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Finding an Icon Developer for my game

Hey All,

It has been awhile since I developed a game. I'm developing a Web-based MMORTS. It is going to have a lot of icons. Probably in the range of 200 to 300 icons. I'm debating how to go about getting them. These are the 4 options I can think of.

1.) I like Iconshock icons. I probably could get about 100 of them from their library, and use them to develop the other 100 to 200. It would be $600 plus $25 per custom. So total budget of about $4000.

Advantages - I can get 100 "instantly". I know the quality of the work.

Disadvantage - The first 100 images, could be in other projects on the Net.

2.) Use elance, odesk, etc. to find someone really cheap to develop all of them from scratch. I would assume, I could get a decent worker, who could do them for $5 to $10 a pop.

Advantage - probably the cheapest option

Disadvantage - not sure of quality initially (even with a few samples) Don't know how long it might take

3.) Hire a local graphic artist/designer (or here on Polycount) - Part-time
I would assume that a good icon takes an hour to that could be $18 to $25 a pop

Advantage - would be able to work alongside developer

Disadvantage - Have to search and find a developer willing to work part-time on the project.

4.) Do a online contest

Advantage - Drum up some interest in game
Disadvantage - Going thru the hassle, legalese of contest.

Any suggestions?


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