes I know what I said. But in this case no one walked away. The customer should've gotten his money back, and small apology email could've solved the issue. But after like 8 emails back and forth, the situation got out of control. And there was money involved.

    When it comes to customer service you dont just expect customers to pay for something and not have it. You definitely are not suppose to bitch on customers especially when they dont receive the product and are upset about it. You definitely dont tell your customers to "grow up and wait like everyone else." I think thats what it means when we say "Customer comes first" when we talk about Customer service in any sort of industry. When you are a customer service rep and being an asshole to your customer who paid for the product and waiting for it or he wants the money back, he can be a bigger asshole to you, and can do whatever to show you your place.

    Thats what happened here.

    I was talking about what I usually do in this situations and there is no money involved so it is easier to walk away from such situations.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Rorschach was SO COOL, nevermind!

    Also, i mean, the shitty customer service was obvious, and the guy was extremely rude, but at NO POINT did he try to rip off his customer. He clearly reiterated their return policy, that the customer could get a full refund within 7 days after receiving his product. Getting all of his money back was not good enough for the customer, and he continued to complain.

    I'm not defending the pr guy's behavior at all, he was totally a dick, but in context nothing was at stake here. No money was going to be lost, and there's no way the customer was inconvenienced to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars by those delays in the way that the distributor almost certainly is.

    Have any of you guys ever worked in customer service environments before? Have you ever dealt with a customer demanding you change a system that's completely stacked to favor them because they're offended and want to feel like they beat you? The PR guy's behavior was uncalled for, and he failed to do his job, and it's understandable to fire him for failing to do just job... but the other dude was a shitty customer, too.
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    if it involve money and it is a legit company, then I believe they wont go anywhere except they have fuel to run to planet Namec. I always keep that in mind whenever my online order from reputable seller even tho they comes very late, I would not happy but at least I know my money wont vanish.

    but I would get upset if I get 4th reply from Paul ( see the message ). simply because I starting to think that im actually losing money dealing with the "elven" company. new order will get 10$ off, yea right .... I will go full missile lock to the customer service just like Mike/Dave did.
  • jeremiah_bigley
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    jeremiah_bigley polycounter lvl 15
    Wow. You know... I think it seemed extremely unprofessional of Penny Arcade in hindsight bias. Gabe had never dealt with a situation like that before, he reacted, and then just as he said in the update... it belonged to the internet. He has no power now.

    Yes getting fired was plenty enough for him, but that might not have happened if it hadn't gone viral.

    I think next time he is involved he probably wouldn't post it to Penny Arcade... because he now realizes the power he has at his finger tips. Lesson learned... lets learn from others mistakes :)
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Except gabe has done shit like this plenty of times! He frequently swings hard with all of penny arcade's political power in fights like this. He boasted about it in today's newspost!
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    ^ aha true ... thats right too, the fifth reply email is a bit unnecessarily long and a bit using foul language.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I knew the mantra "the customer is always right" when I was 14, this guy fails at customer support.

    I personally had to smooth over irate customers plenty of times when something in the supply chain screws up their service - the number one rule is you take responsibility for your supply chain. If there's a screw up in shipping you don't blame the factory, you apologize, even offer a rebate. Keep your customers, you can always change shipping services and vendors.
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 20
    As to Gabe's posting it, that only happened after Mr. King of Bad Judgement started mouthing off at him.
    The personal threats are way too far, but this guy shouldn't work in a public facing environment. Even his "apology" follow on is so out of touch with basic retail customer service as to leave me wondering how he got his current gig anyhow.

    The whole thing could have been solved with one email at the start.
    Here's how to write it:
    "I apologize that you have not received <object of your heart's desire>.
    We are currently experiencing unexpected manufacturing and shipping delays. Our current estimated shipment date is <insert date range here>.

    Thank you for your understanding. Also please use promo code <promo code here> to enjoy 10% off your next order as a token of our thanks for your patience and loyalty.


    -Customer Svc Rep Mr. NotADouche

    See? Easy. Guy woulda been happy to get 10% off his next accessory he's stoked about.

    Instead Mr. Can't-use-google isn't smart enough to figure out that Mike is *that* Mike, even after being told to "feel free and google me".
    He's not only rude. He's dumb. Maybe he'll realize that just having someone's contact info doesn't make them a "connection" if you aren't someone they're willing to do business with.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Gabe(Mike) wasn't involved until he was forwarded the conversation from Dave. All Gabe did was respond he wouldn't let them do Pax East, while this rep seeing the message starts getting in Gabe's face.

    I take the opposite view. Shit like this needs to be exposed. Gabe did the right thing. The people who started a whole investigation of the PR dude is another matter.

    You cannot hold the person giving knowledge to others, as the irresponsible one for those few who that take the knowledge and misuse it. That is on each of those individuals conscience.

    In short, your same principle could be used as to why games need to be monitored because of the few who misuse games for real life violence. Which im sure your against. But you come off a hypocritical with your above angst at Mike sharing poor customer service to inform his audience.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    I knew the mantra "the customer is always right" when I was 14, this guy fails at customer support.

