Hello all. Been a lurker around these parts, giving input and what now. Now its my turn to pimp and promote of some my new work. Currently i'm working on a small little project to contribute to my portfolio.
I've been a huge fan of the Journeyman Project series since I was six, and before then been a personal modder since I was four (mainly modding wolf 3d in dos).
To get an idea of what the game series was if you are unfamiliar with, check out the wikipedia page. (Note: Yes I was the project lead for the supposed remake of the series called 'the Journeyman Chronicles'. Sadly my lack of experience didn't really hold up with my excitement and love for the series, until now but that's a whole different story).
I've had an idea for an interface/gameplay mechanic for a remake of the Buried in Time game, but I decided to put aside remaking certain aspects for my portfolio and decided to speculate on what the fourth game of the series would be like, while integrating some of the core ideas I had for the remake.
Right now i'm brainstorming what the helmet of the suit will look like. I named it the Omega suit mainly because this is the last game in the series (originally) and the end to the story arc as a whole. The game was subtitled 'Time War' so in my mind I wanted to give the suit the look and the ability to re purposed for both Security and/or Time Research.
Each suit in each game pretty much evolved from a previous design. First meing a Time Machine, second being a portable Time Suit (like a bulky astronaut suit), and the third inventing the ability to transform into any character you have seen using chameleon technology).
So without further adieu. Here is what I have so far. Right now I decided to go with a removable face plate instead of an automated system like previous suits just for aesthetics and to better integrate with some of the ideas of a portfolio prototype of the game.
I'm looking for both Constructive Criticism, Ideas, and so on. Anything goes really.
Preliminary Thumbnails:
First Iteration (Based on comments from coworkers):
Second Iteration (More along the lines of an evolution from the chameleon suit. Best so far in my opinion):
Hope to see some Journeyman fans give their input so I can better adapt the design nicely to the game's look and feel.