this is driving me crazy and i would love some help...
i made a tree in 3ds max, and a made a composite material with the sublayer being the bark, and a top layer being moss, the moss layer has a mask.
bark and moss are both on map channel 1, whith the mask on map channel 2.
i have the correct UVW layout on map channel 1, and i made a new UVW layout on channel 2.
when i import this into UDK it seems that the map channel 2 layout is not imported with the model, and the moss mask layout is incorrect.
edit* To clarify my UVW workflow, i hit unwrap UVW, choose map channel 1, edit uvw layout, convert to edit poly. Click the model, unwrap UVW, choose map channel 2, reset map channel 2, edit and make new layout, convert to edit poly. Export ASE for udk
import to UDK, map channel 2 is incorrect.
You could also try importing individual map channels using OBJ. Or try FBX.
What do the broken UVs look like in UDK? UDK doesn't display UVs greater than 0-1 properly but they're still there.