hey guys just got done doin some weapon attachments over the past couple days and thought id put in into polycount and see what all you experts think! i made all of them to put onto a FN SCAR that i will be starting to work now
all crits are welcome! and hope you enjoy!!
first is the ACOG sight
sneaky- yea i see what your saying, im gunna re work the pinching parts underneath the triangles in the front, and then smoothen out the left side of the side dial, and then post some wires! thanks for the crit
handy chart showing how softening edges reduces aliasing and helps normal baking:
i get that rounder edges help with normal mapping the the same way expanding the base of floaters adds to the illusion of depth in the normal map so i understand why they are an advantage in that case. Could you explain a bit more about the aliasing? that seems to sound like the best reason to go with smoother edges, what are your thoughts man?
es: good eye, i need to break apart those verts coming out from the extrusions, thanks for the crit!
three reasons why it's important for fps weapons:
fps weapons are at a grazing angle, so they get hit hard by texture filtering. it's important to beef up your edges so they don't get lost within the blurriness of filtered textures.
texture sizes. while the weapon may be on a 2048 for the pc, the 360 version may have 1024 textures, and downsizing can mean some particularly tight edges get lost. making the edges more prominent fixes this.
lastly, plain and simple, softer edges catch more light and thus look more attractive.
will be keeping an eye on this one sparticus....updates soon??
critique away!!
also, started working on the SCAR so should have some renders up soon for that too!
some quick renders of the beginning of the scar!
btw is it just that render or that Acog is too long?
gunna be away for the weekend, being halloween and all, but when i get back there will be alot more renders being posted:)
please critique the crap out of it :poly121:
On the acog, would it not be easier just to find a way to terminate some of those edges where it's pinching? (/noob)
yea, for the most part generally if you want to get rid of pinching, the easiest way is to yes, delete edges. but depending one what else your object is containing, it could ruin it even more. thats why sometimes its easier to just re-scale verts using edge constraints, or if its just not working out, deleting parts and starting over.
believe im done with the high poly, even though no artwork is ever fully finished, you can always go back. but ive double and triple checked the modeling of the FN-SCAR!
as always please leave any comments or crits! i need em to get better:)
cant really decide on the color scheme. which looks better? gray scale or color to represent the high poly model??
1. the lower part of receiver is thick?
2. pistol grip looks strange
also can you post some pics from right side and front part
btw you planing to do a EGLM and Mk17 version?
btw2 you maybe know this site - it has great pics of real Scar's http://www.pixagogo.com/1792204240
if u wanna get it better i would suggest same as other said here
go softer on the edges, make sure its showing, maybe go x2 than what u got
and another thing is the shape and proportions even on the smaller part, yea i know its small and annoying and most ppl wont spend time on those kind of part but for example, this poped right away when i opened your thread
the ARMS little closing arms are way of in shape, u need to give it softer feel, it will help u make it look plastic too,right now its too edgy and sharp, same for other parts u have there,
1. so basically softer edges (i dont have rules for that i just do what i think will work good with my normal maps, i also noticed it changes with time and experience even if u dont learn new stuff, when i opened a model i did in 2007 i was like wtf thos edges are too sharp, why did i do it like that O_O, so im sure youll get it with time too)
2.better attention to shape and proportions even if its that small
u got some complex shape done pretty good so you know what youre doing, do it for all parts
and thanx alot for the nice words, i appreciate it alot
Lonewolf: thanks alot for puttin some feedback on my stuff, really appreciate it! Your work is so inspirational, everytime i look at any piece you have i feel like i need to reach for a towel cuz i just splooged over everything!:) ha
but yea i see what you were saying about the ARMS brackets, i fixed them up a little bit and deleted some edges. i think it looks alot better. and i took another glance over the model as a whole and re worked alot of the edges. when it comes to my next piece im just gunna keep smoother than i want cuz once its all said and done, itll end up lookin better.
dpaynter26: thanks man, always like the nice words!
grip references:
reworked grip:
EOTech reference:
reworked EOTech and arms:
some more angles:
but heres the update with a reference first. thanks again for the good eye!
and which type of flash hider you modeled? because it doesn't look like basic AAC one for Scar 16 , it looks more like AAC for Scar 17
btw you will do both variants? like that Scar 17 and also Scar's Grenade Launcher for both?
il prob quickly model like a silencer or the legs that attach for when the sniper scope is on it, just for the heck of it. but all together for the gun itself high poly, im calling it finished. wanna move on :poly124:
The piece is for an indie project, but also for my portfolio. But i optimized the piece centered around the fact that its going to be seen at a first person view.
BTW - keep in mind that this isn't the final normal, this is fresh baked. haven't cleaned it up yet
Textures coming soon
Low poly + Normal -
Also your muzzle is really off. The barrel is too thin and is missing a part where it enters the case. Also make the grip like 15% less long, it will look better.
Color is nice for the presentation, but your lighting and shader isnt. With a more diffuse specular and a good light setup you could make a great render with just color.
Oniram- you got some good highpoly work. Thanks for the fixing sheet. unfortunately its kind of late in the process to go back and change and wait for renders for minor things. But the screws and whatnot, (the things that i can change at this stage) i will def add thanks!
Shrike- not entirely sure what you mean by that first part that you said. And right now for the low poly im not to worried about the render, this is very early on in the texture, and those from before were just for showing the normals, thats all. And the handle is taken right from reference so i think the size is ok. but thanks for the feedback.
liljohn- its actually relatively simple, its just a noise thrown into the bump slot on your materials and adjusting the size of the noise. play around with it and feel it out, you'll be able to get something similar.
Right now the model just has simple materials and color palettes to distinguish everything. now time to go into detail
Other than that and the points oniram found it looks really really great and I wish my gun will turn out that good
hope ya enjoy
but yes, any comments would be great, and crits for next time too! thanks