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[Unpaid - Experience] Tiberium Crystal War need some artists

'Tiberium Crystal War' is an FPS multiplayer shooter that is being developed on UDK and is slated to begin production in January of 2012.
Our team is currently hiring various artist to develop our first indie game title based on the Tiberium C&C series.

Positions w/Available spots
2 - Flash Designers - Experience in Scaleform and flash to create GUI's for the game
2 - Concept Artists - Concept Environments,Weapons,vehicles, and various other elements
4 - 2D Artists - Create textures for environments,vehicles,props,characters
2 - 3D Artists - Create high poly/ Low poly models of characters,vehicles,weapons for use in UDK.
2 - Animators - Create custom animations for characters, vehicles, and structures and as needed
4 - Environment Artists - UDK Experienced, Kismet Experienced.
2 - Character/Vehicle 'Rigger' - Knowledge on implementation of 3D assets into UDK engine.

Some assets from the team.

FAQ - any other questions please don't hesitate to ask.

How are you managing your team?
Team management/communications are mainly on Forums,Indie Page, and IRC network. Chats and meets are held daily. Developers also have access to FTP servers, and we have a multitude of dedicated box servers to host anything we desire.

Do you have NDA's and Royalty Share agreements?
At this time no, we are a group of modders looking to create a indie game, perhaps in the future might hold some revenue generation on other projects.

How many members do you currently have and what do they do?
At the moment we have 11 members in the team, most of the current team is currently on another engine. Mauler has begun primary modelling, concepts, design documents..etc, and has over 6 new artists beginning assignments for UDK project.

How long of a development is this project expected to last?
We are working at fast as we can to implement our game in UDK, we have no estimated period of development available.

How much work has been done so far?
We have just begun creation of primary assets, and we are working hard to get a majority of the project assets in place.

You guys have two projects in development. Why?
We are all members of the same team but some members have chosen to develop on a newer engine to bring a whole new experience than the previous version we had worked on. Both games carry the same name but are not going to be the same product in the end, although we are looking at adding some game modes we had developed previously for use in UDK.

**Experience in UDK preferred, Please be ready to provide portfolio/samples of work.

Project Manager @ Mauler@Multiplayerforums.com

IndieDB Site - http://www.indiedb.com/games/tcw-udk
Official Forums - http://www.multiplayerforums.com/forums/


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