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Another Female Character WIP

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DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
Greetings guys;

I am a bit lazy to ask the mods to modify my previous thread in this section and I wanted to show you guys what I have been working on instead of asking you questions. So here it is.

I havent named it yet, but I've been calling her a reaper ever since I started this project.

Basically, I started with this:


Than just for the practice sake I sketched out a front pose (Still work in progress)


I started sculpting it out in 3d based on the the first concept sketch and other references.



I will be rigging this one for sure since there is no deadline hanging on my head like a blade and use it to test the game engine I'll be studying and working on, but any critics and comments are welcome and appreciated. :)


  • imijatov
    Good work so far; the silhouette reads well. I like the shorter dress as it shows more anatomy, but not too much. About the cheek bones; their placement seems off. Try looking at some real-world reference of women with high cheek bones and try to emulate the placement better that way. For plush lips, the bottom lip seems to be drooping some. The arms appear to long to me. Also, the bones on the lower part of the legs seem either too thick or stick out too much. Hope that helps you.
  • Dan!
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    Dan! polycounter lvl 6
    IMO nothing about the design reads as a "reaper". Her belly, forearm proportions and hand anatomy could use another look.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Dan! wrote: »
    IMO nothing about the design reads as a "reaper". Her belly, forearm proportions and hand anatomy could use another look.

    Thats because its not finished yet, and I havent decided to actually name her.

    Reaper's scythe is something she is going to use to cut the enemy, and when the model is fully done its going to be ("her name" followed by the "the reaper.") I am not going to make her look all skinny or give out hints of skeleton but more of a gothic style hints, maybe skull icons, or skull logos on the shirt, etc. The reason you said that is because I havent created the scythe and handed that to her yet. =\

    Actually, thanks for giving me the idea, I was going to model stripes out for hair to even go further in modeling the hair with alphas but now I think I might go with hood and a cape. =\
  • Boyd_Lake
    I agree with the comments about the belly etc. The abs/navel area seems very flat where it should be rounded and soft - especially around and under the navel. Also, and I realize this may be a stylistic choice, but the lower body seems proportionally large compared with the upper body. The calf/lower leg is very big.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    imijatov wrote: »
    Good work so far; the silhouette reads well. I like the shorter dress as it shows more anatomy, but not too much. About the cheek bones; their placement seems off. Try looking at some real-world reference of women with high cheek bones and try to emulate the placement better that way. For plush lips, the bottom lip seems to be drooping some. The arms appear to long to me. Also, the bones on the lower part of the legs seem either too thick or stick out too much. Hope that helps you.

    Thank you, the belly part I will work on last when I am doing the final touch up. The fore arms indeed looks long, the cheek bones look fat. As for the lower lip, if I lift it, I will have to lift the chin as well. Which will result a longer neck but ill see what I can do. Lower portion of the legs are suppose to be fat according to the concept, since she is going to have bigger boots.

    Thanks for the crits, will update soon. :)
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Small Update as per the critics:


  • octokitty
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    octokitty polycounter lvl 15
    Hey! I think the face is looking really good! i would define the eyelids and nose more. i think the anatomy is getting there too, it looks a little stylized which i like. I actually really like the shoulder area and arms. oh, one thing i notice where the anatomy is really off is the calves. the inner side of calf muscle should be lower than the outer side. like this:
    yours is the opposite right now, where you have the outer calf muscle lower than the inside.
    It's all looking good so far. I already see an improvement from your last character :)
  • jmt
    She has very wide hips, but her thighs do not match the overall body shape you're going for. Also, the calves are really thick, in addition to what octokitty said. It would be easier to critique if you showed the full shape of the legs.

    The face is looking pretty good, but should get more definition behind the nostrils, in the eyelids and between the lips. It's sort of hard to tell from just one angle, but it looks like the eye balls are positioned incorrectly - too far apart, the flesh around it looks bent in medially, but the balls are pointing laterally (wall eyed).

    Do you have a real world reference for the skirt? It sort of looks like an apron to me.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15

    Crit away.

