Hello guys
here some progress of the "Blackreef Pirates" game I'm working on.
the game is an RPG built on Unity Engine and we plan to release it to iPad, PC and Mac.
I plan to explain in detail the procedures that I used with a series of little making of, but for now here are some time-lapse screen
and a video showing the prototype of a Enviroment that we are rebuilding.
This is one of the first prototyping environment( + the magic Adam, first character placeholder

), very poor and rough but useful for studying space, proportions and Level Design.

and this is the more recent style we have chosen.

And here the Island Prototype video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAweTfyYL6w"]Unity RPG tech demo - Week 32: Pirate island prototype - Subvert Games - YouTube[/ame]
all feedbacks and suggestions are appreciated!
For gameplay update and weekly updates you can follow our

here are some screens from the arena we have build exclusively for the new alpha v.6 which will be released these days
and in game screen
any request or suggestions?
For gameplay update and weekly updates you can follow our devblog.
I hope you like it and if If you have suggestions to improve everything, say it, i really need it, thanks.
For gameplay update and weekly updates you can follow our devblog.
and here is the video
suggestions much appreciated!
For gameplay update and weekly updates you can follow our devblog.
http://www.subvertgames.com/play - Alpha 6 browser player
Windows Standalone
MAC Standalone
if you can give me tips, especially on lighting and scene color balance, I'd be very happy
Lois? is that you? When did you grow a beard?!
yes, the animations are definitely to be reviewed, for now is just a placeholder.
New update are coming in theses days, stay tuned!
The iPad 2 version of the game runs incredibly great
Not only the game is running correctly and without graphical glitches but is also rock solid at 60 FPS with 2X antialias!
Here the complete article
I started sculpting the model and adding hand-painted texture on it, then I took an OpenGL screenshot to which I added an ambient occlusion pass, and finally added some paintover highlights.
now we also have a regulation system for the Gamma Correction, here is an example
And finally we added the alpha (training arena) on Kongregate
help us to reach a good number of stars
For full article visit our devblog here - http://www.subvertgames.com/blog
I hope you like it.. and the weekly update is ready for tomorrow with new video, Stay Tuned. : )
and here the full update articles
.. and new screen
We love RPG. We love skyrim. We..got a serious case of Skyrimtitis. Doctor says is curable but takes some time (approx 100 hours) to heal.
So, here's our personal tribute to the Skyrim world: epic helmet with horns!
Even if the helmet looks great in game we cannot use it because...well...isn't very piratey. But we can borrow something else from Skyrim: the camera with a lateral offset. What? Just look the video
The second (real) update is a target indicator in the minimap. This was a very requested feature and I hope will help you in not getting lost anymore. It will point you to next quest objective.
Full Article here http://www.subvertgames.com/blog/42
Next update is coming to these days, someone said, interiors?
Full article with other update here http://www.subvertgames.com/blog/43
a few things this time, we are very committed to several things simultaneously, including the equipment system(really close to being finished), character stats, inventory and UI graphic.
finally a new set of modular textures(and props) for dungeon\cave interior ready for next weekly update!
To support us vote on the indiedb contest at this link (http://www.indiedb.com/games/blackreef-pirates)
Thanks guys!
And this the first of a long series of images about "item", such as weapon, armor, cloth, potions, ingredients, acessory and other things
Here is a picture of work in progress Equipment+Inventory UI
We need feedback!
And here some weapon preview
All weapons are now categorized into:
- sword
- mace
- axe
- gun
Instead of using always the same animation for all weapon types I choose to create several animations related to each type. We have now 5 new animations for sword attacks (4 generic and 1 special attack).New Animations
Character stats
Each character now can have its own strength, constitution, dexterity and attack speed (melee/ranged).
Updates from user feedback
- Double click on enemy will trigger the default attack action
- The animations are now faster
New weaponsHere's some new weapons:
New combat animations
From a graphic point of view now each action can have multiple animations: this means a single attack action will never use the same animation all over again.
and two new weapons
In order to achieve the "one year milestone with a game" we decided to strip down all the features that are not the core of the game. The game that will be playable in late february is going to be focused entirely on combat and party/inventory management. This is a huge part and need to be perfectly balanced and tested before adding all the rest (story, exploration, quests, etc...).
In short: we're giving you a smaller but tasty cake istead of a bigger but half baked one. And yes, we will add the frosting later!
There will be many combat arenas and various challenges to complete. We almost completed the first arena: is pretty small and is perfect for a 1vs1 or 2vs2 introductory fights.
Week 50! only 2 remains and endless things to do
Changes from last week
- New swords: real steel, no more wood!
- Parry (miss) and evade animations: more dynamic melee combat
- Initial support for hit, miss, evade based on character stats
- Particle systems: used for sword "sparkles" together with the parry animation
- New target selection style (red circle on floor): less cluttered screen
Development is still ongoing and we have just taken up the issue of the weekly update
http://www.subvertgames.com/blog/52 <--- Here you can find the full article in which they are drawn are the sums of what went wrong, what went well, costs and development time, and future plans.