    I personally had to smooth over irate customers plenty of times when something in the supply chain screws up their service - the number one rule is you take responsibility for your supply chain. If there's a screw up in shipping you don't blame the factory, you apologize, even offer a rebate. Keep your customers, you can always change shipping services and vendors.

    And i know that, and my coworkers who fuck that up piss me off to no end, but they should get fired, not lynched.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    it started become hilarious once the PR dude started quoting whom he all knows. It's like in a bad crime movie where the local Don rattles down all his connections. And then he doesn't even know the people behind Pax.

    Totally deserved and far from the polite teflon walls that are put up by professional customer service when they want to get rid of an annoying customer.
  • Minos
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    Minos polycounter lvl 16
    that guy rules, stupid kid crying over a stupid controller got what he deserved :cool:
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    I've lost a bit of respect for penny arcade over this. They have a wealth of success from the internet and here they are abusing that to pick on bullies. It's a really fine line.

    We're all people, we're all fighting our own battles, everyone's a bully to somebody.

    P.S. What the internet is becoming is scary as shit. God forbid we answer a phone on a bad day from someone with an internet following.
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    I knew the mantra "the customer is always right" when I was 14, this guy fails at customer support.

    I've always hated that saying. That's a CEO's mentality, it's neither realistic or reasonable. Most every customer who has called in during my 2 and a half years as customer support who's made an assumption - they were dead wrong. And they are usually happy they're wrong, because by the time we're done I fix the product they think is "worthless".

    The customer is almost never right. It isn't the job of customer service to give the customer whatever they want, it's to provide them with the most clear and honest information they have available, and to do the best they can with what they have. Often times they're in a separate area or separate building from the rest of the company, and "success" for the company does not mean anything but more stress and harder workdays for the service reps - because they will have more products to learn, more customers to help, and an ever-increasing workload - usually without an increase in pay or an expansion of their department, because in the eyes of the business folk when the company is doing good, that means customers are happy - and how could customer support need anything if customers are happy, right?

    That being said Paul was still a douche, and while Dave made a few comments that might've irritated me a bit, he seemed like an all around cool guy who would've gotten my best efforts.
  • Krypteia

    Does no one care about writing a well put together sentence anymore?
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I speak from about 8 years of customer support and sales :-P
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    I speak from about 8 years of customer support and sales :-P

    So customer calls in:

    "I just bought one of your games, it does nothing, I've tried everything, and I'm fed up with it and demand a refund"

    Ten minutes in to discover the customer is able to install the game, but gets an (accurate) error message stating they don't meet the system requirements.

    Customer is right?

    Or how about...customer calls in, demands you let them install the game on every computer at the local library?

    Customer calls in, demands you give them a save game file with all the game's content unlocked?

    Customer calls in, states the game is a worthless piece of crap - simply needs to download the first patch available on the "Support and Help" section of the website?

    ^ All of the above happened within the first hour and a half of my work day this morning.
  • Ahrkey
  • Paznos
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    Paznos triangle
    SupRore wrote: »
    The dude was beaten, he was done, and a single email to his employer couldve destroyed his job -- and then Gabe chose to escalate and open the floodgates to all this childish, abusive bullshit. Gabe won, plain and simple, protecting one of his customers from another business, and that makes sense... And then after his target was well and beaten, he continues to seek to beat him into the ground. And kotaku joined in to whore for page hits.

    Just gotta post and say SupRore... I F$#@ing love you.

    I find the sheer amount of unjustified hatred and anger towards this guy unfathomable. If anyone is a bully or a villian in this it's Mark. He has effectively and conciously F%$#ed this guys life over a petty squabble. If becoming a pariah was as easy as a few dickish words, none of us would be here.

    At the end of the day that PR guy is a person, which some people seem to be forgetting.
  • RyanB
    SupRore wrote: »
    I just think the harassment/gigantic mobilization of internet armies is a completely excessive response. It's like shooting a guy because he pushed you.

    But what if Hitler pushed you? Then what??
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    On the one hand the whole thing is blown out of proportion and taken to a needlessly petty level. But on the other hand this is exactly the kind of behavior which you should be put into a pillory for and have garbage thrown at you. It's disrespectful, stupid, childish, and wholly undermines the concept of customer care; one of the pillars of business.

    Ultimately I don't like tarring and feathering people, but I hate bad service and disrespect with a passion. It harms everyone but the douchebag, and when you experience a taste of it on a larger scale (*cough* eastern european storeowners are assholes *cough*) you have zero sympathy. Dip this guy in tar, roll him in pillows, and run him out of the business. People need to be reminded of what's not OK, and why.

    Also: http://kotaku.com/5871515/theres-already-an-ocean-marketing-comedy-video
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    Nitewalkr wrote: »
    Yes I know what I said. But in this case no one walked away. The customer should've gotten his money back, and small apology email could've solved the issue. But after like 8 emails back and forth, the situation got out of control. And there was money involved.

