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[UDK] Abandoned robot factory

Hey guys,

Long time lurker of this forum but this is my first time posting up any work (a little nervous!).

This is the first fully textured environment I've built so there's been something of a -massive- learning curve for me. I'm hoping to get some feedback here so I can continue to learn more and push the environment to higher level of finish :)

The concept itself was based on a painting I did a few months back, though I developed the environment a fair bit from the original painting.


I'm not sure of the best way to texture the robot as it's so large. I'm thinking this method [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoHMtVjoFtk"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoHMtVjoFtk[/ame] might be my best option.





Still a lot of work to go but all feedback is welcome!


  • Mio
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    Mio polycounter lvl 13
    love the concept! good progress so far!
  • imyj
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    imyj polycounter lvl 13
    Stumbled upon your original concept before :) Look forward to seeing how this turns out!
  • toxic_h2o
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    toxic_h2o polycounter lvl 14
    Ahh that concept is awesome! looking forward to seeing it in udk. :D
  • Mooglesarelittle
    Thanks for the responses guys :)

    I decided to split the robot's body into 2 2048x2048 textures and paint the textures as normal. Texture painting is not something I have a huge amount of experience with but I'm pretty happy with what I have so far.



  • Mooglesarelittle
    Oh! forgot to mention, the white parts of the body will eventually have a reflective material applied in UDK.
  • SsSandu_C
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    SsSandu_C polycounter lvl 13
    Looking good! I like it. huge rubber bands... :)
  • RobStites
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    RobStites polycounter lvl 8
    It seems like you've changed the robot quite a bit from the concept, personally I think the shapes in the original have more personality with the weird Vader helmet shaped body and beefier looking legs.
  • Mooglesarelittle
    SsSandu_C: Thanks man :)

    RobStites: My thinking behind the design of the robot was that I wanted something that appeared quite 'low-tech' as if was just metal sheets riveted together.

    Update on the bunny bot. Not sure if I'm going to stick with the orange paint, I'll wait and see what it's like in the level before I start tinkering with it.



  • KartoonHead
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    KartoonHead polycounter lvl 4
    Wow, that robot is... just... so... massive...

    Can imagine this being a rediculous boss fight in an equally rediculous Conker's Bad Fur Day-type game. Also; the grassy tufts in that fourth screenshot seem to be glowing, is that meant to be happening?

    Loving it so far.
  • re.wind
    I actually prefer the robot from the concept piece. If you look at it long enough, you too will start to see darth vadar -or at least his stretched helmet.
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    Agreed. The concept robot has much more interesting shapes. Actually, the face of it looks nicer too, and the rubber bands and bandaids don't make any sense. Besides, the current version still doesn't look pieced together on the streets.

    So in general I'd say - stick to your concept.
  • johnnybrach
    Love the texture work on the robot
  • Mooglesarelittle
    KartoonHead: Thanks man! I haven't done much work on the grass yet, hence why it's glowing.

    re.wind, Snader: Thanks for the feedback guys, I agree that the original shape has a lot more character to it.

    johnnybrach: Thanks :)

    Re-built the body of the robot and gave it a new lick of paint, I think this is a definite improvement over the previous version.



  • wolver
    looking good : ) maybe thicken the legs and add armoured plate to the joints
  • KartoonHead
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    KartoonHead polycounter lvl 4
    Absolutely love the new version, great texture too (good balance of high/low frequency detail). The rust looks a little too saturated to my eyes but I could be wrong. Also I think an emissive map making the red bulbs on the leg joints glow might be a cool thing to try out.
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    Your original version was better for the robot. The design was strong and the forms bold. It gave the presence of a huge heavy strong character.

    Now, it looks weird. The legs are skinny compared to its upper bulk and looks super flimsy. The colors are to saturated and everything is screaming for attention. You put a lot of red "dots" and its creating a lot of buzz.
    The face on the robot doesn't have that ironic cuteness as the new face does and is kinda boring.

