***update*** 02/28/2013

i havent been here in a while, but im gonna churn out some stuff for the next few weeks. heres some shots of what ive been doodling with...

heres a base concept that i might do but eventually embellish or add more to

lemme know if theres anything funny looking or suggestions. thanks!
nice sculpt keep it up yo!
if the mouth still looks funny, lemme know, thanks! maybe i'll start on the clothes tomoro
Hope this helps, keep going man!
good call, i'll work on that a bit more
Take a look at this example and how its devided in groups; http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/818/headtopology.jpg/
Hope this works!
ok i'll try and reduce this as much as i can
it wasnt made from a box, i used polydraw on it. ive maintined loops around the mouth, eyes and nose, youre focusing too much on the quads on the cheeks. i used this as a guide
btw on the example on the link you gave, i totally disagree with the edge loops on the cheek, it shouldnt loop like that at all. too many 3 edge verts on the cheeks
i'll reduce the amount of loops and round out some forms but ive already tested this out and it seems to be a really clean unwrap. i'll work on it some more.
off to reduce the rest of the character
still got some work to do
i think im almost done
-added eye lid shadow in the eye
-scaled the eyes smaller, tho squinting added to the effect
-changed the lighting to show more, less obscure
-changed the weights on the shoulder
-changed the thumb placement
-added a basic face rig, no phonemes tho
-adjusted the pose more, i will work on it more tho for the final renders
i'll start texturing the weapons, then do some final viewport grabs, then off to the next character
thanks, i'll do those changes soon
Hmm, her expression is a bit weird. it currently says
" you're a meany!"
instead of expressing a strong angry female.
I think if you lift the corners of her mouth a bit and tweak her bottom lip so it doesn't look like she is pouting, it would look much more convincing,
besides that, her pose feels very stiff and unnatural, the straightened back has something to do with that, posing her upper body in a very award position. I'd suggest looking up more reference of people stalking while holding a bow or something similar.
edit: oh, I overlooked your reply in the what are you working on thread.
yeah,, well.. .. bump! :P
thanks man. yeah i made those changes and should be on the website soon. changed the pose too she leaning more.
started on a new project