Here's a model I've been working on based on a TF2 concept. I changed some of the parts and rearranged the pieces so it would look a little better if it was in FPV. Let me know what you guys think! Thanks.
This looks awesome man! I really like your highpoly. I am stealing the concept and making this as well >:) Hopefully this isn't frowned upon. Keep going, I'm subscribed to this and can't wait to see it textured!
@wirrexx: Yes, I separated the model when I baked. I copied the model so I wouldn't have to put the pieces back together. Hope that helped, feel free to ask me any other questions.
Very good work. I would be tempted to add another edge loop (or 2) to the top of the cannister. The silhouette looks a little to 'polygony' at that part. Other than that, it's some good solid work.
I finished my model, but what's the best way to create a scene for portfolio renders in UDK? I already went to the thread that talks about getting high quality renders, but as far as getting a good scene setup isn't there.
@Mcejn: I tried out Marmoset, but I don't really know how to use it, so let me know how I can improve my renders. It looks more accurate the way I envisioned it in UDK though since I used that to view my textures on my model through the process. Although it could be that I don't know how to use Marmoset at all too..
First one is a Marmoset render and the second one is a UDK view port screenshot. I think everything looks fine on the Marmoset render except the nozzle. It should look more like the UDK one.
The trick to Marmoset is breaking your model up into pieces based on the shader that each piece needs. Your spec map can only get you so far, you'll need to tweak the shader properties to get that anisotropic highlite on the muzzle.
Nice work!
So I would choose the material in Marmoset that lets me use two materials and have the nozzle use a separate map (while having all the other parts masked off) so I could adjust the settings just for that one part?
Ooo, the Marmoset render looks wayy better than the UDK one - it would be great if you could get it figured out! This turned out really nice btw, I love the burnt nozzle.
So I went back into Marmoset and tried to play with the program more and I think that this new render looks more accurate to how I envisioned it to be. Let me know what you guys think, thanks. And is it me, or does Marmoset create a black outline around the model?
Thanks Disting, I couldn't find "outline" under the render tab unless you were talking about the "outline" in the view tab. But the black outline I was talking about is giving my model a slight cell-shaded look. It doesn't look bad, but I would like to know how to control that for my future models.
So I finally got around making some layouts for this prop. Here they are! These can also be viewed on my portfolio site as well. I didn't use the gloss map because Marmoset doesn't support it, but I made one along the way so I wanted to include it.
Doesn't marmoset 1.04 support gloss maps now (I'm sure I saw a slot for it?) Anyway cool work, like the finish! I think the specular on the 'red can' could use a bit more work, but apart from that real nice
Just 1 critic, in my opinion the concept shape bottle is better than the 3D model !
EDIT: Sorry the images didn't work before, I switched to using Dropbox as an image host and messed up.
I changed that area to have a softer edge, but I think it looks better when the tank is wider though because it won't look really long and flimsy.
Here's the update.
@Bad Spleen: Yeah, funny thing, i actually saw that and added another edge loop too. I'll post another update after I get the textures going, thanks!
First one is a Marmoset render and the second one is a UDK view port screenshot. I think everything looks fine on the Marmoset render except the nozzle. It should look more like the UDK one.
So I would choose the material in Marmoset that lets me use two materials and have the nozzle use a separate map (while having all the other parts masked off) so I could adjust the settings just for that one part?
And thanks!
cant say which i like better
looks really cool
Marmoset CAN render an outline, and you might have enabled it by mistake. It should be a checkbox for it under the Render tab. Just uncheck Outline.
@Torch and aajohnny: when you say needs more work and shine, are you talking about just making the specular for the tank brighter or something else?