    Again, I love your concept. stick to it.
  • BlvdNights
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    BlvdNights polycounter lvl 8
    Add some subtle variations in your metal's diffuse. It feels too flat. Also the metal scratches feel really weird.
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    Agreed, Stick to the concept, the one you have ATM looks real noisy and i don't know what to look at.
  • Mooglesarelittle
    Thanks for the feedback guys :). After getting the robot into UDK I realised it was way, way too noisy and wasn't working in the scene at all. I hadn't taken the time to step back to make sure all elements of the design were working which was rather foolish.

    I decided to start over and build something more faithful to the original design. I added curved armour plates to the legs to give the whole design a more organic feel and to bulk out the legs to make them feel more powerful. I'll add smaller details such as panel lines and rivets later on in Photoshop.

    Any feedback before I move onto the low poly is welcome.

  • theslingshot
    Now we're talking! Really like the new designs for the legs, you made a good decision of going back to the design...I think.

    One thing that I would like to see is a change with the exhaust/chimney...In the concept they are really present and they add a lot of character to the machine and it fits really well with the character painted on the front. Cause right now it's very small and placed right in the middle and in your previous versions they were just placed symmetrically on each sides...I think you should follow the ones in the concept a bit more, but maybe make them more..."raw"? Exhaust with the plates with holes...like those maybe? just an opinion ;)

  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    It's looking pretty cool.

    But the cigar in his mouth could be pushed more.

    I think you should have some kind of pipe/vent sticking out of his mouth and painted like a cigar. Maybe have smoke coming out of it.
  • Mooglesarelittle
    theslingshot: Ah that's a good point, hopefully the new exhausts are a little better.

    Baddcog: Thanks dude. I'll keep that idea in mind.

    I decided to go the Zbrush route and rough this guy up a little (it is a war machine after all). I haven't done much work in Zbrush like this so this type of sculpting is new to me. Hopefully I've conveyed the idea the this robot has seen a fair few battles.

  • Mooglesarelittle
    Almost done with this I think, just need to rough up a few more areas and add some welding seams.


  • lloyd
    i'd interpret the face as being part of it and not a decal. as it looks shaded and protruding.

    however its good that you've re-rebuilt it, as it now looks LOADS better! well done!
  • Azkur
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    Azkur polycounter lvl 8
    im really happy you changed your design for the robot i think this adds tuns of character and silhouette to the robot
  • Mooglesarelittle
    OK I think I'm near enough done with the textures on this guy. It's taken a while to build and texture the LP so any feedback would be great as I've be starring at it for waaay too long :P

    Once again the white sections will be rockin' a reflective material in UDK.


  • theslingshot
    Wow, so much better! The white metallic parts will have a shiny materiel but I'd still make them a lot dirtier since it's an abandoned factory, mainly the leg joints since those parts are always greased up and everything sticks to those, and the exhausts mainly at the top of them.

    But seriously, that's some real improvement you did there ^^
  • Motherdear
    Love the new design, however it sticks out that you have scratches scattered on the robot, but no scratches where your took the effort to roughen up the robot armor ?
    The scratches do not seem like they are placed with much thought really, the pumps on the back for instance have a lot of scratches compared to most of the robot, but they are also the parts that would be exposed the least to scratches, at least in the wear form they are now.
  • Kratilim
    Looks nice and heavy. Love the damage work you did on it. I'm wondering if a tad more color would maybe bring it to life completely. What also might be interesting is to take a chunk out of it and expose the inner wiring and such. Might get the viewer wondering how strong it really is since it survived a big battle. :)

    Though it looks awesome already obviously. :)
  • BlvdNights
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    BlvdNights polycounter lvl 8
    Looking a lot better, I'd make the spec map a lot noisier tho, to give it a bit more rust.
  • Mooglesarelittle
    theslingshot: Ah that's a good point, I'll grease up the metal of legs for sure.

