One of my goals for 2011 was to run my first marathon. But unfortunately, I had a injury on my Achilles tendon, and was forced to stop running. Now I'm resting, and waiting the recovering of the tendon. So, one of my goals for next year is to put an end on this injury and come back to the 10k races.
Merry Christmas! Sounds like a serious injury. I wish you the fastest recovery possible. Good thing you didn't take an arrow to the knee. Soooo... I need to get my things into order and finish a portfolio. I'll work harder on my 3d stuff so I can get some freelance jobs. Those are my main objectives.
1. Start actually making (and finishing) some games and hopefully reach a point of being able to sell them for money by the end of the year. I've still got a long way to go... I think the first part is doable but the money part will be very difficult.
2. Take more time off to enjoy life, which includes spending more time with my wife and playing more games
I'm a little worried that 1 and 2 will fight against each other as they always have.
Good luck to everyone with your goals for the new year
I lost 26 lbs this year, gonna go for another 30 then Im good.
Gonna be more patient.
Gonna listen before I talk.
Gonna make at least 6 personal pieces of art.
Gonna work on My teaching and mentoring skills.
1.Moving back to the States from Korea, and getting a game job anywhere.
2. Master Mudbox.
Kwramm do you live in Korea haha? Because I almost get hit everday by people driving on the sidewalk.
1: Get strong/fit enough to keep a 6ish minute mile sustained running pace (am at 10-12 now), and or finish a 5k in 18-21 minutes.
2: Get onto a low-carb to ketogenic diet to better facilitated body fat loss while maintaining muscle for goal 1. (as the bouncy belly makes the ribs hurt around mile 2.5 of the runs these days)
3: Get a gig either in the games industry or web industry.. or web game industry.
I'm planning on going to the gym next year, I've never been real skinny but since I started school again I've been gaining some weight and its bothering me and my self esteem
1. Get out of the house a little bit more often.
2. Continue going to a local gym to build up more muscle.
3. Not get a powerful laptop/PC capable of handling the newest games!
4. ... and have a better schedule.
Good luck to everybody else with your goals in this upcoming year!
- get the insurance fo the studio finally signed
- not gonna pay upfront no matter how good i think i know the artist
- work more on airborn (or own ips in general) for christs sake
- getting more work from overseas or at least outside of germany
- do a couple of vacations as this year
- lose the weight i gained this year
- stop wasting time on 9gag
hmmmm tricky, I guess that other than the obvious art and fitness based ones I would like to be a more considered person in all aspects of my life, and to understand the views and feelings of others better.
Find work, and fast. (related / non-related to 3d)
Create a personal website and put my stuff on it.
Continue learning to program games.
Start organizing stuff on my computer and start one project at a time.
Find Life and learn to Socialize.
1. stop being such a dick
2. keep spending all time doing 3d/being at the gym
3. eat more chicken
4. try to keep up my current pace without heartattack
1. Find some kind of a job and buy a new computer
2. Graduate(taking 3 courses now, another 3 will be left for spring 2012)
3. Fill the rest of time with art, sports and social stuff
4. Keep the current mood
Not really a New Year's Resolution, but I've decided to quit smoking. I turned 30 yesterday, and I've always told myself that I will not be a smoker in my 30's. Sooooo... after 10+ years of being a smoker and a few weeks of psyching myself up, I'm a day into not smoking. I hate it and I want to kill everyone, but it is what it is.
Quitting smoking while visiting back home was a baaaaaaad idea, too. NOWDON'TTALKTOME!
1. Put on weight. Being in the top band of metabolisms is a bitch.
2. Turn weight to muscle. Just getting back in shape slowly.
3. Reclaim my 100meter sprint record of 13.2seconds
4. Complete all objectives i laid out in my digi sketchbook.
5. Read all my artbooks back to back again.
1. Do more actual drawing with real pencils.
2. Complete enough personal artwork to warrant publishing a book.
3. Learn about layout for said book.
4. Get at least one sculpt 3d printed.
5. Learn to make my own pasta.
Not really a New Year's Resolution, but I've decided to quit smoking. I turned 30 yesterday, and I've always told myself that I will not be a smoker in my 30's. Sooooo... after 10+ years of being a smoker and a few weeks of psyching myself up, I'm a day into not smoking. I hate it and I want to kill everyone, but it is what it is.
