It's looking good so far, but everything feels too clean; I want to see rips, scratches, scars, tears since chainsaws are messy weapons to help tie it together. Plus bloodying up the chainsaw would also help sell this.
Thanks, I'll be sure to put some serious wear n tear all over the chainsaw and some more on the skin. Adding some more variation to the skin tone is a good idea, thanks.
As for blood, that will come towards the end
Wanted to post another character that fits this guys theme I did a bit ago. Not as much time was spent on this guy because he was to be turned into a very low poly model but I'm still really happy with him. Also since he's along the same style as my current project, maybe I can learn from some mistakes made on this guy.
Getting the flesh colors to contrast a bit with the metal colors -- material type aside, would help sell it all. I like where it's going though. Just needs a "Boomstick!"
I wanna see next process !!
As for blood, that will come towards the end
Anatomy on the forearm looks a bit off to me however
Think Pinky:
Or maybe a Cyberdemon?
Getting the flesh colors to contrast a bit with the metal colors -- material type aside, would help sell it all. I like where it's going though. Just needs a "Boomstick!"