WOW this is some of the most mind blowing arts I have seen in quite a while. ALL of this belongs in my inspiration folder. Thanks for being such a rad artist :thumbup:
@duncan,appreciated ! Very happy to hear my art inspires other peopl, definitely makes me want to sculpt and paint more. Cheers mate !
Alismuffin, thank you buddy !
Here is something new:
Youve might remember few different shots of him from my character design lecture (a link to the video can be found on my blog here I posted a while ago. The employer was kind enough to let me use the character as an example for the lecture slides.
Would love to hear your crits and comments ! Do you think something on him is missing out, a prop maybe that I could add to the design ?
@OXGears, glad you find it useful. I like to share bits and pieces of useful info from time to time (got so many stacked postnotes with ideas for small tutorials and things I want to share with the community...not groundbreaking, just ordinary practices, but probably useful to some people...Anyway, hope I can get some free time to write few) )
@KennyTies , Thanks Kenny ! Glad you like my skechbook. As for the lecture, it is 45 minutes rumbling about just general foundation stuff regarding character and creature design...and unfortunately it is in Bulgarian, although the slides are in English. Sorry, there is not much about technical aspects, and no info about toon shaders at all.
Isnt he a cutie pie ?
Playing around with zbrush and quick photoshop overpaints. Probably if I have gone a bit further, texturing the creature with few subtle photo textures, it would have come out better, but anyway next time !
Started from a dynamesh sphere I quickly added its extremities with the curve tube brush and from there it was regular pulling and pushing, adding bits of clay here and there in searching of the design. Then followed a quick polypaint (actually super quick, my girlfriend said it is terrible ) and posing. Rendered it with default settings and few BPR filters and finally overpainted the whole thing in PS:)
Hey guys, long time since my last post. I was busy with various stuff, one of which was launching an online teaching platform for digital art and organizing some zbrush courses.Fun things !
Here is a sci-fi pistol done entirely in zbrush from concept to final 3d model and presentation. I've recorded the whole process, so there will be an upcoming tutorial series about this Stay tuned !
As for your online school, I almost thought it was in Russian haha. Didn't know how close Bulgarian was to Russian - I could understand almost 50% of everything that was written!
Just wanted to stop by and say great thread. Love your art and concepts, you seem to have a good grasp on both form and design. Your creature designs are excellent. They look like they might have been from Anthony Jones' class.
Hey man, thank you so much, glad you like them ! Yeah, I've took Anthony's schoolism class and some of the studies and designs in this sketchbook, as well as the cobra-lion creature are created during that time. Great class by the way, recommend it to anyone who is interested in character/creature concept art!
Hey guys, I've released a free video tutorial on hard surface modeling in zbrush.
You can check it here: VIDEO: Hard surface in Zbrush
I'll try my best to add english subtitles soon, but the video is self-explanatory enough... at least I think it is Let me know how do you find it?
Hey everybody, if you had stumbled my sketchbook in the past you've probably saw this character that I did a while ago. He is now the talisman of my new online educational platform !
The first cg course I'm teaching there is all about the essence of zbrush, 8 weeks training covering the most important aspects of this incredible program - mostly the focus is on sculpting and more than half of the course is dedicated to this, from basics to hard surfaces to organic sculpting practices. Of course texturing, materials, lights and rendering are covered too.
Hey guys, I did few free tutorials a while ago about Zbrush and decided to release my first paid one on gumroad.This time with English voice over! Although the theme is overexposed and there are hundreds of creature related tuts out there, I hope the way I approached mine is a bit different and helpful.
In this tutorial I wanted to show my preferred way of sculpting organic models using dynamesh as well to share with you some basic design principles that help to add variety and contrast. The tutorial is done in a similar fashion like my free sci-fi gun series on youtube - meaning it is packed with info, overlaid examples and demonstrations.
For full description and what you will get check here:
I'll be happy to answer any of your questions and would love to hear your comments!
Cgzen on gumroad: link
Cgzen on youtube (free tutorials): link
Cgzen on facebook (ask questions): link
"I'll caaatch yoouu" said the turtle to the butterfly.
Sketching a turtle character and having fun! Started this from an old silhouette that I drew while doing a thumbnailing demo for my students, but I guess I liked this fellow and decided to work some more on him.
In this project page I'll post progress on the character along with some notes, so keep coming back to see where it goes.
Found some time to try few color schemes and patterns. I liked the two variants on the right the most. However at the end I decided to combine them into one and probably I'll go with this for the next steps.
In the meanwhile I started thinking for a little story behind this fellow with a shell which is the reason I wanted him more colorful. Will share more about the story the next time I had some free time to work on him. Next step - rendering!
Costume design sketch for project Yggdrasil (personal project I did collaborating with some fellow artists). I was going for retro sci-fi feel with a bit of soviet flavor.
Miroslav Petrov did a ton of creatures for the project, Sabin Boykinov explored some awesome environments and Sergey Punchev handled the UI designs. Was fun time collaborating with these guys.
Photoshop time for some gummy pig tests, because gummy bears although delicious are outdated (of course not, just kidding) ;)The design is over but now I'm searching for someone to mass produce gummy pigs for real so I can eat lots of them.
Pirate (too pleasant for a pirate...maybe a rocker) sketch I did as a live demo for a recent art event called Live Painting Sessions. Maybe he needs an eye patch and some skull and bones tattoo to push the pirate idea further...arrrrr.
In this tutorial I'll show you how to create a 3D prototype of a stylized character in Zbrush and then how to create several variations with which you can improve it and give it an even more unique look.
Covered Topics: *Creating a quick and efficient 3D prototype in Zbrush. *Interpreting 2d design as 3d. *Achieving balance, good rhythm and conveying weight. *How to stylize using caricature and abstraction. *Foundation design theory and tools like “signal vs noise”. *Creating variations in Photoshop by overpainting. Hope you find it useful!
