Hi everyone, as the year will soon be over we will start to upload some stuff we did over the past few months.
As some of you may know recently a few artist friends/colleagues of mine and i merged to form a small group of passionate and experienced artists, due to the fact that often times studios don't want to outsource to individuals so we joined our forces and made us appear a bit bigger - we rented an office where a bunch of us are working right now, but we also work together in a network of freelancers for certain clients, not always we have every working hand we need right next here in berlin so we share our strengths over the internet.
Right now we are working on the translation of our portfolio, we finished one version for the gamesmarket in german, it's currently beeing revised and fit to the different needs of different industries as we not only produce for games, though this is the industry our hearts belong to, where we grew and therefore or first priority.
Well sadly i can't offer you sweet awesomesauce Rage models as so many others did and there is also quite a bit still under NDA but there are some project i am allowed to show, some internal for workflow development and polishing. Well and actually having to show something and others are works we did for several productions.
enough talking lets go show some of our recent works

this year we made our first step into producing maquettes for tabletop games it was a pretty nice experience, the demoprints we did looked promising and the final mold will be looking pretty sweet. Those figures will be about 3cm high which is about 1.18 inches. At first i thought the detail a 3d printer can handle will be really a problem but i got proven wrong, we recieved samples with so high density details you could only see them under a magnifying glass, really stunning stuff O_O
I worked on that one mostly together with Efgeni Bischoff who goes under the name of blitz in this forum, he is actually searching for a safe inhouse production right now, so if you need someone with his skills, he is a beast be it env or character art
the finishing was done by Kristoffer Ling, he was also responsible of cutting it all into pieces, merging what needs to be one later on etc.

some have seen her already, we are currently working on one bigger scale portfolio piece which took quite some time so far to produce, we already started collecting some stuff for later breakdowns, but if there are any specific questions, just shoot, when we have the time we are glad to anser.
which brings us to the actual concept i based her on, made by Johannes Figlhuber, a dear friend and one of the guys defining the look of our Airborn UDK Demo from 2009

I really fear doing all those feathers it will be very challenging :O

A concept the just recently released Might and Magic: Heroes 6 (what ever happened to homm? duh) Johannes was working on these inhouse at Bratislava, they did quite a batch (if not all?) of the art for Heroes 6, great guys over there.

Some concepts for an unannounced action title Max Degen worked on, he is currently working together with some of us on a pretty promising xbl title, and some other smaller illustrations for browsergames.
enough of conceptart, I don't want to show everything we got here, just a quick overview of what we can deliver as individuals or as a group

