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UDK Environment Villa Savoye


This is a Work in Progress of an environment based on the Villa Savoye by Le Corbusier.


Trying to use UDK for architectural visualization. I started this I think in August, and I've been working on it since then.
I modeled everything in 3D Studio Max, and worked my textures in Photoshop and ZBrush. I used a couple plants and rocks that were already in UDK but all the rest is all mine.

I just wanted to show it to everybody.

The objectives of the exercise were:

1: Learning the basics on the creation of assets and levels with this engine (packages and organization in UDK, materials, kismet, matinee).
2: Learning to organize myself while creating such a big and complex environment as this was (the source files of all of this is like 800 files). You can rather try to keep a clean and organized folder tree and use a naming convention or go crazy.

I think I succeded in both. I (more or less) finished. I mean, you know... you can always go into further detail, but I like how it is now, mostly free of any bugs, stable framerate, no lightning errors, that kind of stuff.

I'm currently looking for a job, to move from Spain to anywhere... So if you need people contact me. I have 2 years of experience as programmer/technical artist, though I'm trying to get something mostly 3d art-related because its what i really like.

This is my blog and where I'm posting anything I do from now on:

I would like to hear any comments, critics and questions you may want to ask.




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