Heya Polycounters
I've embarked on a quest to finish a dreadnought for my 3D course. It is supposed to be a show of my skills I've learned this semester. It will be normal mapped and have a diffuse, specular and gloss map. I will particularily pay attention to the texture, as that has been the major letdown of my latest models. (cfr. my boltgun thread)
My goal is to use lot's of shared UV space for things like cables, toes, pistons and other odds and ends, perhaps even some decorations if I find the time.
What is done already:
- base of the body
- base of the close-combat arm
What will be done next:
- Unwrap of the body
- Highpoly of the body
- normalbake
here's a image of my current work in progress, before I tore it apart for unwrapping.
Comments, criticism, advice, thoughts and questions will be greatly appreciated.
mr gelmir
It is also available as a miniature for a board game called 'warhammer 40k'. I own one of these miniatures and also use it as reference.
either way, i'm a sucker for 40k, so will be watching ;-)
OH c`mon!! :P
What I have done up untill now is baking the dread and adding some minor details in the normalmap. Here's the lowpoly body as it stands.
and here one without the wires to show you the normalmap
This is only the nomalmap and a rudimentary ao (will do a better one once I start on the texture)
Currently I'm working on the close-combat arm. no image of that atm, because it is exploded for unwrapping and baking purposes.
all comments and or criticism are/is welcome
So you are doing lowpoly? Never saw the high.
It might seem I'm abit all over the place because I'm treating the arms as a seperate project xD
You never saw the highpoly, because it wasn't that great and only used for baking ofcourse. I only used it for general shape and plan to do some extra work in photoshop.
thanks for your thoughts!
This is what I've come up with in one evening of relaxed work:
Only looking at the body ATM, the legs are only a diffuse. Looking at it now, I will probably darken the metal on the body some more and make the overlay on the paint a bit more subtle or add larger chunks of color variation. What are your thoughts, polycounters? Especially on wear and tear and the scratched paint.
thanks for reading this!
Thanks for that.
Well, looks pretty good for not being a doughnought.
The reason why mr gelmir and also myself tried this approach is that when you make your model, for game purpose, you don't know if you'll have to model everything in high poly. For example, why spend precious time on modeling a small part in high poly, if you are not sure the player will really see/have a good eye on it.
It is an approach several people recommended, and I'm not sure if it is the best, but it is an interesting topic. Why would you prefer to make the high poly first and then make the low poly out of it? If def not criticizing you guys because you prob have way more experience then me, but I want to hear the do and donts abouts this way of working.
Something to remember is most people who see this work will be from industry or be aspiring game artists who will notice the little things.
anyways, I'm still workign on the texture, and showing you guys the arms in all their untextured glory. I know it's a bit light in some places, still working on the reflection via a cubemap.
Feedback is welcome!
and because I'm going to sleep now, I'm too lazy to post my pics properly, so here's a photodump xD goodnight, and thanks for all the feedback you gave me! pics taken using either the xoliulshader or UDK (in a level I made for another exam xD)
oh, comments are still welcome =D
I was drunk at the time of writing so all appolagies for spellings / offense.