So I finished up the Sci-fi hallway I started a few days ago. Didnt have much time to work on it over the weekend like I wanted but regardless here it is next to the concept I worked from. Any critiques would be great! This was my first project in Max as normally I tend to stick with Maya but I am really starting to enjoy Max. Normal programs to create: 3DS Max, Photoshop, CrazyBump, and UDK. Screenshot is from in-game.
Concept *NOT BY ME*
There's also too much bump on the metal texture, while it's suppose to be flat and glossy.
I also saw the difference of texture resolution, the gray grid at the bottom is more crisp and sharp than the metal wall, when it's suppose to be the opposite (wall more rez)
What im talking about is most of your stuff is too elongated compared to the concept. Each panel is too wide which makes the whole scene longer. squeeze some of that stuff up, and attention to texture resolution. Right now the walls are blurry 256's and the floor is like 4096's
I'm sure with more work, this scene can improve alot! good start mate
However, despite the faults with the original concept you still missed its most appealing part - the lighting. Great lighting can make even the most generic and boring of sci-fi hallways look interesting. Kill all the light sources except for the main light above the door and use that as the focal point. Use lighting to bring out shapes (though there really are none in this square room) and material definition.
Also, please do not use procedural programs like Crazybump to do all the texture work for you. Programs like that are a helpful tool, not a replacement for actual art.
As for the hallway, you have too many texture samples. You should have paid close attention to the concept and how the wall segments were built. It has 3 parts to it(excluding the vents); top and bottom are the same thing, just flipped. The middle segment does not align with top and bottom and is simply repeated a number of times. All you should have is 1 diffuse, 1 spec and 1 normal. Create 1 material set up in UDK and create a material instance with emmissive mat. use standard mat on regular panels, mat inst on emmissive pannels...