Quitting smoking while visiting back home was a baaaaaaad idea, too. NOWDON'TTALKTOME!
Good luck man, sounds like a difficult way to jump into the new year, but props to you for it. Gotta look after your health. :thumbup: (Also happy belated birthday!)
My new year's resolution isn't really a new year's resolution I guess, but I do intend to actually get a website/portfolio up and running this year. I've spent a long time "experimenting" and learning things here and there, it's time I sat down and had stuff to show for it. ...will have to learn some basic web design skills...
Not really a New Year's Resolution, but I've decided to quit smoking. I turned 30 yesterday, and I've always told myself that I will not be a smoker in my 30's. Sooooo... after 10+ years of being a smoker and a few weeks of psyching myself up, I'm a day into not smoking. I hate it and I want to kill everyone, but it is what it is.
Quitting smoking while visiting back home was a baaaaaaad idea, too. NOWDON'TTALKTOME!
Start running. Or at least walking. Aerobic exercises will help with your breath and your compromise with the goal. they reduce anxiety too. I know some people that replaced successfuly alcohol and smoking with sports.
Not talking about fully automatc solutins. trying to get the dough (? right word?) super thin by hand is just a waste of time all the rolling and clapping over etc. i mean sure you could plant your own wheat etc but seriously this is a bit to much imho.
Release indie game,
Write, illustrate and (hopefully) publish an illustrated children's book,
Run half marathon (great north run),
get out of "dead end" games job, make a living doing my own stuff.
I'm a day into not smoking. I hate it and I want to kill everyone, but it is what it is.
Good on you. My mum's decided to quit too, she's about two weeks in now. Still having a hankering for the deathsticks, and not feeling too awesome, but she's (and we are) already noticing that she's coughing less, and she's no longer out of breath after walking to the top floor.
So yeah, it sucks for a bit, but it'll do you good in the long run. Keep at it!
Good on you. My mum's decided to quit too, she's about two weeks in now. Still having a hankering for the deathsticks, and not feeling too awesome, but she's (and we are) already noticing that she's coughing less, and she's no longer out of breath after walking to the top floor.
So yeah, it sucks for a bit, but it'll do you good in the long run. Keep at it!
Yeah... I've never gotten to that point, which is sort of the point of quitting before it affects me that much. I've attempted to quit in the past. I've always used quit-smoking aids. This time around, straight up cold turkey. That being said, I still hate everything, and everyone can die a horribly firey death.
1. Get back in the habit of sketching
2. create a few (at least) personal 3d pieces
3. create a few (at least) personal illustration pieces
4. Lose weight (again )
5. Be a good Dad (again! )
1. Spend more time with my GF.
2. Do not become a Dad(at least not this year).
3. Make and post some environment art that KevinJohnstone, Moose, Orb, Snefer, ParoXum, HP or Adam think is cool.
4. Make a gun and have racer455 tell me that I don't know what I'm doing.
5. Get to see some new art work by Koufuyo
6. Get a portfolio together by GDC.
7. Learn to be less critical of myself.
2. my contract expires in May, if I don't get picked up full time I'm going to take time off to work on a new portfolio and give freelancing a go.
2. make art
2. Take more time off to enjoy life, which includes spending more time with my wife and playing more games
I'm a little worried that 1 and 2 will fight against each other as they always have.
Good luck to everyone with your goals for the new year
2. Read more books (like actual ones with stories not only art books).
Me too, just moved from Kansas City to Ohio for a non-cg job
Gonna be more patient.
Gonna listen before I talk.
Gonna make at least 6 personal pieces of art.
Gonna work on My teaching and mentoring skills.
2. Master Mudbox.
Kwramm do you live in Korea haha? Because I almost get hit everday by people driving on the sidewalk.
2: Get onto a low-carb to ketogenic diet to better facilitated body fat loss while maintaining muscle for goal 1. (as the bouncy belly makes the ribs hurt around mile 2.5 of the runs these days)
3: Get a gig either in the games industry or web industry.. or web game industry.
4: Restart and finish the 100 pushups program or and otherwise get stronger.
2. Get and industry job
3. Get a first at Uni
4. Loose a little more weight
Good,luck everyone
I feel your pain. I'm in China though.
2. Continue going to a local gym to build up more muscle.
3. Not get a powerful laptop/PC capable of handling the newest games!
4. ... and have a better schedule.
