Tired of being an ordinary and maybe poor character artist, this time I decided to push my skills to the limits to produce some good piece of art for my portfolio, to focus more on my mistakes and to learn a lot from who would like to help me with critique. This community is great and this is the first WIP I'm posting on these boards. Hope to get some great support from you guys!
The concept is quite simple, nothing strange. I've found these artworks on MassiveBlack website... These come from inFamous concept art, I've decided to remake Cole in this fashion.

I'm gonna post some first 3d stuff very soon.
Keep it up
I modeled the body starting from a refined basemesh I had from a previous project, the clothes are all from quad basemeshes quickly done in maya. I didn't use zspheres for this guy yet.
Yeah, you're absolutely right, I have already encountered this kind of problems with this character. Some things that rock in the original concept are really hard to transpose in 3d... I gathered some more references and I'm currently trying to fix some bad shapes I had expecially on the upper part of the clothing (hoodie and jacket)... keep updated, I'll post some progresses as soon as I can
the wrinkles around the straps on the leg, wouldnt they conform to the straps? maybe more influence of those straps on those wrinkles. just a thought.
look forward to more!
really nice so far, watching how this turns out
and I'm just thinking about which backpack he will be carrying on...
*cough cough livestream.com coughhhh*
Can't wait for updates, and yeah if you're able to : stream
also i think you got some fold overkill at his arms. maby cut some there.
in the concept it looks like he has a rather tight leatherjacket wich should have way fever folds.
gj so far, feep it up
oh and WOW. really killer execution on this guy so far. I tend to agree with Goeddy on the sleeve's, though you've changed the cut of the jacket already with the cuffs leather shouldn't really fold up that much unless his arms are bent, and even then the folds you have feel a bit too large (inflated?). I think something like this might feel more natural.
you also might want to have another look at the the gravity of the crotch folds. it looks like they move up a little before starting to hang down, which wouldn't happen unless he was in a sitting position, your earlier version worked better here.
I'd probably go with something more like this
I also like the way it behaves to lighting... I've done a quick test in maya with the decimated mesh...Please tell me what you think about this.
I can't wait to see the final result.
The newest jacked is very nice indeed. I think the end of the sleeves where it goes into the tight band is maybe missing some compression wrinkles/sense of gravity that would make it look more natural. It could also be that the lining of the cuff where it connects to the sleeve doesn't have any bunching/pulling from the cloth being forced to conform to a cylinder.
Do you have any particular reference you're going from for the material feel?
I love the anatomy, very nice shapes that flow into each other and give a great overall style to the character. Can't wait to see more!
are you gonna put that in later?
Great work
I've been dreaming of animating some parkour shit with a character that looks like Cole!
looking great! good luck!
But at this point it seems to me that you have to ask yourself:
"what are the middle scale details here?"
I see the body as big details and then there's quite a bunch of noise, that might end up overpowering the middle scale details, if you are to add any. Just a little something to keep in mind.
Main thing is making some elbow joint specific folds that will help in the low poly and the trousers are too busy where the thighs would be. Generally theres very few folds there as they fill out the trousers, also the concept art has them a pretty tight cut which would pull in the ankle/shin area for tighter folds. he needs man bits too haha
heres a good website on types of folds that really helped me get to grips with cloth aswell - http://www.mightyartdemos.com/mightyartdemos-bradley.html
the books well worth getting too.
looking good though man