    Motherdear: Thanks dude, I think you're right about the scratches, if I have time near the end I'll revist them.

    Kratilim: Thanks man, I think I'll go back and try adding some more colour variation to the diffuse.

    BlvdNights: Ta dude, I still need to go back and jazz up the spec map.

    Hokay I've been working on the level over the past few days and thought I should share what I have so far.




    The lighting is still a WIP, only using a skylight and directional light at the moment. My main concerns so far are:

    -The robot looks a little flat, possible jazzing up the spec map will help this?
    -Obvious repeating texture on the bunker wall, not sure of the best way around this?
    -I'm a little worried it looks a little barren, due to the size of the environment it's tough to pad it out with dress assets

    My list o' stuff still to do is as follows:

    -Replace/re-texture a few of the older meshes from when I first started (and was a massive nooby >_>)
    -The grassy section in the middle still needs to be polished
    -The roof looks a little bland, I'll try splitting it into sections for added visual interest
    -Add a few more smaller dress assets (warning lights, pipes, crates etc..)
    -Jazz the ivy up with some large polygonal vines
    -Add subtle dust effect in the light beams
    -Final lighting/post effects/beauty shots

    I think that's pretty much everything? As always feedback is appreciated!
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    Your textures are to brown at the moment. Saturate it in red, pink or orange to make it pop from the scene more. Pink would be a nicer tone i think. Also, either move the leg or light it so that the leg and the body dont get lost in each other. Its hard to separate them in your last screen shot. Maybe move it over to the left to allow the sky to be inbetween the two.
  • Ich 666
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    Ich 666 polycounter lvl 9
    Id go for a bit more orangy brown tone again to make it stand out in the current lighting and maybe fiddle around with the face some more, because its a huge part of the concept.
  • nathanbarrett
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    nathanbarrett polycounter lvl 6
    I think the scene would be enhanced if the streams of light were coming at less of an angle so more of the light hits the robot. Pushing the angle of the light down a bit might add to the flat lighting on the model currently.
  • ladyknowles
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    ladyknowles polycounter lvl 7
    Man I love this so much, thanks for sharing!
  • theslingshot
    Coming along really nicely!

    If you're worried about the environment looking empty, maybe add some working tools, ladders, scaffoldings and such, since it's basically a garage for that metal beast...just a suggestion ;)

    Other than this, my level of experience prevents me from helping you more ;) except that I really like the cloth bag you have on one of the gatlings
  • Mooglesarelittle
    Thanks a lot for the feedback guys :)

    I tried out whats_true's suggestion and made the robot pink. I think the design works a lot better now and the rust and scratches stand out a lot more, I'm pretty happy with how it looks :D



  • Nix
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    Nix polycounter lvl 13
    I kinda liked it when it was a bit darker and stood out less. Somehow made it feel more ominous, like, the shape doesn't immediately pop out at you so it surprises you more how big it is, you know? This is just a personal feeling though, not really objective criticism or anything. :)

    Really love the scene, great work so far.
  • KartoonHead
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    KartoonHead polycounter lvl 4
    Would love to read a texturing breakdown on this badboy. It seems that you've come a long way on your beaten-up metallic surfaces since the first orangey iteration. I think the pink works really well btw, and makes sense considering the over-grown greenish hue the rest of the factory has, you couldn't get more of a dramatic colour contrast there! Really makes him stand out.

    I'd also continue to experiment with different face-paint designs, something about the bright white and sharp angles in the newest one just doesn't look right. Other than that though, I can't stop looking at this guy!
  • Mark Dygert
    I love this, awesome work.

    The one thing that bugs me, and maybe it was explained already, and its totally not a big deal, but if is if this is a factory how did the mech get so banged up and beat up? If it was an abandoned repair facility, it would make a bit more sense.

    Things like water stains, plant life ect should be present on it maybe? Also some factories take great care in preserving the metal, applying coatings that are later removed just so things aren't damaged and that paint can be applied later to a clean surface.

