Actually this is probably for the best; now sonny-boy doesn't get the opportunity to show off for his dear old papa. Idealistic kids in charge of powerful weapons and a need to impress an idol, well, that's not good for anybody.
How he feels about his father's death (I don't know much about their religion or beliefs) will, for better or worse, will come to define how he rules North Korea.
"It's thought that Kim Jong-un coordinated the bombardment of a South Korean island and the sinking of a South Korean warship last year to prove his military prowess and cement his role as the Great Successor."
Actually I would be more worried now about Kim Jong Un being crazy as hell. Trying to show the people he is the new leader and supreme to his father and all that.
Shits fucked no matter what... Find the writers of Homefront because they seem to have had a time machine and we need to know how to prevent this!
Can't be as bad as Kim Jong-un's mother. She was "The Respected Mother who is the Most Faithful and Loyal 'Subject' to the Dear Leader Comrade Supreme Commander".
I guarantee if I die tommorow my funeral will look and sound exactly like that.
Actually, thats my experience with every Korean involved funeral I have ever been to.
Pounding of the chest.. wrenching hands upwards damning the heavens.. passing out is the worst. Or having to catch your relatives from falling when passing out.
Funny thing is,
when I was growing up ( in the 60's and 70's ) there was no Korean immigration explosion. My family were the only Asians I ever had an experience with. So all these funerals I am describing were for white friends/boyfriend/girlfriends funerals, cancer news, losing homes, homes on fire, losing jobs, Me being hauled off by the police is good for some hair pulling wailing. Keeping your Mother from falling during a "white" funeral is alot more dramatic ( for me at least ). Speaking of Crowds of wailing...
What was presented looked like "organised events" giving the opportunity to cry for "dear Leader".
Conversly, When Truman fired McArthur the throngs of South Koreans that wailed for the general were supposedly epic his loss as a hero was genuine and did not need to be "staged"! (statues worshiping McArthur were supposedly ubiquitous... now some of his statues r protested. Something unbelievable by my parents generations )
Things have changed alot I suppose if u rent a Korean soap opera not every story is about the chest pounding banshee wailing anymore. But the ones that are resemble my family.
I do not believe what is cultural is brainwashing. I use to think it was hysteria until I realized that you need a crowd and a crowds reinforcment for hysteria. ( no crowd needed. just add water )
I really believe it is culturally reinforced emotional floodgates opened kimchee seasoning. ( compared to whitebread plainess ) If you are conditioned ( raised from childhood ) in an environment where your Amygdala is allowed to flow without censorship. That is the result: That is what the emotion looks like created by the Amygdala as naked as it gets.
see: Emotional learning
Kinda interesting that the youngest son belongs to the theatre Mistress ( oldest son arrested in Japan was deported to china in shame? )
The lineage shows The first Kim IL Sung as "Great Leader and afterwards as "Eternal President" and the second Kim Jong IL as "Dear Leader"
Power Lineage trees:
That some of these comments are unabashedly tinged with racsism is not nearly as bad as the depressing feelings I get when playing Yahnkee Dahnkee crysis and choking the scrawny neck of my brothers spitting image.
To which I must retort:
I put pee pee in all your mutha's cokes so phhhhththhht!
I actually dont think there will any cataclysmic war.. or serious threat to the region. I think the son will slowly open up the country to trade and investment much like China/Vietnam did and Myanmar are doing now.
No hope for relaxed controls and human rights mind you, they will pretty much do enough to lift sanctions (also like myanmar). I believe the regime there will be under heavy influence from the chinese to reform and open up as they did. I also believe that internally they want to do just that, the son will leave it a while, but it will happen.
Much of their military is a result of isolation and a propaganda tool and their nuclear capability is a deterrent nothing more.
That some of these comments are unabashedly tinged with racsism is not nearly as bad as the depressing feelings I get when playing Yahnkee Dahnkee crysis and choking the scrawny neck of my brothers spitting image.
To which I must retort:
I put pee pee in all your mutha's cokes so phhhhththhht!
Really? The first time race was mentioned in this thread was by you.
I actually dont think there will any cataclysmic war.. or serious threat to the region. I think the son will slowly open up the country to trade and investment much like China/Vietnam did and Myanmar are doing now.
China and Vietnam had educated people, with a functioning government, and self sufficient workforce.
North Korea are a population of 24 million who are completely uneducated, and brainwashed with propoganda. It's a prison state that's a black-hole of burden on anyone who wants to help them.
wait wait, let me get this right before i spit my coke all over my monitor. you're saying that you approve of the way NK is being run?
or rather that it's natural for people to cry like theatrical stars when a prime minister dies?
please enlighten me.
on a related note: i'll bet 5 crisp english pounds that nobody sheds a tear when tony blair dies, not even his mother.
wait wait, let me get this right before i spit my coke all over my monitor. you're saying that you approve of the way NK is being run?
or rather that it's natural for people to cry like theatrical stars when a prime minister dies?
please enlighten me.
on a related note: i'll bet 5 crisp english pounds that nobody sheds a tear when tony blair dies, not even his mother.
I don't think that's where he was going with that at all. I think he's saying that for Koreans, its kind of the norm to flip out when mourning, its a cultural thing. While I'm sure most of it is staged for state run TV, you do have to cut them some slack, he was their anchor, a crazy misguided brutally oppressive anchor but their source of stability none the less. Even for the people who aren't fully indoctrinated there has to be some sense of "oh shit how is my life going to change now!?" that they have to be feeling.