Good luck to everybody else with your goals in this upcoming year!
- get the insurance fo the studio finally signed
- not gonna pay upfront no matter how good i think i know the artist
- work more on airborn (or own ips in general) for christs sake
- getting more work from overseas or at least outside of germany
- do a couple of vacations as this year
- lose the weight i gained this year
- stop wasting time on 9gag
Oh yeah, it's the best thing you can do. Although I can't run, I continue going to gym everyday. Health is the more precious thing in life.
Create a personal website and put my stuff on it.
Continue learning to program games.
Start organizing stuff on my computer and start one project at a time.
Find Life and learn to Socialize.
and I hope everyone else has a wonderful year, as well.
• use more smileys
• ヽ(○´∀`○)ノ
2.Make more art (3D and 2D)
3.Lose the belly fat
4.Start a portfolio
2. keep spending all time doing 3d/being at the gym
3. eat more chicken
4. try to keep up my current pace without heartattack
Hmm. More or less the same list every year! : D
2. put my nose to the grindstone with 3d/2d art
3. post on pimping and previews
4. get a portfolio going
2. Graduate(taking 3 courses now, another 3 will be left for spring 2012)
3. Fill the rest of time with art, sports and social stuff
4. Keep the current mood
Quitting smoking while visiting back home was a baaaaaaad idea, too. NOWDON'TTALKTOME!
Revamp Portfolio.
Workout more.
Have enough money to visit loved ones.
2. Turn weight to muscle. Just getting back in shape slowly.
3. Reclaim my 100meter sprint record of 13.2seconds
4. Complete all objectives i laid out in my digi sketchbook.
5. Read all my artbooks back to back again.
1. Do more actual drawing with real pencils.
2. Complete enough personal artwork to warrant publishing a book.
3. Learn about layout for said book.
4. Get at least one sculpt 3d printed.
5. Learn to make my own pasta.
Post more stuff here.
Spend more time outdoors. Do something sexy!
Become friendlier to people in general.
4: show us! definitely interested in quality and prizes of several 3d printing companies
5: if you need help, call - it's pretty simple and straight forward when you have a pasta machine ^^
2. Get a job in the game industry
3. Lose weight
4. Better balance work and fun.
Good luck man, sounds like a difficult way to jump into the new year, but props to you for it. Gotta look after your health. :thumbup: (Also happy belated birthday!)
My new year's resolution isn't really a new year's resolution I guess, but I do intend to actually get a website/portfolio up and running this year. I've spent a long time "experimenting" and learning things here and there, it's time I sat down and had stuff to show for it. ...will have to learn some basic web design skills...
Bah.. but this make the process dull. Pasta needs love, like everything else.
Start running. Or at least walking. Aerobic exercises will help with your breath and your compromise with the goal. they reduce anxiety too. I know some people that replaced successfuly alcohol and smoking with sports.
Less gaming/internet/wasting time.
More Art
Release indie game,
Write, illustrate and (hopefully) publish an illustrated children's book,
Run half marathon (great north run),
get out of "dead end" games job, make a living doing my own stuff.
Less gaming/reddit/imgur
More art posted on polycount
Learn more shader/tech stuff
Finish random tech tools/ideas to put on website
Make a website
Lose weight
Good on you. My mum's decided to quit too, she's about two weeks in now. Still having a hankering for the deathsticks, and not feeling too awesome, but she's (and we are) already noticing that she's coughing less, and she's no longer out of breath after walking to the top floor.
So yeah, it sucks for a bit, but it'll do you good in the long run. Keep at it!
Yeah... I've never gotten to that point, which is sort of the point of quitting before it affects me that much. I've attempted to quit in the past. I've always used quit-smoking aids. This time around, straight up cold turkey. That being said, I still hate everything, and everyone can die a horribly firey death.
2. create a few (at least) personal 3d pieces
3. create a few (at least) personal illustration pieces
4. Lose weight (again
5. Be a good Dad (again!
2. Do not become a Dad(at least not this year).
3. Make and post some environment art that KevinJohnstone, Moose, Orb, Snefer, ParoXum, HP or Adam think is cool.
4. Make a gun and have racer455 tell me that I don't know what I'm doing.
5. Get to see some new art work by Koufuyo
6. Get a portfolio together by GDC.
7. Learn to be less critical of myself.