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Portfolio paranoia when you apply for a job - who experiences it?

polycounter lvl 13
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GarageBay9 polycounter lvl 13
I've been fighting this for a long time, and I'm curious if anybody else goes through this.

Every single time I run across a position I want to apply for - especially when it's one I know I would fit really well - the first thing that goes through my head is "Oh God, I really want that job, I know I could knock it out of the park, but I don't think (insert one or more things) my portfolio is good enough... and if I submit and they pass me over, they won't look at me again for like a year! AGGHHH!"

Followed shortly by "maybe it'll stay open for a few more days, and I can frantically make something new that they'll like..."

And then, in the really extreme cases, I give myself an ulcer and a nervous breakdown at the same time, trying to maniacally smash out a new portfolio piece hand-crafted to appeal for that position in just a few days, and worrying the entire time that the position is going to close before I send in my application.

C'mon, it can't be just me. :poly142:


  • LMP
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    LMP polycounter lvl 13
    I used to feel that way... then I got a job.
  • sprunghunt
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    sprunghunt polycounter
    I find the stats feature from my wordpress portfolio to be very useful. That way I can see which pages get the most hits and from whom. So I get a picture of who is looking at what and why.

    Also it helps to show your portfolio to as many people as possible for feedback. Although if you're employed it can be a bit difficult to show it to your boss and ask for their feedback... ;)
  • nick2730
    in that spot now, not happy with current portfolio so im working as much as i can to knock out some new stuff
  • Daelus
    In the same place right now. I've taken to calling it my "just one more project" phase. I promise I'll start sending it out, just after I get this piece finished. Honest!
  • Dylan Brady
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    Dylan Brady polycounter lvl 9
    this sucks.
    although I feel asthough farting out a rushed project in the style of the studio your applying to (or as close an approximation of their style as you can find out in ten minuets)
    wil ultimately harm you more than help you.
    if you really think your style fits perfectly than you should already have some stuff that they'll dig. if not....
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Yeah, I think this is pretty normal. Lots of artists have issues with confidence in their work, especially if they've spent time unemployed. It's a long road getting that confidence back.
    You can try custom-tailoring things in your folio to a specific studio, but I personally wouldn't advise it. I would just say to have a diverse portfolio, or simple have a portfolio full on content you like to work on. If a studio likes your work but doesn't match your style, they'll have you do an art test to make sure you can adapt. It's not a huge deal. Just do killer art and the rest will follow.
  • Ambient Confusion
    I cant speak for all companies, but i appreciate it when applicants take the time to do something suited to the style of the company. Applying and then re sumbiting something shortly after demonstrates the actual ability to turn something around in a tight shedule, which is something I can always respect.

    But like I said i can only speak for what i like and what i dont like
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    If you wait for your portfolio to be good enough you're never going to apply anywhere. Just sent it out and see what happens.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Send your stuff out if you think you can do the job even if your folio isnt as strong as it could be. If you dont get the job then try again in 6months when you kicked ass on your folio and made it better.

    If that job is no longer there, apply somewhere else.
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Most Artists like Stubbles said question themselves. It's hard putting yourself and your work out there and getting NO back all the time. Just keep at it and keep your head up. Send out your stuff to places. Make portfolio art that is 1. Awesome and 2. Something you enjoy. Your art will look better if you enjoy making it and the chances of landing a job in that style are higher (which means you'll be happier at work).

    I think the moment I realized I just wanted to have fun making stuff and not worry about making sure my portfolio had x, y, and z in it I started making better art. Plus I'm enjoying making portfolio art a lot more. Just find something you enjoy and keep doing it. If you don't get bites with what you have keep making more stuff and eventually you'll nail something awesome.

    The worst thing you can do is burn yourself or get into a pity party. If job x wasn't meant to be let it go. Something will come along that's a better fit for you.
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