Hi folks, I was wondering whether you guys could give me some much needed crit on a character I am doing for my final year at Uni?

I want him to look like some sort of mechanic but I may model some props like guns etc to make him look like he has a side job as a hitman of some sort.

I know this is becoming a very stereotypical character but some crit on his overall proportions would be great.
Here's what i'm thinking so far, I would like to try and keep to a sort of stylized ogre type of build.
Other than that go crazy, I know there are so many great artists here that know better than me.
can you pose or rotate like this
this is how..
Readjust arms like this....it will not take your enough time..
Changes I've made:
Bigger Hands
Bigger Head
Reposed arms
Dropped neck line on vest
His hands are still tiny and his arms are too short. A good rule of 'thumb' is that your wingspan is usually equal to your height. Rarely is it more than a few inches off either short or long. Looks to be at least a foot short (assuming this isn't a giant) all-together, so at least six inches to either arm.
His pecks attach to the shoulders very wide. The attachment almost seems to occur in a lateral line with where his shoulders attach to his back. To fix this, move his pecks inwards, not the muscle that sits on his ribcage, but where the muscles attach to the shoulder and insert above the bicep.
His nose and mouth need actual shape, and his ears sit on his head strange. They should be more incorporated into the shape of the skull.
Good luck with him.
Thanks man! I appreciate it
edit: Looks like he's trying to fly
Thanks for the feedback man, it really helps
I have to go out food shopping with my girlfriend now so I'll make more changes later dependent on what you guys think.
Changes so far:
Posed Hands
Bigger Hands
Longer arms
Pec to delt connection
Slightly shorter delts
Made a few changes to the face
Gave him some clavicles
Face close up: http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/1448/franksface.png
Is it just me or do the legs look a little short in comparison to the torso?
Thanks dude, appreciate it.
Here's what I have so far, hopefully with fixed biceps:
Thanks man, I think tomorrow I'm going to have to pose the arms down and do some shifting about as I think lowering his arms are going to cause problems at the moment.
I think you are underplaying the pectorals and overplaying the shoulder. The pectorals should be wider for a guy this size. Also what is making it look too large is the lack of a collar bone. No matter the size of a guy... the collar bone never gets covered. So where it connects into the shoulder needs to be defined and more visible which in turn should pull back the size of the shoulder a bit.
The bicep doesn't seem to tuck under into the armpit very well on your model and it seems like your brought the bicep a little too far down into the forarm. It is more of a tendon in that spot so it should probably taper down a bit sooner. Something to keep in mind is that the bicep is not as big as people think. The tricep is actually significantly larger than the bicep. The tricep actually make up almost 2/3s of the upper arm's mass.
Posted some pics that should hopefully give some examples of what I am talking about in these cases.
I feel like his neck should be a bit longer and his head a bit larger.
And lastly his forearms need some definition. Believe me... I know it is hard to sculpt forearms. I still battle it. Do some research on "forearm muscle groups" and get to know the flexors and extensors. Yes the forearm muscle groups have muscle groups... lol It is because there are so many muscles within the forearm.
It is difficult to find really helpful forearm pictures because they change pretty drastically depending on how the arm is positioned/turned. But I am still going to try and find some for you.
Be aware that this one is straight muscle. There is no skin or fat or anything for that matter on this one.
Thanks alot, that's really nice of you. I had kind of given up on his anatomy until the 1st when I decided to crack down on my anatomy knowledge. The fear of not being good enough for a job when I finish in a few months is a good motivator
Thanks alot for all the feedback and the effort you're putting in to getting me images.
EDIT: BTW your rat is amazing!
Alright man... last round of stuff.
The face wasn't working very well. He was kinda looking like a fat and sad Bruce Willis. Gave him a little bit more heroic features which gives him a bit more interest.
That full body shot was using the perspective camera so it throws the proportions all over the place, here's how he actually looks:
I'll definitely adjust the lats and forearms as per your feedback but I'm unsure as to whether I want to adjust the size of his head and feet anymore as I feel that it might make him look much shorter that I intended. I'm currently thinking 6'5'' ish.
Also I am totally going to try and get his lips as good as the ones in your paintover.
Lemme know what you think
I would love some critique, especially on the texturing.