What method did you use for the sword motion trails? something homebrew or from the asset store?
Also, the damage text numbers, how did you make those? standard unity text somehow? I've been looking for something similar, i'd like to have gradients in my fonts.
Damage text numbers also is homebrew, simple animated texture, "fake" gradient, all color variation stay on texture.
A little news, Weekly update #53
Changes from last update
- Moving to unity 3.5
- Dropping our custom pathfind solution in favor of unity3d built-in navigation mesh system
- Lots of internal editor tools to speed up the development
here some enviroment stuff!Party members Combat AI
This is a feature some people love and some people hate in RPG, so you can choose to completely disable the AI anytime and micro-manage every action of your party. Otherwise you can choose to activate the AI and concentrate more on you main character actions and giving explicit orders now and then to your party members. Right now there are three AI behaviours:
The character will support the leader using melee or ranged attacks depending on enemy distance and preference. If attacked, he will fight back.
The character will attack any visible enemy regardless of leader actions.
The character will try to stay out of combat and far from enemies. If attacked, he won't fight back.
Note: the party leader (the character you are in control) will always be without AI
Floating target info
The target info is now "floating" above target head. Hopefully this will help players to understand who is the combat target, especially when switching the party leader. Combat lines
These are visual feedbacks used when an enemy is going to attack you (red line). There are also blue lines used to show the attack targets of your party members. Game menu buttons on top
All the game menu buttons are now always visible in the upper part of your screen for quicker access. On the iPad, due to smaller screen, these buttons will be visible only when the game is paused. Footsteps dust
Nothing exciting here but this is the groundwork for future effects like different sounds based on terrain material, water splashes, etc...
full post - http://www.subvertgames.com/blog/54
Enough talk, take a look at the video and be ready to be amazed!
Kind regards,
There is so much stuff under construction and the time to prepare videos \ articles was very little.
In the last update a lot of people really asked for a first person camera support in this game...sorry, even if it looks great in the video isn't going to happen. But, who knows...maybe in the future we can talk more about a new "skyrimesque" single player game.
Back to the real world, we work hard to restructure all the internal game database. The new database now handles with ease all the items, abilities, classes, actors, quests and everything story-related. That wasn't an easy change, but it will greatly help us to create all the game data in an easier way than before.
Another great feature is the use of proper "cooldowns" for combat abilities. In a previous post I was completely wrong about the use of the so-called "warmup time": it's still present for some kind of abilities (like a magic spell requiring 3 second to cast) but it's more fun and immediate to only have cooldown (and a stamina cost) for abilities.
The twist is that we choose to display the ability recharge progress in a combined way using the cooldown time and the required stamina needed to use that ability. This way you will always be able to see when an ability can or cannot be used.
Full changelog
- Desaturated image when in pause
- Cooldowns for combat abilities
- Ability information tooltip
- Sound fx when pausing/unpausing
- Sound fx when clicking on action bar
- Improved third person camera collisions with the world
- Combat error messages (ability is not ready yet, etc...)
- In-editor database for classes, actors, items, abilities, etc...
both methods.Do not like it very much only use modular pieces inside of Engine, I prefer to put everything in the 3D software, combining modular pieces and custom mesh, so as to give a little 'uniqueness to each scene.
Just a little side note: we recently surpassed 100000 views on our youtube
channel and 1000 followers on twitter, thank you guys!
We're exhausted...but really happy about the results: there are many improvements in the combat gameplay, we have a good sketch of the main plot of the story and optimized the way we work and create assets for the game.
The first visible result is a new kind of enemy, a spider!
What is so exciting about a spider, uh? Well, first is a gigantic spider and it will give you a warm welcome in places like mines or dungeons. Second, it has 8 legs and a very different bone structure from a human: this caused me a lot of headaches but in the end everything is working again and now you can fight with this new bitey friend.
I apologize for the shadows very grainy but still keep the quality in low lighting.
Here another little step on one of the city under construction.
here is some really quick information on the construction method of the scenes.
(I hope to find time to do it with greater care)
As you can probably see we're giving the site a complete restyle. If everything goes right the next week we'll have something new to show you...stay tuned
Remember Eve? She made a little appearance in week 9 and then suddenly disappeared. After a long time Eve (our base woman character model) is back! Male and female characters have slightly different proportions but in our game are actually sharing the same (albeit scaled) skeleton. That's because I can't waste all the time needed to do again all the animations, and no...motion retargeting isn't that good either.
Modeling and rigging was a bit harder this time but I'm quite happy about the woman body and facial animations.
It's still a work in progress, but here's a little preview.
not a bad idea.
Another shot of the same wip scene.