..Why? Because with boss fights all the rules you have played with thoughout the game, gets thrown out. With this I especially mean the sniper-1-shot-kill-you-dead-like-shit, because apparently when you are a boss, you can take 20 sniper rifle bullets into your unarmored bare headed skull. Yeah....I hate you Bosses, you suck.

ps. playing Deus Ex and I'm against Barrett with a shock pistol, darts and a sniper rifle....yay.....
ps. playing Deus Ex and I'm against Gunther with a tranquilizer gun, knife and a LAM, just talked my way into victory... yay!...
That's just bad design really... so you hate BAD boss fights :P
EDIT: Gunther was a mean SOB in Deus Ex, took a good few reloads to take him down.
Bosses rule. I'm from the old skool thinking of gaming which means I love HUGE bosses. The bigger the better. Painkiller, serious sam, Duke Nukem, Shadow of the Colossus, God of War, etc...
Huge bosses gives the player a greater sense of achievement when you bring them down imo. Even if you dont need to do much to bring em down. i.e. Quake lava demon dude. Turn on 2 switches........pretty lame actually. But a cool boss none the less.
- BoBo
Zelda had some of the most epic boss fights ever. But yeah, the bossfights in Deus Ex HR are pretty weaksauce.
Just stupid AI with a ridiculous amount of HP and no particular integration with the actual gameplay.
god damn masochist!
Raped that shit like a boss.
12 energy tanks and hes a titan
13 energy tanks and hes a God
14 or 15 energy tanks and hes a walk in the park on Hard mode at that..
I dont quite understand but he never lets up when you have less than 14 tanks, he JUST KEEPS COMING but when you get 14 or 15 he pretty much asks for death
After about 40 tries to defeat him with 13 tanks i gave up and found the 14th tank, i returned and claimed dominance. Until i find a boss fight like that ill never complain about a uneasy or cheating boss
i didn't even know i could seek help from the Internet either so i had to take it on all by my lonesome
yup, thats why it was weird and the Ai was half functional !
On the subject though I thought WoW had some cool boss fights towards the later expansion. Wrath and Cata especially
I am not saying I am good at them just I enjoy them:)
I mean, there are lots of great boss fights.
Like Mr. Freeze in Arkham City, which had you using almost all of Batman's skills, and The End in MGS3.
It's sad to see how old fashioned boss fights are in a decline, in my opinion. QTEs are so unsatisfying- let me struggle a bit!
I wish bosses were still about learning their patterns and weaknesses instead of learning AI exploits and shooting them for 10 minutes.
on a serious note tho, i agree 100%.
As soon as you got a
I agree with this quite a bit actually. The relationship between enemies' and bosses' health and difficulty is a very difficult thing to design and keep it fun.
If all the enemies are bosses, then they're all tough and badass. I felt like a real hero playing Shadow of the Colossus.
I am going to blow up your post.
(puts on sunglasses)
Laputian Machine.
I wish they'd included that aspect in the new game... the stupid boss fights nearly ruined DX:HR for me.
i accidentally beat him the first time around by being interrupted from playing the game by going to a festival. i remember saving the game in the middle of fighting him, going to this festival, coming back and he's died of old age lol.
Mostly these come combined with un-skipable cutscenes, beeing set back to a state about 15 minutes before you entered the boss room and sometimes the stuff you wasted for the boss is not reset.
Yes, this can be verry frustrating.
But just think about Zelda, MGS (The End), Shadow of the Colossus, Monster Hunter,...
Only looking at overall "good" games, the fun bosses outnumber the boring ones, imo.
Hmm, sandworms rock.
Dude I was thinking this same thing just the other day! I picked up Deus Ex from the steam sale and was like this games pretty cool and then I hit that freaking boss fight. Dumbest thing ever, I felt like a failure because I couldn't even beat it on "tell me a story." :poly127:
played some other games where bosses really fucked me up since i made a character that mostly relied on stealth, and tricking people, and as a result in direct combat my character would just horrible die.
Boost Guardian.
/goes off to listen to the soundtrack.
I play through this game at least once every two years and yet I always forget what his attack patterns are and what skills I need to equip.
On a side note, I love every single boss battle in Bayonetta. Then again, I love Bayonetta, so that shouldn't be surprising.
EDIT: And ofcourse in every JRPG ^
Skyrim and deus ex:HR both had pretty scripted boss fights, deus ex however was a bit more emergent and random and have not really been criticized in that way.