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Generation gap... what ARE they teaching our yougster gamers these days?

polycounter lvl 13
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GarageBay9 polycounter lvl 13
Had this conversation yesterday with a 15-year-old Halo / COD:MW / MOH:BO "pro" gamer I'm acquainted with. He's legitimately pretty good at those games, and too smart for his own good, but very much the stereotypical console kiddie FPS fanboi... so I've been trying to broaden his horizons a little and teach him a little of our history.

I submit it to you all for reminiscence, chortling, and shaking of heads.

Hunter: Know any good retro games?
Me: MechWarrior 2.
Hunter: What console did it run on.
Me: Please tell me you're joking.
Hunter: Nah, I don't know retro stuff.
Hunter: What's DOS?
Me: Give me strength... Before there was Windows 95, there was Windows 3.1. And before there was Windows 3.1, there was... DOS. It was a command line OS with no graphical interface. Back then programmers wrote their own game engines to run from scratch, with direct access to the hardware, instead of using stuff like DirectX nowadays. Back then, programmers were fucking hardcore.
Hunter: So windows?
Me: No... DOS. You've seriously never seen a DOS prompt?
Hunter: Nope Ha
Me: Stop making me feel fucking old. Look, just play the damn game. This is where 3D games came from. Before this there were text adventures and 2D sprite graphics. Mech2 all but singlehandedly launched modern 3D games. This is our history and our heritage as gamers.
Hunter: What type of game is it?
Me: Mostly sim.
Hunter: I don't play lots of those.
Me: You better damn well play it, or you don't have any right to call yourself a real gamer.
Hunter: Okay, I'll download it after this episode of My Little Ponies is done
Me: I hate you so much right now

Kids these days, yaknow? :\


  • Racer445
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    Racer445 polycounter lvl 12
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Yea I'm keeping all my old favorites to show my son as he reaches gaming age. He's going to learn them roots!
  • Bibendum
    You shouldn't treat this kid so bad, sounds like he went out of his way to visit you in your retirement home.
  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    ~ The kid was born in 1996. That alone BLOWS my mind.
  • MadnessImport
    Im still a youngin and ive loved The retro's since i seen my Uncle play the first metroid when i was 2 when i got my hands on a Comp i took a journey back to where it all began.

    Hard core gamers are a hoax! Just get your adrenalin to a very high level with a bit of rage and you can dominate in any fps, works for me with halo and CoD your enemies move sooo slow there just begging to be killed. Feels like im dead once my blood stops rushing though, bad trade off.

    At this very moment i think i just realized why Retro studios is named retro studios
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    Eh... I played the shit out of that game (mechwarrior), as well as tons of DOS games back in the day. They were awesome, yeah. But I was just a kid, and it was brand new. It didn't take much to impress me. By today's standard, I'm sorry, but those games are crap.

    I still love them, don't get me wrong, but I also recognize it's mostly nostalgia. There are some games that I wish would return. Like Simon the Sorcerer, Full Throttle, and those point and click adventure games. But for the most part, I see no reason why gamers today would like those old DOS games. Stuff today does so much more.

    I was watching my little cousin play the last Halo game on my 360. And man, he was SOOO into it. I'm sure those graphics blew his mind, and he was so engrossed in the experience. I couldn't help but think that if it was me back in the day, I would play the living crap out of that game, and would think it's the most awesome thing ever. Halo is simply better than anything we had back then. I was seeing nostalgia being made in my little cousin's mind.

    Just my 2cents.
  • GarageBay9
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    GarageBay9 polycounter lvl 13
    ebagg wrote: »
    Yea I'm keeping all my old favorites to show my son as he reaches gaming age. He's going to learn them roots!

    Same here. :) I've even got cobbled-together systems spanning the eras from a 486/120 to a PIII 500 with an ATI Rage Fury... Late DOS, Win3.1/95 transitional, late Win95/98. Some of that stuff, especially the games that really pushed the hardware when it was released, just don't run right with emulators. And for some of them, bad MIDI out of a scratchy speaker with a 14" CRT is half the experience.

