Does anyone know any freelance programers? One of my clients is looking for a few high end people and is having trouble locating them. PM me if you know of anyone.
Please indicate the desired experience required (if any)
Please indicate the programming language required (be specific)
Please indicate the responsiblities, Qualifications, Certifications, etc.
Please indicate the desired experience required (if any)
Please indicate the programming language required (be specific)
Please indicate the responsiblities, Qualifications, Certifications, etc.
Super unhelpful. This isn't a job listing and it's not a request for free work. I'm asking people to refer me to someone they know on a personal level.
Super unhelpful. This isn't a job listing and it's not a request for free work. I'm asking people to refer me to someone they know on a personal level.
Doesn't matter. I'm a programmer and I would want to know the details before I even consider offering my skills. It's a matter of knowing I have the skills and what tasks would be requested.
I could pm you asking for the details, but then others wouldn't know and you'd have to explain to others individually.
Doesn't matter. I'm a programmer and I would want to know the details before I even consider offering my skills. It's a matter of knowing I have the skills and what tasks would be requested.
I could pm you asking for the details, but then others wouldn't know and you'd have to explain to others individually.
Funny, I just pmed him asking him the same thing I asked him in the post.
I am a programmer and wanted to know what set of programming languages he is looking for, what clients, what sort of experience and so on...
For one I thought I made a mistake asking him to post all those in the request section but thanks for this Sir. Keg.
Programmer is such a vague and broad term, and there's major difference between coding for a java game, scripting a game in udk, creating plug-ins/add-ons or tools for 3ds max, or creating a lighting engine from scratch. C and C++, Python, Basic, or web programming.
I was being intentionally vague because this isn't a job listing and I did not want to lead anyone on or receive applications. That said, it's a first person shooter so I would imagine c/c++ to be appropriate and not basic. I think they are primarily looking for someone who does graphics work- potentially involving working on a lighting engine but also hl/glsl. My understanding is that they are looking for someone high end and have the funding to pay for it- again I am not the client. I realize that the vast majority of this kind of engineering work is done in house but there are a few freelancers out there and my hope is that someone here has worked with one and can recommend them.
I was being intentionally vague because this isn't a job listing and I did not want to lead anyone on or receive applications. That said, it's a first person shooter so I would imagine c/c++ to be appropriate and not basic. I think they are primarily looking for someone who does graphics work- potentially involving working on a lighting engine but also hl/glsl. My understanding is that they are looking for someone high end and have the funding to pay for it- again I am not the client. I realize that the vast majority of this kind of engineering work is done in house but there are a few freelancers out there and my hope is that someone here has worked with one and can recommend them.
Thank you for this information. I'm sending you a pm in a couple minutes.
The client will need to be specific about what tools and technologies they want to use. For example, many programmers may be familiar with C++, but not DirectX or OpenGL, or even games.
Otherwise your post is the equivalent of "I want an artist for my game!".
Please indicate the desired experience required (if any)
Please indicate the programming language required (be specific)
Please indicate the responsiblities, Qualifications, Certifications, etc.
Super unhelpful. This isn't a job listing and it's not a request for free work. I'm asking people to refer me to someone they know on a personal level.
Doesn't matter. I'm a programmer and I would want to know the details before I even consider offering my skills. It's a matter of knowing I have the skills and what tasks would be requested.
I could pm you asking for the details, but then others wouldn't know and you'd have to explain to others individually.
Funny, I just pmed him asking him the same thing I asked him in the post.
I am a programmer and wanted to know what set of programming languages he is looking for, what clients, what sort of experience and so on...
For one I thought I made a mistake asking him to post all those in the request section but thanks for this Sir. Keg.
Thank you for this information. I'm sending you a pm in a couple minutes.
Otherwise your post is the equivalent of "I want an artist for my game!".