I start a little unity scene: it's a close up with a female zombie head with a lot of animation and morphing
my mudbox sculpt
and whats looking so far in unity ,no proper specular maps yet (just a grayscale of the diffuse) and the diffuse is only the occlusion (exept for the jaws)
its based on a real make up
if someone have a good tuturial for making hair ,it would be very helpful
crits are welcome
thanks for viewing
messing with this fucking hair
its only a particule shader for now, i cant reach to get a correct normal specular effect
a fireplace 844 tris 1024 diffuse and normal ,burned log 56 tris 256 diffuse and normal,render in unity (fire particules its not by my)
and a big trunk 425 tris 1024 diffuse and normal