    There will be no such ignorance in my household! :poly142:

    You shouldn't treat this kid so bad, sounds like he went out of his way to visit you in your retirement home.

    Quiet, you, I'm yelling at a cloud here.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Eh, nothing bad with that.

    I mean, it can only be good if someone is genuinely interested in learning about old games, but at this point I would not judge anyone for not knowing much or caring about the old games.

    The best thing is seeing a gamer who got into recent console gaming, someone who never touched old dos games to get into dos games and really like them, it's a joyful moment.
  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    The kid plays COD and watches pony cartoons?
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    Bibendum wrote: »
    You shouldn't treat this kid so bad, sounds like he went out of his way to visit you in your retirement home.

    Seriously. Should try being less condescending. Could have just answered his question with: PC DOS.

    Realize 15 years from now these kids will be old school gamers talking about the old Halo/CoD days. ;)

    You may think those games are total crap, but these kids are loving it, and that's great. It may be difficult for these kids to enjoy Half-Life as much as we did 13 years ago. (feel old yet ;)
  • MadnessImport
    13 years?!?! DAYMMM that multiplayer was still fun

    Half life was reborn through deus ex human revolution no one els sees it but me They all think im crazy!
  • Bibendum
    EmAr wrote: »
    The kid plays COD and watches pony cartoons?
    I know 30 year old men who watch MLP. Friendship is magic.
  • Mark Dygert
    Bibendum wrote: »
    I know 30 year old men who watch MLP. Friendship is magic.
    I'm 35 and I watch it to... with my daughter...
  • PhattyEwok
  • GarageBay9
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    GarageBay9 polycounter lvl 13
    Cojax wrote: »
    Seriously. Should try being less condescending. Could have just answered his question with: PC DOS.

    Realize 15 years from now these kids will be old school gamers talking about the old Halo/CoD days. ;)

    You may think those games are total crap, but these kids are loving it, and that's great. It may be difficult for these kids to enjoy Half-Life as much as we did 13 years ago. (feel old yet ;)

    A lot of the sarcasm between the two of us gets lost in the text. :\ Hunter knows me well enough to know I'm not seriously berating him.

    I don't look down on the current crop of FPS / shooters at all - I've got a good chunk of them myself, and they're fun, even if the multiplayer isn't precisely my cup of tea (generally, I suck compared to the hardcore multiplayer population and get killed constantly, therefore fun level drops). My 7-year-old son and I duke it out on our PS3 regularly.

    That said, I've never been particularly impressed with the notion of "professional" gaming, but that's probably because the early Cyberathlete Leagues with Counter-Strike and StarCraft got off to such a laughable start. I'm coming around though. Wouldn't mind paying the bills playing TF2...
  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    Bibendum wrote: »
    I know 30 year old men who watch MLP. Friendship is magic.

    Wow, I checked it out on youtube and am still surprised. There must be some magic going on for sure :P
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    If god forbid I have kids... I'm making sure they start with NES and Mario 3 or Mega Man 2
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18
    If I ever trick some woman into having my kid, there is no way I'm letting them near a gaming console.
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    After skyroads and dangerous dave, the neogeo is my preferred option :). After all those classics we get into the world of 3D!!

    And keeping them away from those damned Japanese rape games! DAMN THEM ALL TO OBLIVION!
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    yuo are turning in to an old 'dosser':)
  • Mark Dygert
    Ferg wrote: »
    If I ever trick some woman into having my kid, there is no way I'm letting them near a gaming console.
    That's the only way to make sure they become a gaming junkie. If you make it something they can always have access too it blends into the landscape and they don't touch it. I swear gaming is addictive only because there is a mentality in parents that kids shouldn't play.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Seriously... you guys are watching MY LITTLE FUCKING PONY? NO! Man cards now!! HAND THEM IN... For fucks sake. Any retro gaming cred just went out the fucking top story window in a suicidal leap of desperation.

    Seriously? My little pony? *Shakes head in shame....
  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    That's the only way to make sure they become a gaming junkie. If you make it something they can always have access too it blends into the landscape and they don't touch it. I swear gaming is addictive only because there is a mentality in parents that kids shouldn't play.