    The skirt looks like an apron because I havent worked on it yet. And there was a reason why I wasnt working on legs, most of it is hidden, but I am trying to fix as much as I can as per crit.

    Thanks. :)

    EDIT: Also, I will try to work on the face some more to bring more detail out. The eyelids I need to work on. This model was posted at the very starting stage, so eye balls are indeed positioned incorrectly because they are place holders at the moment. I used to poly paint the eyeballs out and than go on about sculpting the rest of the model. But right now I am not doing that just yet.

    Perhaps I bring in the final piece of this model and post for good understanding for you guys because, you are criticizing something that is going to be completely hidden when animated. =\
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    Feels like you're going into detailing way too early, go back in subd to the lower levels are try working from there to get the general shape right. Honestly it doesn't matter if it's going to be hidden or not, it's just good practice to always practice your anatomy skills.

    We see almost completely nude humans everyday, we can tell when things are off even though lots of us might not be able to put their finger on it. Make sure the underlying anatomy and shape are good before moving on to clothing to "hide" stuff. It'll be better for you in the end :)

    Good work so far though! looking forward to more progress!
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    I want to live where Chris Radsby is and see almost completely nude humans every day.

    Both her forearms and upper arms are to long, Nitewalkr. They're also pretty damn thin. You're evidently still working on the legs and hips, but you've got a whole bunch of issues going on there.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    Jackablade wrote: »
    I want to live where Chris Radsby is and see almost completely nude humans every day.

    Both her forearms and upper arms are to long, Nitewalkr. They're also pretty damn thin. You're evidently still working on the legs and hips, but you've got a whole bunch of issues going on there.

    I'm talking mostly about ads, especially those featuring underwear ;) You got to see at least 1 every day? right? ^^ if not outside then on the internet :)
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Ok...so after reviewing the anatomy and few other references:


    I've inflated the fore arms, and defined the thighs, knees and abdomen.

    EDIT: I dont see the problem as I compare it to the anatomy in the book that I have.

    I mean for younger girls, the fore arm is as per, so are the thighs.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    This is a pretty helpful reference (NSFW)
    Note the length of arms and legs, shape and structure of hips, groin and legs. You're not too far off at this point, but there's still a bunch of tweaking to get her looking anatomically ocrrect.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Final Update for the day:


    Thank you Jackablade and others, I'll look in to fixing the anatomy as per crits and post em tomorrow. :)
  • Lombos
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    Lombos polycounter lvl 6
    You absolutely should get the underlying anatomy correct. This is a character you want to animate, imagine when shes walking how the dress might move...when she sits down, jumps, spins, etc etc... her legs will easily be shown.

    I agree with the other crits about the legs, and the arms being too long..Definitely check out the reference Jackablade linked. It should give you a good idea of the areas that are looking wrong.

    Another thing not mentioned is the collar bone. The collar bone comes up on top of the shoulder, yours appears to come in front of the deltoids.

    check this out :

    Not a bad start, I would drop down a few sub divisions and really strive to get the anatomy correct and get the forms really flowing together.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Ok, thanks. I fixed as much as I could.

    This will be my final update for the day

    EDIT: Yes, I know the boots are too big from the front. I am working on it and the skirt. Any other crits would be appreciated. :)
  • Di$array
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    Di$array polycounter lvl 5
    Yeah i would work the anatomy before you go any further as it has a knock on effect with the rest of the model.

    A tip for you when working from ref photos. Always try to use the same model because if you start taking certain parts of different woman/man and put them together you'll have this weird jigsaw/patchwork effect on you characters anatomy.

    As it stands now, it coming along good but i would really go back and rework the anatomy a bit. I'd bring the stomach out a tad as well as the shoulderblades. The neck is quite long and i would redo the hands. Her arse is also a bit flat. Get some roundness into it. As for your muscle groups i'd go back to looking at some ref and anatomy books to nail it correctly.