That actually wasn't a half bad film, a little too obvious on the heartstrings and drew a lot of inspiration from western war epics. But a good little film.
It's funny, when Stalin died people wept too. The propaganda machine is a bitch.
China and Vietnam had educated people, with a functioning government, and self sufficient workforce.
Even then though, I'm pretty sure if you asked any college student from China about Tiananmen square they wouldn't know what you were talking about.
flip side (playing the save my ass card here) Ask any HS grad here in the states about the Moro Crater Massacre or even something larger like the Mexican-American war and they'll have no clue either....
^^yay!!! I'm not the only one.
I need to make the guy a boss character in my game with a name like that
How he feels about his father's death (I don't know much about their religion or beliefs) will, for better or worse, will come to define how he rules North Korea.
This had to be posted
After 50+ years, maybe my dad might be able to find out if his own brother is still alive.
He had already relinquished his power to his son... unless im completely mistaken...
I hope things dont turn out like some of the people Ive been talking to in Korea feel they will.
They don't seem to mind
Brainwashing propaganda. It's a helluva drug.
Anyone up for a party?
No... Kim Jong Dead.
"It's thought that Kim Jong-un coordinated the bombardment of a South Korean island and the sinking of a South Korean warship last year to prove his military prowess and cement his role as the Great Successor."
or maybe not
Shits fucked no matter what... Find the writers of Homefront because they seem to have had a time machine and we need to know how to prevent this!
NOW there's a game story plot line for ya....
Supposedly missiles were ordered to be test fired during the funereal
You would be "dead" wrong.
I guarantee if I die tommorow my funeral will look and sound exactly like that.
Actually, thats my experience with every Korean involved funeral I have ever been to.
Pounding of the chest.. wrenching hands upwards damning the heavens.. passing out is the worst. Or having to catch your relatives from falling when passing out.
Funny thing is,
when I was growing up ( in the 60's and 70's ) there was no Korean immigration explosion. My family were the only Asians I ever had an experience with. So all these funerals I am describing were for white friends/boyfriend/girlfriends funerals, cancer news, losing homes, homes on fire, losing jobs, Me being hauled off by the police is good for some hair pulling wailing. Keeping your Mother from falling during a "white" funeral is alot more dramatic ( for me at least ). Speaking of Crowds of wailing...
What was presented looked like "organised events" giving the opportunity to cry for "dear Leader".
Conversly, When Truman fired McArthur the throngs of South Koreans that wailed for the general were supposedly epic his loss as a hero was genuine and did not need to be "staged"! (statues worshiping McArthur were supposedly ubiquitous... now some of his statues r protested. Something unbelievable by my parents generations )
Things have changed alot I suppose if u rent a Korean soap opera not every story is about the chest pounding banshee wailing anymore. But the ones that are resemble my family.
I do not believe what is cultural is brainwashing. I use to think it was hysteria until I realized that you need a crowd and a crowds reinforcment for hysteria. ( no crowd needed. just add water )
I really believe it is culturally reinforced emotional floodgates opened kimchee seasoning. ( compared to whitebread plainess ) If you are conditioned ( raised from childhood ) in an environment where your Amygdala is allowed to flow without censorship. That is the result: That is what the emotion looks like created by the Amygdala as naked as it gets.
see: Emotional learning
Kinda interesting that the youngest son belongs to the theatre Mistress ( oldest son arrested in Japan was deported to china in shame? )
The lineage shows The first Kim IL Sung as "Great Leader and afterwards as "Eternal President" and the second Kim Jong IL as "Dear Leader"
Power Lineage trees:
That some of these comments are unabashedly tinged with racsism is not nearly as bad as the depressing feelings I get when playing Yahnkee Dahnkee crysis and choking the scrawny neck of my brothers spitting image.
To which I must retort:
I put pee pee in all your mutha's cokes so phhhhththhht!
No hope for relaxed controls and human rights mind you, they will pretty much do enough to lift sanctions (also like myanmar). I believe the regime there will be under heavy influence from the chinese to reform and open up as they did. I also believe that internally they want to do just that, the son will leave it a while, but it will happen.
Much of their military is a result of isolation and a propaganda tool and their nuclear capability is a deterrent nothing more.
Really? The first time race was mentioned in this thread was by you.
For those who haven't seen it yet, i can recommend the vice guide to north Korea.
hilarious and tragic, all at once.
no.7 reminds me of some of my trips to china and vietnam .. haha
China and Vietnam had educated people, with a functioning government, and self sufficient workforce.
North Korea are a population of 24 million who are completely uneducated, and brainwashed with propoganda. It's a prison state that's a black-hole of burden on anyone who wants to help them.
And their finger is on the nuke.
wait wait, let me get this right before i spit my coke all over my monitor. you're saying that you approve of the way NK is being run?
or rather that it's natural for people to cry like theatrical stars when a prime minister dies?
please enlighten me.
on a related note: i'll bet 5 crisp english pounds that nobody sheds a tear when tony blair dies, not even his mother.
Clearly people in the west never flip out about anything... Perfect picture of calm and civility hahaha.
London Riot: Tory HQ smashed by British students - YouTube
Exploding Tea Party Protester Threatens Interviewer - YouTube
just in case you never seen any good korean movie ...
It's funny, when Stalin died people wept too. The propaganda machine is a bitch.
Even then though, I'm pretty sure if you asked any college student from China about Tiananmen square they wouldn't know what you were talking about.
flip side (playing the save my ass card here) Ask any HS grad here in the states about the Moro Crater Massacre or even something larger like the Mexican-American war and they'll have no clue either....