    ~ Objection.

    I was never allowed a console by my education obsessed parents until a couple years into the PS2 era. Even when I DID get a Ps2 I was only allowed 3hours a day on it.

    I never play games now. Ever.

    Feels completely unnatural to sit and play anything for more than 45mins even though I'm now free to do whatever I like. It's pretty much hardcoded into me.
  • XenoKratios
  • slipsius
    Would hate to see what he says about amiga and commodore 64.....
  • Vysuki
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    Vysuki polycounter lvl 9
    My daughter has hit 3 a month ago, shes been playing games since she could start using a control pad.

    We let her play Toy Story 3 since the sand box mode didn't really have forced objectives time limits or even the ability to die. She was dreadful at first but by the time she hit 2 years and 10 months ish she was fully controlling woody and jumping about completing missions, buying buildings, racing bullseye (and even winning a gold medal here and there).

    (side note this was awesome as the dexterity learnt from this increased her ability to draw 10 fold).

    When we realised she was now completing the story mode we introduced her to older games.

    Shes now in love with mega drive sonic games and mario in any iteration. Definatly makes me proud, she just enjoys any game :D
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Seriously... you guys are watching MY LITTLE FUCKING PONY? NO! Man cards now!! HAND THEM IN... For fucks sake. Any retro gaming cred just went out the fucking top story window in a suicidal leap of desperation.

    Seriously? My little pony? *Shakes head in shame....
    The story is much better written, even as an arch, over that of anything coming out nowadays.

    We already lost Batman the Bold series, Transformers has too much of that Bay vibe going on to be anything decent, and most Eastern stuff must have some kind of tinted hedonism, either racial or gender.

    Frankly, watching MLP is the only thing I can do nowadays, that, and old stuff, like District 9 and Fly Castle. Too much of the current stuff is simple brain-dead garbage, smoldering in angst. I mean honestly, enough with the dark reboots already.

    Also, not proud of it, but the only time I dabbled in DOS was when me and my friends downloaded a game which was called RobotDolls or something, and I don't need to remind why a teenager would ever download that by the name alone.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Ace-Angel wrote: »
    The story is much better written, even as an arch, over that of anything coming out nowadays.

    We already lost Batman the Bold series, Transformers has too much of that Bay vibe going on to be anything decent, and most Eastern stuff must have some kind of tinted hedonism, either racial or gender.

    So, don't watch cartoons? :poly124: Lots of big people shows have arcs these days...
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    or christ sakes... watch spongebob, fan boy and chum chum, phineas and ferb... something that isn't My Little Pony...haha
  • Will Faucher
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    Will Faucher polycounter lvl 12
    or christ sakes... watch spongebob, fan boy and chum chum, phineas and ferb... something that isn't My Little Pony...haha
    Dude, give it a break. You're acting like a 6th grader who laughs at others for watching shows he doesn't deem "cool" enough.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Wait, Fanboy is still on? I thought they canceled it.
  • Lord McMutton
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    Lord McMutton polycounter lvl 17
    GarageBay9 wrote: »

    That's odd, since the Mechwarrior 2 I have is for Windows 95. Was it a different one of the same name?
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Ace-Angel wrote: »
    Wait, Fanboy is still on? I thought they canceled it.

    Maybe it's only re-runs but still a fun show.

    As for old games. While moving from Chicago to Green Bay recently I found my original Command and Conquer DOS disks, C&C win95 versions, moto racer gp for my integraph intense 3d voodoo card, tomb raider 2, delta force, return to castle wolfenstein, rogue squadron... oh so many more but can't remember off the top of my head... So many memories.
  • cholden
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    Did gamers back then even know what DOS was? I remember most gamers being console-gamers except for the few who could afford PC's.
    The game was apparently released for MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows, Apple Macintosh, Sega Saturn and PlayStation.
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    Funny, just yesterday I was ranting to jmt and SgtNasty about the old Hugo DOS games.