I'll work harder >D
@duncan,appreciated ! Very happy to hear my art inspires other peopl, definitely makes me want to sculpt and paint more. Cheers mate !
Alismuffin, thank you buddy !
Here is something new:
Youve might remember few different shots of him from my character design lecture (a link to the video can be found on my blog here I posted a while ago. The employer was kind enough to let me use the character as an example for the lecture slides.
Would love to hear your crits and comments ! Do you think something on him is missing out, a prop maybe that I could add to the design ?
@KennyTies , Thanks Kenny ! Glad you like my skechbook. As for the lecture, it is 45 minutes rumbling about just general foundation stuff regarding character and creature design...and unfortunately it is in Bulgarian, although the slides are in English. Sorry, there is not much about technical aspects, and no info about toon shaders at all.
Playing around with zbrush and quick photoshop overpaints. Probably if I have gone a bit further, texturing the creature with few subtle photo textures, it would have come out better, but anyway next time !
Started from a dynamesh sphere I quickly added its extremities with the curve tube brush and from there it was regular pulling and pushing, adding bits of clay here and there in searching of the design. Then followed a quick polypaint (actually super quick, my girlfriend said it is terrible ) and posing. Rendered it with default settings and few BPR filters and finally overpainted the whole thing in PS:)
I had great time designing this fellow. It is for an upcoming game I currently working on.
The lowpoly model right before jumping in to the land of texturing fun (just a quick AO thrown on top for this shot) :
Few variations of the Archer character before choosing the final direction.
Base created in Zbrush and all the rest is good old liquify filter used in search of different proportions and finally overpainted on top.
Comments are welcomed as always !
Here is a sci-fi pistol done entirely in zbrush from concept to final 3d model and presentation. I've recorded the whole process, so there will be an upcoming tutorial series about this
Hope you like it.
As for your online school, I almost thought it was in Russian haha. Didn't know how close Bulgarian was to Russian - I could understand almost 50% of everything that was written!
Hahaha, yeah there is so much in common between Bulgarian and Russian !
Cheers mate !
You can check it here: VIDEO: Hard surface in Zbrush
I'll try my best to add english subtitles soon, but the video is self-explanatory enough... at least I think it is
The first cg course I'm teaching there is all about the essence of zbrush, 8 weeks training covering the most important aspects of this incredible program - mostly the focus is on sculpting and more than half of the course is dedicated to this, from basics to hard surfaces to organic sculpting practices. Of course texturing, materials, lights and rendering are covered too.
Finally part 2 of the free tutorial series for modeling and design of a sci-fi gun in Zbrush is out!
Here I'll show you my process for concept design in Zbrush. Hope you like it!
Hey guys, I did few free tutorials a while ago about Zbrush and decided to release my first paid one on gumroad.This time with English voice over! Although the theme is overexposed and there are hundreds of creature related tuts out there, I hope the way I approached mine is a bit different and helpful.
In this tutorial I wanted to show my preferred way of sculpting organic models using dynamesh as well to share with you some basic design principles that help to add variety and contrast. The tutorial is done in a similar fashion like my free sci-fi gun series on youtube - meaning it is packed with info, overlaid examples and demonstrations.
For full description and what you will get check here:
I'll be happy to answer any of your questions and would love to hear your comments!
Cgzen on gumroad: link
Cgzen on youtube (free tutorials): link
Cgzen on facebook (ask questions): link
Thank you Simon! Yes, he is grumpy, have a bit of Sylvester Stallone look
Just added PayPal as a payment option.:)
Use PayPal.
Sketching a turtle character and having fun! Started this from an old silhouette that I drew while doing a thumbnailing demo for my students, but I guess I liked this fellow and decided to work some more on him.
In this project page I'll post progress on the character along with some notes, so keep coming back to see where it goes.
Found some time to try few color schemes and patterns. I liked the two variants on the right the most. However at the end I decided to combine them into one and probably I'll go with this for the next steps.
In the meanwhile I started thinking for a little story behind this fellow with a shell which is the reason I wanted him more colorful. Will share more about the story the next time I had some free time to work on him. Next step - rendering!
Sketched few heads as a live demo for my students. Just some simple generic alien heads, but they are always fun to do.
Costume design sketch for project Yggdrasil (personal project I did collaborating with some fellow artists). I was going for retro sci-fi feel with a bit of soviet flavor.
Miroslav Petrov did a ton of creatures for the project, Sabin Boykinov explored some awesome environments and Sergey Punchev handled the UI designs. Was fun time collaborating with these guys.
I did some other takes on the suit that you can check out in my instagram page:
Photoshop time for some gummy pig tests, because gummy bears although delicious are outdated (of course not, just kidding) ;)The design is over but now I'm searching for someone to mass produce gummy pigs for real so I can eat lots of them.
I started working on a new male basemesh. Here is the first pass of anatomy and generic head.
Still a lot of room for improvement.
Pirate (too pleasant for a pirate...maybe a rocker) sketch I did as a live demo for a recent art event called Live Painting Sessions.
Maybe he needs an eye patch and some skull and bones tattoo to push the pirate idea further...arrrrr.
Hi! I published new gumroad tutorial for stylized character design in Zbrush and Photoshop.
In this tutorial I'll show you how to create a 3D prototype of a stylized character in Zbrush and then how to create several variations with which you can improve it and give it an even more unique look.
Covered Topics:
*Creating a quick and efficient 3D prototype in Zbrush.
*Interpreting 2d design as 3d.
*Achieving balance, good rhythm and conveying weight.
*How to stylize using caricature and abstraction.
*Foundation design theory and tools like “signal vs noise”.
*Creating variations in Photoshop by overpainting.
Hope you find it useful!