After I started messing around with my Landscape more and adding extra sections the foliage placed by the Foliage tool has been acting weird. On entire sections or sometimes just parts of a section the foliage hasn't been rising or falling to sit on the terrain. Right now I'm using the October UDK but the same thing was happening in the August UDK.

I've tried using the repaint settings tool to change the height to see if that would fix it but it didn't work. Removing the foliage and then re-placing it hasn't worked either. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix it?
EDIT: Nut sacks... Just tried removing it and re-placing it again and it fixed it. I guess I didn't try that after I switched to October UDK. Guess now if anyone else stumbles upon this problem they'll have a possible solution.
Just out of interest, does the player walk over that particular area of Terrain without issue? As the problem might have been to do with collision detection.