Hey guys! In a few months I will be applying for internships so I thought it might be a good idea to get my resume in shape. My main concern is whittling it down to only the necessary information - is there anything in here that seems superfluous to you guys? I would like to hear your opinions on this, and anything else. Thank you in advance!

My portfolio is here, for anyone who is curious. It will be undergoing many changes in the next few months, mostly additions and edits, but critique on it now would be more than welcome as well. Let me know if there seems to be any pieces not up to par.
Your Resume looks short, sweet, and to the point. Its 1 page which is a good thing. Means you know how to cut the fat. Other then that I'm a bit jealous of your hand painted work. ;P
If you were to trim anything, you could get rid of the 'about'/objective section. Some people leave that out and some don't.
Your resume` seems pretty on point
For my 'About' section, I will cut it down to: "I am pursuing a career in game development as a 3D environment or prop artist". I'll cut the rest out, or move it to the cover letter where it can make it more specific to the studio.
As far as style goes, I must say I enjoy realistic as much as I do stylized! After doing lots of cutesy hand-painted, I get this itch to work on something high-poly and dirty, and vice versa xD So my pattern of portfolio growth will probably go something like this: stylized, realistic, stylized, realistic.
More critique and comments welcome as I continue to work
You could argue to be diverse or to specialize. Really it comes down to what makes you happy. I guess I assumed it was hand painted work. But if you're not sure or you just like both. Then screw that and do both.
Up to you though.
Here's the game's website in case anyone wants to see.
I made the trees and barrels in the video
Really nice work! I wish you all the best in your job-search! oh and make sure to get some contacts via LinkedIn!
Yeah, about LinkedIn, I need to get more connected on that site, I neglect my profile haha . . . browsing Pcount takes up all my time! Gah!
Oh, I have a question - what is everyone's opinion on linking a personal sketch blog to the portfolio site? Is that considered unprofessional or not? I just put all my doodles and whatnot on that sketch blog, none of which is portfolio quality or anything.
But I finally took a look you have a awsome portfolio, after that I visited your blog.
At first I was thinking that it might not be that smart, until I saw that you where just as good with 2D as 3D.
And then it's not a problem it's great with someone who knows 3D and 2D very well, many who link to their 2D blog has just some crappy anatomy studies and some doodles that should never see the light of day.
This post got a bit messy, hope you understood what I meant :P
EDIT: Ok, I took me an hour to figure out, but now I have my Blog page linking directly to my blog url. Thanks for pointing out the problem makecg
Good luck!
On that note, not sure if you're interested in this or not. But those realistic models would look awesome in The Dark Mod.http://www.thedarkmod.com/main/
If you're not doing anything with them and would be willing to contribute them I would help you get them in game and it would just be a little more game engine knowledge for you (Radiant engine : Doom3, Rage, etc...)
Or if you want to contribute to work with a mod team and practice that stuff more I can say for certain the team would love to have more stuff like that in game.
Baddcog - sending you a PM!
nice lol
jess: stuff looks great, goodluck !
The only thing I might want to add is to get to know people who work in the business. Socialize and get to know the people you start working with. I guess you already understand it, but being known by people in the industry is always a plus.
I´m going off to my own internship period in a month, I wish you goodluck in your search!
And I really, REALLY love your hand painted textures!
In addition eliminate the word "yearn". Use words you would actually say in everyday speech. Unless you consistantly are using the word "yearn" eliminate it and use more common speak. Utilizing words in a resume or letter that you would not normally use does not make you look intelligent but instead foolish which is not the impression you want to make to a potential employer.
Best of Luck!
CandyStripes05 - thanks!
Cheese_Shinobi - Yep, gonna get on the LinkedIn haha, thanks for the reminder. Good luck in your search too, when the time comes
Kjohnston - Thank you for the critique. I have removed the lengthy About from my resume (and the word 'yearn' xD). Thanks for the pointer about the everyday speech thing, I will keep it in mind haha. As far as cover letter, I have yet to write it, and have not even really researched how to write one correctly yet. But I will do! Glad that you pointed out it is more important than the resume, I did not know that.
Thanks ZFerguson! I'm glad my wells thread has helped you out!
mheyman - When I make my textures, I really do try my best to give them all the light, form, and color that I can. I study textures of artists that I admire, and textures in real life as well. To be honest, I am having a hard time seeing the difference between my blog work and portfolio work, but I really would like to understand what you mean.
Would it be possible for you to send me any example textures that you think particularly shine, or even do a paint-over of my own stuff to illustrate your critique? I guess there's something I'm just not seeing haha. If you haven't the time, I understand, and will then just continue to study in the best ways I can. Always looking to improve my work, thank you mheyman!