    Maybe the mech was abandoned in the factory? Maybe it was being repaired it doesn't really matter because this scene is awesome.
  • Snader
    Offline / Send Message
    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    Liking the new face. Looks more like a decal now. Though you might want make some better use of your colors on them. Like... use black for lineart and red for some shadowing.
  • Mooglesarelittle
    Nix: Thanks dude

    KartoonHead: Thanks man! I'll throw up a texture breakdown & wireframe shot once I'm done with the level :)

    Mark Dygert: Thanks man. The level is actually meant to be an abandoned robot hangar but I wasn't thinking when typing in the title of the thread and I don't know if you can change thread titles :P

    Snader: Thanks! The black line art definitely looks better :D

    I'm trying to get this ol' thing pretty much done by Friday. I still need to work on the lighting a little bit more and work on the post process stuff. I'd still like to add in some smaller assets such as crates and warning lights on the walls but I'd like to get the level's lighting and key assets looking solid first.

    As always feedback is always appreciated!






  • SirCalalot
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    SirCalalot polycounter lvl 10
    Wow. Just wow.

    Edit: Although, as others have mentioned, I much prefer the face on the original concept:


    This one has some nice artistic brush strokes and shading, rather than what looks like a giant stencil. I think it would be nice to think that each of these behemoths has a custom paint job, rather than rolling out of the factory like this :)

    Stunning concept and work though - are you planning on having the foliage growing over the machine as in the concept?
  • MeintevdS
    Offline / Send Message
    MeintevdS keyframe
    Oh woah, how'd I miss this topic...

    Really love what you've done so far! Udk scene is a bit dark at some spots compared to the concept though.
    As for the face, I personally didn't like it much on the concept and I like the vector versions better. Like people said before the concept face looks to be an actual model rather than just a decal, and personally I'd find that to comical compared to the rest of the scene.

    Anyway, good job and keep it up. Subscribed.
  • Mooglesarelittle
    Thanks for the responses guys :)

    Dirtied up the walls a bit more, added a couple of new assets, added some minor graffiti to show there has been some human presence and worked continued to work on the lighting.

    I'm pretty much happy to call this thing finished. I know I could continue to work on it but as this has been my first textured environment it's taken me a ton of time to get to this stage and required a massive amount of learning, I'm itching to move onto something new knowing everything I do now :D

    I still need to do a production light bake (images are baked with preview lighting) and record a video which I'll try and get done this week.

    Feedback would be appreciated as I can take it on board for my next project :)









  • lincolnhughes
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    lincolnhughes polycounter lvl 10
    i'd tweak the lighting a little so that more of the sunlight comes through to hit the robot's main hub (the part with the face).
  • Mooglesarelittle
    More work on the lighting, following lincolnhughes' suggestion and cast some bright spots of light onto the robot. I feel this is an improvement over the previous lighting as the robot definitely stands out a little better.

    The shadow across the robot looks a little blurry in the middle two shots, this is because of the lightmap LOD. I'm still trying to work out how to force it to remain at its highest LOD for sexy portfolio shots.




  • Mooglesarelittle
    I tweaked the lighting a little and I've created a LUT for improved colour grading. I'm finding the lighting and post stuff a lot harder than I thought it would be T_T








  • MeintevdS
    Offline / Send Message
    MeintevdS keyframe
    Oh wow first time I see these images on my own monitors (not the ones at work). And the images are way brighter here. I also like the new lighting improvements you did.

    Really love the design on the robot!
  • Macattackk
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    Macattackk polycounter lvl 7
    Looks really good. I personally liked the old design better as it gave the robot a more sinister character and made more sense with the machine guns and what not. This shot specifically seems to have more character than the current ones because of it:

    This one is a little goofy and looks like whoever made the robot just slapped it on. Maybe you dont have to go with the original design but i would think about making it less goofy. But then again that is a pretty minor thing to worry about if youre done and other people seem to like it so yea.
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