Here's a little project I've been working on and I thought It'd be a good idea to post my progress on here. It's a hand painted scene that will be rendered in UDK.
So here's the concept:
and here are some of the textures I've got so far:
I'll continue posting updates as I progress. Crits and comments are greatly appreciated.
I plan on replacing the fallen tree with one with less foliage and some moss on the trunk.
I'll continue posting updates as I make progress. Crits/comments are greatly appreciated.
and here it is in the scene:
Crits/comments are appreciated.
I created heightmaps for all my landscape textures so now they can transition into each other.
I felt the original structure in my concept looked too miniature, so I'm seeing what I can do to revamp it. Also, I'm also working on iterations of the architecture textures. So far I've got iterations for the roof, walls and pillars.
I played around with the lighting and composition and I also added in a placedholder structure. I plan on adding doodads like rocks, boulders, grass in the environment to help bring the piece together better.
More updates to come!
Crits/comments are appreciated.
i love how your texture blend all together! I'm a bit new to that, is it just an additional black and white map that indicates what is higher and lower in the texture?
I love your style! i cant wait to see more of that scene!
PICTUES > words.
Yeah the water was looking crooked because the banks weren't even. One was flat and the other dove into the water. I raised the water level and now the water doesn't look "crooked" anymore. haha.
@rorozilla: Thanks, man. Yeah, the rocks and foliage would really help the scale. I'm going to be getting to that and I will be sure to post them when I do. Right now I'm working on some architectural textures though. As for the blending landscape textures, they're each utilizing a heightmap stored within their alpha channel. The game engine picks up the info as height. Darker --> deep --> transparent; Lighter --> higher --> opaque. Having heightmaps in all the textures allow them to blend with each other without needing to create transitional textures.
Here's the roof texture I've been working on:
Here it is on a mesh I'm testing it on. (building is not final):
More updates to come!
Crits/comments are appreciated.
You´re close to nailing a perfect atmosphere for this scene, I like it! Great work on the textures. I really like the cliffs!
I would suggest you make the house/temple a bit crooky, especially on the roof, to make it look a bit old.
Keep up the good work and I´ll follow your progress!
More updates to come. Crits and comments are greatly appreciated.
But overall I like the textures and the style. Good job.
Should I just desaturate or change the hue of some of the colors to make them fit better?
@Jramauri: I can bake an AO for this, otherwise I was going to let the engine take care of that.
good work
only put some color variation to spice it up a lil
desaturate: ur light has no color, so blackness=0 sat
I made a paintover to better illustrate what im talkin about
Hope you don't mind me bird shittin all over your work, thought it added that extra touch of class
It's been a while since I've last updated. I just wanted to add some plants into my scene so I've been busy with that.
Here's the scene update:
Building with updated textures:
I'm going to be putting all the plant textures onto a single, larger map, but there they are individually
I'm going to be working on some rocks for my scene and I'd like to get feedback on the meshes before I start on those textures.
Crits and comments are greatly appreciated.:)
Been working on the rock textures.
Crits and comments are appreciated.
if you made the wood slats on for the front of the house vertical i think it would bring a lot more cohesion to your scene especially in contrast to the way that your dock is layed out. something just looks off about the planks being horisontal.. i dunno. love it otherwise tho! keep up the amazing textures too!
@Xelan101: Yeah I had intended those little ones to be bare because they were so small, but I will add some shapes so they fit better with the others.
@hathol: Thanks! I've rotated the wood on the building. you can see it in the scene, but I will post a closeup when I post an update for the little rocks.
Here's my scene with rocks added:
Crits and comments are greatly appreciated.
BTW the stairs to the river seems very natural to me, I would sit on that patio all day and maybe fish or swim a bit once in a while .
If I had to think of any crits... well, do you really need the line loops on the inside of the flowers? They do give a nice subtle little bit of curvature to the petals, but it seems all these flowers are gonna be seen from quite a distance anyway. Unless they'll be seen from closer up at some point?
Anyways, keep it up, great stuff.
The hill on the left looks really flat and awkward. The hill that's right behind/left of the building has a nice silhouette, I think you should try to replicate that for the left hill as well.
The tall rocks next to the building look cool, but sort of out of place. All the other rocks in the scene are shorter. Maybe incorporate those tall rocks in other places as well, or shorten them, your call.
A little thing I noticed was the roof shingles showing on the front, between the wall and support beam thing. Not a huge deal but might look a bit more clean if the support beam was back a bit.
Overall I think the placement of the rocks, grass, plants is a bit haphazard. It could use a little more visual cohesion. Check out this little lecture thing, it's really good (in Russian, sort of hard to follow using google translate, but totally worth it). Basically, try to group stuff up a bit more.
One of the things that stuck out the most to me was that your scene doesn't seem to have a unified color palette. It just seems to kind of be all over the place. As i was trying to think of ways you could fix it, i think the easiest is to tint the trees you have in your scene a little more towards red. Doing that should imply that the wooden pieces that make up the temple there were taken from this forest and would really unify the scenes color palette i think.
It just seems that the temple is out of place. You could also take one of those totems, duplicate it and put it over to the left somewhere. This would also give a nicer composition and lead the eye around the scene instead of it just going straight to the temple and staying there.
This definitely looks really good and i love where it's going.
Adding those pillars along the river like that is genius, Shadow you should definitely consider doing this
Something like this:
Would make a little bit more sense to me than just going down the stair and falling into the water. :P
Updated scene:
Updated props:
Crits and comments are appreciated.