also created this year we worked on a couple of rendered illustrations, David Fraa
A nice broshure you got there. I am pretty sure that it will be nice to read and to look at if printed. But while reading on my screen I had terrible problems with this white text on black background. At least for me, the strong contrast made it impossible to read all the text even only on page 36... I didn't even try to read the text on the following pages. If others also have that problem, mybe you can change that...
Needless to say, you guys be rocking! Keep up the good work and are you allowed to show us pictures of those prints?! I've been dying to get into that field as well, would be cool to see what the tech is capable of these days.
i totally missed putting up the link to the intro of pinos journey, the guys watching the portfolio or digging through deviantArt might have seen it, but for the others - here it is
just click the image to see it, it was made by Julius Brocklmann as director and painter, Johannes Figlhuber and Simon Kopp accompanied him as digital painters, Ian Dorsch made the music and Jochen Mader did the sounddesign
okay enough advertisment for now
Hboybowen: show me what you got
walkonsky: yep we talked about that already, we might tweak this a bit, but printed it works really well, however the majority of viewrs will not see the stuff printed so i guess it would be wiser to tune it further to the digital audience.
ZeroCartin: yeah its always great around him :poly122:
dpaynter26: you might have seen it either here in the WAYWO thread or as a daily deviation over at deviantArt
Maph: once i have approved images i will show them of course - i just called the artdirector behind the project and he told me that the details might not be deep enough, and some proportions worked out better in zBrush than in real life. As the additional coating of colors just closes some gaps it might be needed to overdo the displacements even more - they'll do some macroscans of actual painted and unpainted fiqures to show me how deep stuff really needs to go to be caught up by the coating later on
thanks again.
Oh just forgot, i think i won't be able to build a running version of the udk demo anymore, while i have all the soruce files i really don't know which repository the latest build was on, we switched so often between, svn and git and different servers during the production - i just can't say which version it is.
But basicly you really don't want to play it, you can walk, you can jump, you can use a somehwat buggy pogostick and thats about all you can do, there is a very small quest in it where you basicly just run through triggers in a given amount of time. But if you are really interested in that i can look if i can find the latest / still working build for UDK. Also UDK changed so drasticly some stuff didn't work out in later versions anymore and we never found the time to fix some issues.
My favourite piece is definitely the demo in the UDK.
We did a lot of work on the star trek - infinite space game, but i'm still waiting for it to be released and with the current gameforge trouble i'm not sure if it ever will, hope i can post this stuff soon.
but here is a little something efgeni and i used our awesome plant modelling skillset for haha :poly142:
But there is a little something Airborn related, we are currently working on the side on a smaller project in our universe, and here is a mood painting our artists Max Degen and Johannes Figlhuber did as a ping pong image, one started the other joined and then it went back and forth between the two.
It wasn't planned to be for airborn at the beginning but at one point it moved into a direction which fits our universe pretty much.
hope you enjoy it
together with pure rendering, who did the final texturing, shading and rendering we worked on recreating the chinese terracotta army in their true colors, based on the latest analysis by chinese and german scientists.
i'm waiting for the final images, but here are a couple of previews i just recieved and which have gone public already
besides this general we created a whole bunch of modules to create the complete army of one chamber (the whole collection is just freaking huge), including bodytypes, armors, heads, haircuts, hats, beards, weapons, horses, chariots and other elements to fill the scene, here is a quick preview of a few of the created head modules, you can mix and match all of them with morphs to fit haircuts and whatnot to the different head and body shapes
and you guys could help me, if you are located in any country but germany, china, the us or australia (thanks troy
this link is dead, care to reupload?
sorry can't do as it is the clients website, i have no control over it whatsoever, and i don't think the spot is on youtube or anything like that, i mean its ricola, a couple of plants and herbs, i doubt someone would watch it on youtube
but apperently they seem to just have changed the link
if this is gone again , i'm not sure it will ever show up again
well yes and no
we worked on 2 different more simple projects with the brand, did a few graphical prototypes basically. Due to the fact that we all work fulltime on other things we had to concentrate on way smaller projects, one of them was just released via the small indie label game bakery.
Maybe once all the e3 stress is gone we just decide to kickstart the whole thing again, would love to work more on the universe - this time on unity for sure, we didn't buy the lincenses for nothing
In 2011 we worked for Infernum a local gamedeveloper and publisher, on their in browser fantasy MMO based on the cryengine, http://www.theralon.com/ and [ame="
[had to be removed after we recieved permission to release yay]
we did quite a bit of modularity here, those are just a few examples of possible props made from the same assets, ingame ended up a few more pieces made of this modulesystem
[had to be removed after we recieved permission to release yay]
[had to be removed after we recieved permission to release yay]
as its a browsergame the budget was somewhat tight, i already see a lot of things which we could have improved easily with more time, but at one point in the production you have to move on
Also while on downtime we had the chance to work for Liquid Development on the next Halo, i'm not sure if and when we will be able to produce our own images, but here are some already published impressions:
one of efgenis models actually made it into a toy, the one with the 3 visordots on the lower right
this one was mostly done by me, i worked on the Chest, Helmet and Shoulderpieces, i'm not sure who did the rest of the armor
also this model made by me made it to the limited edition, in this case i worked on the full suit
So next update might be coming in pretty quick, the open beta of offensive combat should be running already, or maybe soon i'm not entirely sure and we did quite a load of work for them, from concept to final asset - it was a really fun project to work on and our biggest so far with a total of 11 artists working on it over the past months.
Great to see this sort of thing. Thanks alot for posting it.
haha woog yeah but there are some more 80ies comic inspirations in it, does the main character remind you of someone?
@l.croxton: not sure if i understand it right, but if i do, yeah at times or production tends to be like an assembly line with different people working on different parts of the same model simultaniously to speed up the overall output and deliver single assets quicker. Of course this means all artists involved will have to work in a somewhat similar workflow to create homgenious quality. In case of texturing for instance it means using the same math for applying maps like AO or lightmaps, cavity etc. same goes for the sculpting part of production, we develop standard brushes alphas early so everyone involved doing wood for instance doesn't have to come up with his own solution.
guess the floaters will be falling down all the time :P
thanks mathieu!
The other stuff is pretty nifty too I guess;)
so time to thank you guys
scudz haha crossbowcar, i'll tell the client to put some licenseplate with that on its back