Hi all, after a lot of effort and a few months, I´ve finished my new Demoreel, lets see if it have quality enough to open some door into de game industry
I would like to know this, if it have level to start sending it to some studios. Or if I should change something.
Thanks guys.
If you're looking for a job as a character artist I wouldn't start your reel off with a character that has no arms or legs - anyone hiring you wants to see if you can model joint topology and understand anatomy
Also the lighting doesn't really work for me. Use the lights in your scene to sell the forms and create a bit of atmosphere. Just now everything is being hit by 100% ambient light
I will post my progress soon.
Thanks, I appreciate your comments.
I had the same thought wretchedgoat did with the barbarian. It reminded me of the gnomon dvd which isn't the best first reaction.
Also, your texture sheets in general leave a lot to be desired - you're not utilizing your space very well. The first character is especially bad in this regard.
I do agree that the first character is kind of weak, and two intersecting planes for the legs? A let-down from what I would expect from the concept. Imagine this character animated in a game engine.. he stands with two completely stiff un animated straight legs with mysteriously unmoving electricity.
I would at least add some more geometry perhaps in leg shape so they could actually bend and animate or actually be posed at all.
Good luck man, hope all this helps
It's really hard to get into character art, unless you're top-tier the chances are that you won't. Fingers crossed though! Keep working hard and produce more stuff!
I´ll post the next project from the beggining to learn and fix along the process. I´m thinking in a character with more props and of course legs and arms
Thanks everyone for your replies, are very useful to me.
Thanks guy.