    Also, Ponies. I'm surprised to see how many pcers have started watching that since the thread went inactive.
  • GarageBay9
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    GarageBay9 polycounter lvl 13
    That's odd, since the Mechwarrior 2 I have is for Windows 95. Was it a different one of the same name?

    Mech 2 v1.0 / 1.1 ran native in DOS in (if I recall correctly) Protected memory mode, something pretty novel at the time. It's what allowed them to squeeze unaccelerated 3D graphics out of late 486s and the first Pentiums.

    It was later released in a DOS / Win95 dual native release, although the Win95 implementation was basically just a 16bit GUI shell on top of the DOS native game engine.

    There were a large number of specialized SKUs of MW2 that were bundled with 1st generation PCI GPUs, such as the original Voodoo 3dfx, S3 Virge, Diamond Monster, etc. There were so many it was difficult to track them all. Best count puts the number of GPU-specific ports at more than 25, probably closer to 30 - remember, this was before OpenGL and DirectX, and each of those versions had the renderer (and other chunks of the game code and in some cases chunks of the game art) re-done from scratch specifically for that card.

    MW2: Ghost Bear's Legacy used the Mech 2 engine, almost without alteration. Much of the content in GBL was actually included in MW2 but was never enabled. NARC Becons, AMS, Inferno SRMs, torpedoes, and pretty much all of the gear that didn't show up until GBL / Mercs actually exists in the original MW2 files.

    MW2: Mercenaries brought true DirectX 2 functionality to the table, although my hunch is that most or possibly all of those changes were front-end GUI. The engine was still DOS native at heart, since there was a 100% software DOS version shipped on the same CD as the Win95 version.

    Later, just after the GPU-specific bundled versions of MW2 were coming out, MW2: Mercs was released in a special "3dfx Accelerated" version that brought basic texture maps and other features to the engine. There was also a "Pentium edition" of both MW2 and MW2: Mercs, which I'm not as familiar with, that preceded the 3dfx Mercs - I believe it was a conversion of the engine from integer to floating-point math.

    The final iteration of the game was the 3-pack Titanium Trilogy of MW2, MW2:GBL, and MW2:Mercs. For all three there was a dual-version CD that had both a late revision of the original 8-bit game, as well as a remastered 16-bit version that ran natively under Windows with DirectX.

    So there you go. :)

    Yes I typed that all from memory DON'T JUDGE ME
  • Snowfly
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    Snowfly polycounter lvl 18
    You sound like a gamer-hipster. It's weird enough being around people who get all incredulous when they find out my sense of music history extends back only to the early 90's...
  • System
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    System admin
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQysdRTDIYE"]My Little Pony Presentation, Media Class - YouTube[/ame]

  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    What the fuck is this thread and what's it doing on my Polycount?
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Who really cares if a kid dosnt know what DOS is? Im sure you didnt know all the stuff your parents grew up on like record players, the radio, black and white TV's. Yes its cool to know where the stuff you loves comes from and how it got it start but you shouldnt hate on people for not caring too much about the past.
  • Dan!
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    Dan! polycounter lvl 6
    whenever I feel that way I watch this
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMeSw00n3Ac"]Making of the Computer Graphics for Star Wars (Episode IV) - YouTube[/ame]
  • chrismaddox3d
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    chrismaddox3d polycounter lvl 17
    My Daughter checked out a My Little Pony book at the library.
    Guess who had to read it to her, me and it wasn't all that bad.
    I also get to watch Sesame Street with her nearly every day.
    There will always be Generation gaps between the old and younger crowd.
  • Daelus
    Autocon wrote: »
    Who really cares if a kid dosnt know what DOS is? Im sure you didnt know all the stuff your parents grew up on like record players, the radio, black and white TV's. Yes its cool to know where the stuff you loves comes from and how it got it start but you shouldnt hate on people for not caring too much about the past.

    Don't you see that's how it starts? First they lose their respect for DOS prompts, then they start talking down to our 8-bit sprite art. Before we know it they'll be lording their cordless, 4E Eye-phoners over us and we'll be stuck trying to dial out so we can e-mail our disdain to them at a blistering 7KBs a second speed. Is that what you want?!
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Wow, am I the only one who hopes their kids don't know what DOS is?

