Vec3, A model viewing/sharing service that runs on all browsers and all operating systems.
Vec3 is currently in
ALPHA development.
-Functions on all operating systems, all browsers; with no install
-Ability to view textures and uv maps
-Model stats
-Normal Maps
-Easy and safe uploading
-Easy sharing
-Data compression
-Multiple textures
What does it look like?
I want to try it!
Random exceptional uploads:

(4.03 Mbs)

(4.45 Mbs)

(10.78 Mbs)

(1.23 Mbs)

(0.33 Mbs)
Most recent uploaded model:
How can I help you, help me?
Share your experience; or anything that you upload. Comment or provide a question/suggestion.
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I dropped my texture down from a 2048 to a 1024 in case that would cause it to hang...whats the largest model/texture size thats been successfully uploaded at this point?
I had a little bit of difficulty uploading...It took a little while..and if I clicked around in the browser at all chrome would fuss a bit, but I doubt thats something you can control.
Will there ever be the possibility of having normal maps/spec maps and whatnot?
Also, took me a little bit to find where you can see the uv map/wireframe and whatnot. maybe those buttons could be closer to the middle of the screen or larger so they are easy to see?
Would you be able to have the tab key navigate through the different dialog boxes? clicking each box to drop in rgb values gets to be a little tedious.
Overall though, pretty nifty idea!
Edit...actually clicking the link seems to not work for says unkown id
EDIT: Fixed, hopefully that won't happen again
I've tested it with a model that's 50 Mbs but it's not uploaded currently. The highest resolution texture I've loaded is 1920x1200. I don't think there's a limit to the model size or texture size, but right now if you upload something to large it takes forever to download and the client may hang. I still have yet to compress/shrink anything, let alone adding in multi-threading.
Yes normal maps/spec maps are defiantly going to go in.
I've got the comment that things are to small before, I will consider sizing/relocating things up a bit.
Tab navigation and better entering of RGB values I plan to improve/add in the future.
Thanks for trying it, learned a lot :poly121:.
And yeah, I didn't find the buttons for wireframe and whatnot at all, so placing them more conspicuously is a good idea also.
Edit: actually nvm what I said above, you can scale down the model and scale up the UV's and watch them nicely but a button that does that for you would be cool (its all about the buttons)
I have a question..will we be able to modify existing meshes? If that ability exists..I don't see it. Would be good to be able to change textures and update the mesh and so on.
I also have yet to find where I can browse the models with out needing to go through each one. For example, maybe a thumbnail gallery would work?
My upload is still at a blank screen so I don't know if its frozen or not going to upload..
@Joshflighter: Anyone should be able to view your uploaded model; click the share button to see options for sharing. If the model doesn't upload within 60 seconds it will fail (right now). I just did uploading yesterday and it may need some more work as downloading did (progress updates). I'm used to things uploading/downloading instantly because I'm very close to the server. I will build on the browsing features, they are in their infancy now.
@Azkur: I was unaware that firewalls would be a problem, I think this can be fixed. The application is downloaded on port 80 then it connects to a separate server on port 6116. Changing the port may solve this.
Edit; How do you upload a model with out textures? I noticed a few in the previews, yet it wont let me get past the step where it requires a texture. If I just put a blank white jpeg for it, it makes the model disappear and causes it to not upload (I'm guessing this is the reason why.).
p.s. the model I am uploading isn't uv'd.
I thought p3d was the only interactive model viewer but this has texture support! AND opera support! AND ITS PUBLIC!!!!
Beautiful this is amazing work!
EDIT: Never mind I haven't a clue what was wrong with the texture...
Edit; im using google chrome. Will try another like IE.
Doesn't work either. I mean, your preview of it loads up in seconds, but the uploading just doesn't seem to work.
As far as saying a percentage, it doesn't. Which is weird, it usually does.
The file is 42.9 mb.
I'm using Windows 7 64 bit.
@Joshflighter: Vec3 loads your memory whore of a mesh now...
The problem was the size of the model and the fact that it didn't come with normals. The tool started calculating them and then ran out of memory. Browsers only give 0.25 Mbs to java. I optimized the memory usage a bit and it should be up-loadable now, however it crashes (due to running out of memory) when you first upload it. Lets try to stick to nothing bigger than 20 Mbs total...
I'll continue working on normal maps tomorrow shouldn't take more than two days...
I'm just playin with you man.
Will keep what you said in mind.
Normal maps ...are in... (and much in need of testing!)
I'm going to be working on giving uploaders the ability to delete posts and unlist things next.
Help it spread by using it to showcase WIPs.
Unlisting is next
Help it spread by using it to showcase WIPs. about spec maps
Edit: Got my new jet up with NM maps.
Uploading went much smoother this time.
Spec maps after un-listing (after thumbnails)...
Really like the whatever it is The_Onomatopoeia btw
Looks awesome though!!
Tried rebooting my browsers, still doesn't work here :P
Help it spread by using it to showcase WIPs.
I'm glad I could help with a dumb PC!
Looks great and I had a lot of fun working with it!
I gotta suggestion for you.
Would it be possible to dictate where the default lighting position for a model is? For instance, I usually end up moving mine below the model a little bit so I can get some different shadows than what you see by default.
@Andrew Mackie: Do you have a non US keyboard? I will look into this.
@gsokol: I have considered giving the user the ability to set the default light and model positions. I'll add this in very soon.
Multi-map support should be coming soon, I'm doing un-listing and trying to get rid of whats below right now (which takes time and money)...
The warning is displayed becuase the tool needs access to your GPU and personal files (for uploading). Hopefully removing this warning will give users more trust in the tool. Subsequently more uploads should follow. I plan on improving the download process after that.
Might be a little less updates because work/college are starting to pick up again...