Hey Polycount,
I've been a long time admirer of a great deal of the work posted on here, it's always been a superb source of information and inspiration. I've learnt a great deal from reading through many of the threads on here and, after a great deal of time, I've decided to post something of my own.
It's not much at this stage, just my latest wip which I'd been working on over a long weekend; finally managed to get onto some texturing the other day and I'm open to any suggestions design wise, kinda hit a bit of a wall; as well as any comments on where it could be improved.

Thanks in advance, Matt
the nozzle looks like it has a few normal bake problems- wavy line.
i'd love to see it grunged up and used looking, looks perfect for it : )
Why not add some arms and hands holding it for scale and illustration purposes, like what Paintforge suggested? It would kill 2 birds with 1 stone.
Some more edges on the hand grip might be good though since that part would be pretty large in an FPS view.
Tobbo thanks for the advice, as I said above, adding a scale ref was something I foolishly overlooked
Norron Thanks, I agree with you on the grip, it definately needs to be smoother
Sparkwire Thanks
Jackablade I see what you mean, at the moment I'm a little torn as to whether or not I should change that feature as I think it would be usable, but as you said, not at all comfortably, I'll definately consider it when I get onto adjusting the geometry, thanks
Well here's a minor update, just working on getting the texture to a comfotable place, at the moment I think it's progressing toward something a bit more interesting but I'm always open to suggestions or advice in this area, I'm not too sure myself about the red but I felt that there needed to be a bit more colour in there.
And here's a scale reference as requested
Thanks, Matt
And a few orthographic shots...
Anyway, let me know what you think and what not,
Thanks again, Matt.
KartoonHead it had always been my intention to dirty it up a bit, and the guns from brink were certainly a decent source of reference
Well, I havent done much more work on the gun above, although I definately plan on revisiting the design at some stage, there are some elements that I think work well and hopefully I'll be able to develop somewhat further as time goes on.
In the meantime however I started work on another gun over the christmas weekend between general christmas stuff.
It really is my first experiment with the use of floaters and they certainly make one hell of a difference, I was toying with the idea of creating another thread or something but I thought that it'd make more sense to keep the forum free of the type of clutter I'm bound to produce, so from now on I think I'll just use this thread as a dumping ground or something similar, anyway, I'd appreciate any feedback you have to offer and thanks in advance, matt.
And here's a wireframe, still some optimization to do, I was trying to keep the whole thing, clip included under 6k which I managed, it's currently sat at 5359 tri's
And, finally, the textures, the gun itself uses a 1024*1024 map, and the clip a 512*512 map, I decided to keep the clip rather large simply because of it's scale in relation to the rest of the gun
Thanks in advance for any comments of any kind, Matt.
edit: woah, talk about a bump from the past.. heh, ehh srry! forgot I found this page via google search somehow and mixed it up with all the other tabs in chrome