So I've got this problem, its only capturing the ground. I'm trying to have it capture all around just like a normal cube-map.
These are my settings, and pic of whats going on.
well this was the right place.. but anyway. revert to DX9 for this. it will get all the right sides, then make the cubemap static, then you can go back to using DX11.
Looking at your settings in the image (to the original poster), your "Far Plane" isn't large enough to encapsulate the sky, but the ground box mesh is. When using the UDK template map, the sky mesh (at 100 scale size) extends ~450,000 radius from the center. Try increasing the Far Plane value to at least 500k.
MikeFriel, On my last UDK project we couldn't get rid of the seams in captured cubemaps no matter what (In DX9). We were told the best way to deal with it was to fixup the edges in photoshop manually
Well that sucks, cant believe you cant produce cubemaps without seams in UDK :S Its a real pain to remove them in photoshop. Anyone know of a better way or how to remove them in UDK?
If you have any lightshafts, turn them off. It causes the renders to all have different brightnesses. I've never had any seam issues with capturing cubemaps provided lightshafts are disabled.
Depending on what you are wanting to use the Cube Map for, you might want to try Image Based Reflections which are supposedly more efficient.
I just had this same problem from July 2011, upgraded to Nov and still had the issue when swapping to DX11, but it's fine in DX9.