Hi polycount !
This is the first time I post a job on polycount so i'm going to present myself first. I'm a student and i'm currently doing last year of training in real time CG. So, for portfolio purpose, i'm working on a real time reproduction of a scenery made by Trulls (
Here is the main reference :

And here is what i made for the moment :

the unlit version :

and some close shots

Any critics, suggestions, advices are very welcome. I'm posting here my work to improve it, so thanks by advance for your answers

Now i'm starting to work on the rocks that will support the hole castle.
PS : i have the agreement of Trulls to make this reproduction

Look great. I love your wood.
Have you photosourced or handpainted ?
Btw. You can really remove those endinig on supporting wood beams. Unless you are planing they are going to be visible.
Let's see this broken down for proper critique: Wires, individual elements, construction process, etc.
What I notice is that the piece is very grey and brownish and feels a bit monotone in color? When I look at the original piece I notice he's using bits of green (example: roof). I understand you can't make this piece bright and happy, but I think adding some moss and plants might help a lot.
Anyway, awesome model, looking forward to seeing more!
This is looking extraordinary so far! I would maybe like to see some more greens in your roof, like I see in your reference - that would also give this piece a bit more color. Wireframes pweeze? :] Keep it up!!
now i'll try to answer to questions but before i start, i must give some precisions : when i started the project i didn't intend to make an optimized map. The main purpose of this work was to make a beauty shot maps, so i hope you won't be too disappointed about the poor optimization :poly136:
I tried to keep a good definition on all objects of this scene, i also tried to make as much generic elements as possible in order to re-use them later.
Close shot of the wall texture :
iniside -> i made most of my textures on zbrush and used photoshop to give them some color, using both photo sources and painting.
ParoXum-> Yes i have ! actually i'm at HEAJ
Justin_Meisse-> thanks, i agree, i'm thinking about it
MeintevdS -> you're right, and based on the original source i intend to add some foliage to get some color variations.
You could make lots of different buildings with the textures you've got there, really nice work!
The other stuff in you portfolio looks clean as well, kinda annoying to navigate, but the content is nice
now, answers
haiasi -> indeed, the stucco sections are directly made from photo which is not a good choice because i sculpted all the other elements. I think i'll remake this texture on zbrush
sltrOlsson -> that is something i was thinking about. If i have enough time i'll try to expand that scene
sean -> yes no problem, but i'm not a master at sculpting so it's maybe not a good example
PixelMasher -> yes, i didn't choose the definitive lighting, i just took light for previewing the scene. Anyway, i like the example you gave me, that a good direction for the lighting
by the way, i used a matcap to improve that texture. When i'm sure that the orientation of my texture will never change, i grab a matcap from zbrush and add it in overlay to my diffuse. Here is an example :
matcap i used might be the metal03 or MAHstudio sexy/soft
any other suggestions/comments/ are welcome, thanks again to everyone !
*love your stone texture!*
Did you sculpt this from plane, or prepared an base mesh ?
it's fantastic really , and i see that you are reproducing a maquette from trulls fantastische welten
i have to reproduce windirs wizzard from this site for school this year.
And someone from my school make a map froms this site
here is his portfolio
Great work!
Are you planning on sticking religiously to the original model, as you have permission from the creators? Or are you merely going to use the full thing as 'inspiration'?
jeffro -> exactly
SirCalalot -> i will follow the original as a training first, and also because i just like it the way it looks. Anyway, if i really want to change something i can
I could easily see this house in witcher2 or an other really sexy medieval game, it would be so great to see an entire scene with this.
Wow, that's some great work man! Do you think you could explain your process here a bit more? I don't quite understand how you tiled the sculpt yet.