    Other than that just keep going. Good luck man.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    try focusing on the base mesh first. it's just going to complicate things trying to go right into the high poly stuff. basics first. Anatomy. blah blah blah...
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    I fixed them and posted them in my last update. :)

    Thanks though.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
  • DrunkShaman
  • achillesian
    I like the new shoes, good progress. I feel like you should take your screenshots, and sculpt in perspective mode though.
  • Dan!
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    Dan! polycounter lvl 6
    I'd have another look at your reference-still some anatomical issues hanging about as well as those feet are misshapen.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Small update:



    Thanks Dan and everyone else for critics and I have done my level best to fix them all, except for the lower part of the leg, due to the boots.

    Now I gotta work on hair and get rid of that place holder where hair suppose to be.

    Once again, CNC is welcome. :)
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15



    ....You know what, since I am new to constructing hair, I am going to go with hood instead of hair, until I figure out how people go about it.

    Once again. I am calling it done for the day. The only thing thats left is:

    - Figuring out hair or head gear.
    - Stripes on the arms.
    - Making a scythe.

    Than I'll start working on low poly, and start making the environment.

    Crits are required. Please and thanks.
  • helldiver
    Hi there! Great job so far.

    I did a quick paint over. I'm no anatomy expert, so just take my advice lightly.

    Having done a fair share of high-heeled heroines (because -ALL- heroines should be in hot sexy high heels) your boots bugged me a bit.

    Are they supposed to be high heels? Sorry I wasn't certain.


    One thing to remember when doing high heels, is that you must compensate for the extra height that the heels give. She looks very stocky right now and not as petite as your concept art

    Something about the shoulders-biceps bugged me, so I did a quick paint over to give you an idea. Also the forearms seemed a bit long. Keep in mind that your forearm is bent forward, if you straightened it you'll end up with more length. Currently she could almost touch her knees while standing errect.

    Also, if I recall in your concept art you also mentioned that she is supposed to be young? Pronoucing facial features makes a character look much older. I'd fill in her cheeks slighly and reduce the cheekbones. Also I'd fill in more of the nose-to-eye area and not define the nose as hard. Again it's up to how defined you want her face which plays on how old she looks.

    I did a quick paint over:


    -Lowered the definition of the cheekbones, as well as lowered them.
    -fattened up the cheeks slighty
    -lowered the eyebrows as it seemed like they were too high.
    -lessened the nose definition, particularly the nose bridge.
    -"cutesyfied" the eyes slightly to give her a younger look.
    -reduced the chin and jaw significantly, rounded it out as well to be more feminine.
    -reduced the forehead and hairline.

    Here is one of my older peices (and by older I mean like from 2004, back before I knew what a normal map was...)


    I'm posting it since in a way it's a lot like what you're doing. Note the high heels. Also note how because I gave her high heels I had to compensate for it by raising her up.

    I also fully modelled the legs. It was the only way for me to figure out where exactly the skirt and scapular would bend when animating. This character can actually fully run, duck, jump, sit and everything.

    Once I figured out where the stuff would bend and had it rigged, I went back in and deleted the hidden faces (mostly the upper inner thighs and crotch). I think I eventually went back and kept the entire geometry because on certain animations and angles I could see the missing geo.

    So even if the peice is going to be hidden, because you have slits on the side of the thighs, you should still fully model the legs accurately anyhow.

    These are just suggestions since I figured you were going for something closer to your concepts.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15

    Just need a bit of advice or direction for the following stuff:

    Glow in 2d and 3d.

    Shadow and light on ripped cloth 2d and 3d(I think I can use low poly hair for 3d).

    Edit: Also a critic would be nice.

  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    I'm thinking you ignoring helldivers very indepth crit and moving on to a completely difrerent project probably deterred anyone else from giving you feedback.

    Don't mean to offend, just an observation.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    LRoy wrote: »
    I'm thinking you ignoring helldivers very indepth crit and moving on to a completely difrerent project probably deterred anyone else from giving you feedback.

    Don't mean to offend, just an observation.

    Well, his crit was the reason I started this project again, since the last female model was completely off. So I read his critics about my model and started over. So, no offense taken.

    I wanted to have an input on this concept art that I made for it, so that i can move forward.

    No reason to make a new thread for the same thing, so I just posted here...
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