    When it comes to customer service you dont just expect customers to pay for something and not have it. You definitely are not suppose to bitch on customers especially when they dont receive the product and are upset about it. You definitely dont tell your customers to "grow up and wait like everyone else." I think thats what it means when we say "Customer comes first" when we talk about Customer service in any sort of industry. When you are a customer service rep and being an asshole to your customer who paid for the product and waiting for it or he wants the money back, he can be a bigger asshole to you, and can do whatever to show you your place.

    Thats what happened here.

    I was talking about what I usually do in this situations and there is no money involved so it is easier to walk away from such situations.

    The seller told the customer that he could either have his money back(and walk away) or wait like everyone else. He was doing in a very rude manner but the customer could simply had asked for his money back and/or threatened to report it in a more polite manner. I'm saying this because acting like a douche can backfire very easily, I know this from experience, and even if it doesn't it's not a good thing to do.

    I don't believe in the whole "customer comes first" reasoning. If the customer is acting like an immature child you have the right to choose NOT to sell to him, it's as easy as that. Being rude to the customer is very short-sighted and bad for your business, but that's all it should be. In this case the customer happened to have an army of internet bullies behind him which isn't always the case. If somebody would tell me something like "Welcome to the internet, bitch" I would block the hell out of him and never serve him again. Nobody has the right to be an asshole.
  • ikken
    I can't believe this whole story is not fabricated by some viral marketing genius, inb4 they post teasers and announce it's a PR company for the some new nerds vs bullies comedy.

    people irl can't get that stupid.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Goraaz wrote: »
    . In this case the customer happened to have an army of internet bullies behind him which isn't always the case. If somebody would tell me something like "Welcome to the internet, bitch" I would block the hell out of him and never serve him again. Nobody has the right to be an asshole.

    You musta have missed my post as well as not really read the thread correctly. The customer DID NOT have the bullies. He forwarded his exchange to Mike and a few other Gaming Sites. Mike responded to the guy because....

    "The Pax East comment gets my attention and I decide to engage. I tend to have a calming effect on these sorts of arguments.

    -Gabe "

    Mike (Gabe) only decided to post it all after the guy started talking ignorant smack to him as well. Mike, was not an asshole.

    Now, if you read it correctly, you will see Goraaz, your judgements are incorrect.
  • vcortis
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    vcortis polycounter lvl 9
    I'm actually glad all of this was blown widely out of proportion. He will be used as a case study from here on out on "how PR can destroy your company and product in less than 24 hours".

    Lets face it, a lot of people are ignoranat to the way the internet works and think they can spout off nonsense, be as rude as they want and think it will have no reprocussions in real-life. It serves as a reminder to the rest of us that there is no such thing as internet anonymity, you're responsible for your actions at ALL times and if you act like an asshole you better be god damn ready to face the consequences (which by the way in this day and age in technology are pretty severe). This is especially true when you're an asshole to someone who actually HAS a lot of connections and can pull some strings.

    There is a valuable lesson being exposed to the world right now, especially when you look deeper and see the company posting false reviews on amazon about competitors products and artificially inflating their own products ratings.

    I'm honestly surprised so many people are upset with penny arcade over this. It really isn't in any way shape or form immature or petty to expose this type of thing. The responsibility again falls onto people to do what's right and use personal judgement, that's something Penny Arcade has no control over.

    There is no difference from this or any other investigative reporting that has been going on for years bringing different issues to light. Social justice will happen one way or another and there isn't much anyone can do to stop it other than not being an asshole.

    Fortunately this works both ways, do you something good for someone and you'll get praise. I fail to see how this is a problem.

    INB4 someone says "you've never had a bad day", yes I have, but I never take it out on random strangers who I have no idea who they are, that's why you have friends/family/spouse to complain to.
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    oXYnary wrote: »
    You musta have missed my post as well as not really read the thread correctly. The customer DID NOT have the bullies. He forwarded his exchange to Mike and a few other Gaming Sites. Mike responded to the guy because....

    "The Pax East comment gets my attention and I decide to engage. I tend to have a calming effect on these sorts of arguments.

    -Gabe "

    Mike (Gabe) only decided to post it all after the guy started talking ignorant smack to him as well. Mike, was not an asshole.

    Now, if you read it correctly, you will see Goraaz, your judgements are incorrect.

    Haha, "incorrect". I perceived what I read, all three of them acted like jerks in this whole incident. It's easy to take sides and ignore one side's actions completely but that's not how it should be. Things like this should be viewed from a more objective point of view, my judgement is based on that.

    By sending the mails to larger internet sites which are filled with internet bullies he did have them back him up indirectly.
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    I disagree Goraaz. Remember that one guy paid to be abused, and the other was paid to abuse him, in principle with his money. This isn't a position of two douchebags going off on each other, this is a customer interaction. Even if the customer is acting like an asshole, you are making money, and he is giving money for proper treatment. Here, PR Bro is absolutely in the wrong, is absolutely the most disrespectful of the two, and when you add in his job position it's inexcusable.

    And just because he got exposed it's oh so sad for him? After he kept acting worse and worse and worse to two different people for no particular reason other than to feel good about himself? What should happen? We should let a baboon like this sit in a chair and pretend to be a businessman? Let the internet crucify him and hopefully the next guy like him will think twice.
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