The problem is that my Maya crashes when I use the tool on my character, nothing else. So something has to be wrong with it. My mesh is clean and nothing wrong with. So do you know what the problem might be?
I've read on some other forums, and there are some that have the same problem but I never found a solution for it.
Please help!
It crashes for me all most all the time, it'll freeze Maya and use 50% of my CPU while its frozen until i Task manager it off. its weird how when that tool was added the Split polygon tool became almost flawless that thing use to crash maya all the time in version 2011
Use the "split polygon tool" and "use snapping points along edge" it works almost the same way and when you Right click after making a split unlike the Interactive split you can keep adding edges instead of clicking the mesh twice to add more edges
sweet, thanks. But i cant fint split polygon tool in 2012? i thought it was replaced with interactive one... where can i find it?
I just noticed its no longer under the edit mesh menu or on the shelf i hope they don't remove or over write this with the new one.
In your tool settings you can set the snapping tolerance to match that off the Interactive split, 30.000 seems about right if you like. its a bit hard to notice the snapping at the default 10.
(The only advantage interactive split has over the old one is that sorta Xray component feature allowing you to see the orange edge split through the mesh's material just thought id say )
It is also not constrained to the edges of the poly, and you can end splits on the same edge.
But yeh it is pretty unstable, I only use it if I have too. Another annoyance is that if you hit the G key to repeat the tool, it gets rid of edges you have made and restarts the tool, it forces you to hit enter to complete, which also exits the tool and then G again to re-enter the tool to add more cuts.
@Ericoscarj Make sure you have the latest version of maya installed, I think its SP1.
The right click thing isn't even in documentation for the split tools, and you still need to use the g key for extrudes and such anyway.
Oh well, it's good to learn new stuff though