    God, my dad used to try and get me to not bother using a calculator, and use an abacus, and after 30 years I still don't see the point of learning how to use an abacus when we have calculators.

    And sorry, but 99.99999% of games back then sucked. They sucked hardcore donkey balls. You all have beer vision goggles, if you think those Sierra adventure games hold up today. Most of the old school NES games were stupid, and had immature game design. SURE they were wonderful at that time, but for the most part, they were designed around 25cent arcades, and were made to suck your quarters. NOT be any kind of enlightening experience.

    I'm certainly not going to force my children to watch old black and white silent nickelodeon films before they get to watch Toy Story. I'm not going to require they play Dice based D&D before I let them play Dragon Age, and I sure as hell won't force them to use an old rotary dial phone before they're allowed to use a mobile.

    I dunno. I hope the future generation are better than we are. I think it's really lame to think they should be subjected to the exact same media and upbringing as we were.
  • Daelus
    JacqueChoi wrote: »
    Wow, am I the only one who hopes their kids don't know what DOS is?

    God, my dad used to try and get me to not bother using a calculator, and use an abacus, and after 30 years I still don't see the point of learning how to use an abacus when we have calculators.

    And sorry, but 99.99999% of games back then sucked. They sucked hardcore donkey balls. You all have beer vision goggles, if you think those Sierra adventure games hold up today.

    I'm certainly not going to force my children to watch old black and white silent nickelodeon films before they get to watch Toy Story.

    I dunno. I hope the future generation are better than we are. I think it's really lame to think they should be subjected to the exact same media and upbrining as we were.

    I agree for the most part, but a lot of the classics are classics, and they still hold up. And after they get remade on the 3ds or the 3d apple product we can happily thrust them upon the next generation. :poly136:
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Classics and remade retro games are for our generation. I blitzed through the MegaMan collection for Gamecube, but my godbrother (10 years old at the time) thought it was the lamest thing ever.

    He thought Contra was repetitive as hell and stupidly hard and boring. HE WAS RIGHT. I don't like it because the AI was retarded, I didn't like the stupid slowdown, and I certainly didn't enjoy the plot. I enjoyed Contra because it made me think of the times I was a kid playing that with my brother, dying all 30 times, and stealing his lives.

    Nostalgia doesn't make something good.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Megaman 10, HL1, Morrowind, Beyond Good and Evil, Shadow of the Colossus all games with faults, but still a small corner-stone if you want to play retro-games and see how far we have come while still enjoying yourself, if the game is made for you.

    Also, most games where good for THEIR time. Things have moved on by then. Again, example for me would be Morrowind, people praise it like it's the seconding coming of Cthulhu or something, but alot of it was pretty much atrocious.
    -Spears where useless, and I like spears (before 300 made it mainstream).
    -Hit and Miss ratios where something which made the earlier FF games look charitable.
    -Alot of the spells where 'fun', but overall, didn't contribute anything to the gameplay.
    -Earlier versions of the game had quick-travel, this one didn't.
    -Alot of the story was based upon you reading books for motivation.
    -Weird environment design where sometimes, you could meet one-hit monsters early on.

    So basically, yes, alot of the retro things we have needs to be polished and kept for future generations, at least in example form if possible, but everything is tinted when we remember them with nostalgia and what games we enjoyed, only for us, today, to quit it within the hour because we have better things to do...such as finish the breasts on the model we've been procrastinating for the last week or so.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    Why not tell your kid about old games? We tell them about old books, old movies, old music and it's all still good. People still watch Alien (or even Charlie Chaplin movies!), listen to Hendrix (or even Mozart), read Tolkien (or even Homer)... what's wrong with old games?

    We don't blame Mozart for not using e-guitars, or blame Chaplin to only have made black and white movies. We appreciate those works for the art behind the technology, and this is something you can still do with some of the old classics.
  • Stromberg90
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    Stromberg90 polycounter lvl 11
    I agree with everything Jacque Choi said so I dont need to repeat him.
    One more thing I dont like Chaplin, I think he's movies is fucking boring.
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