Hi guys, first thread here on polycount (uhay).
Anyway, been finding some problems when it comes to animating, as I'm basically a modeler (recently venturing on texturing):
1)Everytime I import a SMD scene with only joints, they apears sideways, not horizontaly... how to correct that?
2) How do I import an animation on Maya? Have imported joints and characters models, but everytime I try to play an animation, it just keep runing the time line without doing anything (imported the reloading animation the scatergun using a SMD import plug-in... imported joints but no animation).
3) Even if I get to animate something, how do I sinc the animation on a file with the model on another (like, loading the animation done for a weapon, with fingers and spine positions and all, to the weapon model with only the its own basic joints).
About exporting:
When I to export something to SMD and imports it back to see if it was nicely done, it gets... strange (see the pic to know what I'm saying:
http://designerr.deviantart.com/art/Tecnical-Problems-with-SMD-264219386 , the barrel is smooth, but darker, joints ramdomly appers, even when no joints were made)
Sorry for bringing so much things, but I ask for you to have patience with me, as even the few I know, I learned alone. Thanks!