So this is my first attempt at modeling a weapon. I used a few different references. And because I could find a set of references showing all of the parts good I pieced them together a bit trying to make it look right.
Here and
here are the two main references I used, I had many others that I used as well.
I plan to do the rocket itself, but before I started on it I thought it might be a good idea to get feedback on the weapon itself.
Seeing as this is my first attempt at a weapon I am looking for any and all advice when it comes to the LP and textures. As far as its purpose, it is mainly to be a portfolio piece.
Thanks for taking a look.
The rocket took me longer to get to then I wanted. I was able to finally able to start it today and put some time in to finish it.
Since I am new to weapons I asked around about poly count for this, but I am not sure that I made it clear that I was intending to do the rocket as well. I was told a tri count of about 10k would be good for the gun itself, I am assuming 15k is a better budget for the gun and rocket?
Unless there are any major issues that someone points out I plan to start the LP tomorrow, wish me luck!
As always open to crits.
Let me know what you think.