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[Portfolio] – Alvaro Canizares, Character Artist

polycounter lvl 7
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ClatoVerata polycounter lvl 7
Hi all, after a lot of effort and a few months, I´ve finished my new Demoreel, lets see if it have quality enough to open some door into de game industry ;)
I would like to know this, if it have level to start sending it to some studios. Or if I should change something.


Thanks guys.


  • Cheynecg
    haha nice ending...no body messes with the Jesus man.
  • benclark
    personally I would take that first guy off of your reel. It doesn't sell you very well in my opinion

    If you're looking for a job as a character artist I wouldn't start your reel off with a character that has no arms or legs - anyone hiring you wants to see if you can model joint topology and understand anatomy

    Also the lighting doesn't really work for me. Use the lights in your scene to sell the forms and create a bit of atmosphere. Just now everything is being hit by 100% ambient light
  • wretchedgoat
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    wretchedgoat polycounter lvl 8
    I would also suggest not putting a character that was done along with a tutorial on your reel. The barbarian you have looks far to similar to this
  • ClatoVerata
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    ClatoVerata polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks you all for yours advices, it´s true that the first model isn´t the best example for a character artist. When I´ll go finishing more characters I´ll replacing those models. I have been learning new thing all along the project, so there are some things like the textures, lighting...that I´ve to improve with new designs and practice.

    I will post my progress soon.
    Thanks, I appreciate your comments.
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    When I saw the still I was waiting for the lighting to be crackling and moving around on the first guy.

    I had the same thought wretchedgoat did with the barbarian. It reminded me of the gnomon dvd which isn't the best first reaction.
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    Why you have so many separate texture sheets per character? I'm no pro but it seems odd to me.

    Also, your texture sheets in general leave a lot to be desired - you're not utilizing your space very well. The first character is especially bad in this regard.

    I do agree that the first character is kind of weak, and two intersecting planes for the legs? A let-down from what I would expect from the concept. Imagine this character animated in a game engine.. he stands with two completely stiff un animated straight legs with mysteriously unmoving electricity.

    I would at least add some more geometry perhaps in leg shape so they could actually bend and animate or actually be posed at all.
  • dannedadon
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    dannedadon polycounter lvl 11
    I know its tough going for character art, its a cool field but it comes with a lot of hard work. So keep going =). Unfortunately I have to agree with the other about the first character, and I liked the barbarian sculpt but the texturing wasn't doing it justice. And finally I would remove the animation at the end, it was playing in slow motion but it felt more like you made a mistake while rendering because it looks way less than 24 fps (im guessing your slowed down the clip in comp). And the rigging is not that good, specially when he turns around.

    Good luck man, hope all this helps =)
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    it may be a good idea to clarify how many maps you are using....it looks like you have four 2048 diffuse maps on a single character, which I hope isn't the case when 1x2048 will more than suffice. I would also add more cards to the tesla characters electricity, atm you can identify the two planes pretty easily. Fingers crossed for you, character art is a bitch to get into.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    Yeah... I'm no character artist but considering how many and how big your texture maps are I was expecting a little bit more. You should really take a closer look at others work and compare yours to theirs, how they manage to get more detail in there and analyze their pipeline.

    It's really hard to get into character art, unless you're top-tier the chances are that you won't. Fingers crossed though! Keep working hard and produce more stuff!
  • ClatoVerata
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    ClatoVerata polycounter lvl 7
    Yes, I´m agree. There are so many maps, it looks like I´ve made a wrong planification. I don´t know if redo all the textures or design a new character, trying to improve with all the things I made wrongly.
    I´ll post the next project from the beggining to learn and fix along the process. I´m thinking in a character with more props and of course legs and arms ;)
    Thanks everyone for your replies, are very useful to me.
  • Jhburton
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    Jhburton polycounter lvl 7
    Hombreee! un madrilenio por aqui! pense que nunca lo veria! jajaja Los modelados estan muy bien pero tienes dos problemas que creo que ya te han contado otros por aqui... Los Low Poly siguen teniendo muchos poligonos, para un personaje principal deberias apuntar alrededor de los 5000... EN cuanto a las texturas... tener 4 mapas de 2k es mas que demasiado! quizas 2 de 1024x1024... aunque deberias apuntar a 1 de 1024x1024... de todas formas 2 de 1024x1024 no hay problemas... Me encanto la referencia a The Big Lebowski en la animacion de Picolo! Muy fino! jajaja un Saludo!
  • PaulP
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    PaulP polycounter lvl 9
    Hey I liked your showreel until the last piece, that low FPS animation looks very amateur and ruins the rest of your video. I don't thing theres anything wrong with the actual animation, just make sure it runs smoothly at atleast 24fps, otherwise it just looks like an old student project.
  • ClatoVerata
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    ClatoVerata polycounter lvl 7
    SCB, that´s another thing I´ve to change. I´ll do it, but probably I´m gonna take the animation out of the reel. To show only projects related with the characters creations.
    Thanks guy.
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