This is a cryogenic prison cell prop for a huge monster in a level I'm working on with my MOD group. I just wanted to get some feed back on the looks of it. Does it look menacing or creepy? I added the mop bucket for size definition. Thank for any comments!

-those things on sides make me think of audio columns.
-gears at the front look out of place, unless it's a logo. they don't seem to have any real purpose.
I dig the wires though.
First thing that came to mind when I saw this was the JENOVA cells from final fantasy 7. I remember being creeped out as a kid when I saw them.
unless of course the window is for inspecting the monsters balls or penis
I every much agree, i read over it quickly and thought "mechanical prop for level with monster". I didnt really see it was a monster cage.
So yeah, bigger window, add a small stairway so people can see that someone can go in there. Also, aside from the mop/bucket thing there isnt much sense of scale in there. I couldnt have told you it was so big without that. Get some smaller parts in there. like a computer/control panel on the side, scaled to human scale.
I really dig it so far though, especially those wires are nice.
I-beams are framing it and add rivets for some interest.
i really do like the overall model though, it will look awesome with smoke pouring out and have that thing open...i think in game you know you would be in for some shit when that thing job!
What about smaller details, like rivets and panels? Is each of the sides of the clamshell one whole chunk of metal?