Oh my.... this is a dark day. I swear I had chills down my spine when I heard the news, like a full body goosebumps, even though we all know it would happen eventually...
I just hope EVERYONE realizes who he was, what he did, what he achieved because he changed the world.
I'm sure he still had a lot of life in him, but he deserves rest more than anyone, so Rest in Peace steve.
(...) he was still a very intelligent person he will be missed for a few days.
This is not the moment to be an asshole, especially when you know this is not true, and if you do not know that, then I pity your ignorance, this kind of unrespectful comments leave me speechless.
That sucks. I've never been to much of an Apple fan, but still I had a great respect for the guy.
It really feels strange, because I just didn't think he would die so suddenly. When I heard he's leaving Apple I knew things had to be serious, but I never would have realized that he was still working while standing one leg inside the grave. Obviosuly, even if he couldn't do much work at that point, he still gets my full respect. Most people would retire ages ago to spend all that time they have left with their families.
Shame, this sort of explains the keynote yesterday.. They were not presenting at the top of their game, I guess they knew it could happen at any minute.
People can hate on Apple all they want, but the guy was a visionary.
I feel the same... I'm not an Apple fan, but he was still huge to tech and to my area (born, raised, and live in Cupertino), so much like HP it's a worldwide thing that's very close to home. All in all, who he was aside, a person has died, and that is something to mourn.
I've never been too fond of the guy but you have to admire all that he accomplished and contributed. Even if I find a lot of his ideas overly simplistic, backwards and outrageously priced, he did spur innovation and was one of the few people who drove technology forward.
much faster than expected. I figured this is why he retired, but I thought he'd be around for at least another year
I'm going to speculate wildly that once it got to the point that it was "pain management" a very well paid Doctor hooked him up with enough stuff to make sure he wouldn't feel any more pain.
We expect you'll be in excruciating pain for the next 9mo. I've loaded all 9mo worth of elephant tranquilizer into this very large syringe its enough to take down a heard. Call me if you need me.
Yeah, he's posted several things on his twitter feed. I just figured some people would be wondering what Bill would think of things. They've been pictured many times, joking around, and obviously enjoying each others company, despite being business competitors.
I think the two most profound quotes from Steve, himself:
Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don't settle.
"Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything--all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure--these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important." - Steve Jobs
I really think it's a great misfortune that people have to die. Even if I'm not fond of the person or perhaps hold some animosity towards them, I would rather no one died, ever. People are always changing, always growing. Every person that lives is endless untapped potential to be or do something great, for someone, maybe even many. No matter how old you are or how much you've evolved, you are always growing as a person and it's tragic that something like that has to end. So I'm sad to hear that tragedy has taken another promising life away from us. For those of us still here, honor those that came before us by making every moment count.
Well I agree that it is unfortunate that things have to die but it is the cycle of life and if you believe in reincarnation like I do you will realize that nothing really dies cause soul never dies and we still evolve without the physical body.
Sounded like a really passionate guy, can't help but admire that.
Put up for adoption, raised by an uneducated mother and father of very meager means. College dropout. Basically creates the personal computer. Is ousted from the company he created, goes on to create two more amazing companies, bought up by the company that snubbed him. Takes it from near bankruptcy to the most valuable corporation in the world all while making paradigm shifting consumer electronic devices.
Sounded like a really passionate guy, can't help but admire that. Denied being the parent of his first daughter, raised on welfare in her early life by the mother. He was already a millionaire.
Put up for adoption, raised by an uneducated mother and father of very meager means. Lucky to get a good family. They were middle class.
Basically creates the personal computer. The Woz created the personal computer, Jobs just knew how to sell it.
Is ousted from the company he created, goes on to create two more amazing companies, Pixar was already on its way, starting with computers financed by Lucas, but Lucas had to sell due to divorce, Jobs just financed it really.
Bought up by the company that snubbed him. Takes it from near bankruptcy to the most valuable corporation in the world and yet hasn't even come close to donating the amount of money, even percentage wise that the Bill and Melinda gates foundation has.
all while making paradigm shifting consumer electronic devices. No, he just took things that already existed and made them whiter, with less moving parts, more expensive, and with shittier software to run them. Other paradigm shifters were taking things they already sold and repackaging them in about 20 different sizes and flavors.
Crazy story.
I'm honestly not hating on this guy, I'm just not a big fan. People think hes some kind of tech god when he's just a good investor, salesman, and marketer. That's great, he made a shit-ton of money, but that isn't the person that should get the respect. Save respect for the scientists, artists, workers, educators, not figureheads.
He'll be missed, for sure. But it is just another death in the world, and so I can't really say it will affect me much. Apple will carry on his legacy.
Hopefully, someone with Steve Jobs' drive can lead the way to beating the fuck out of cancer.
I wasn't expecting this to be so soon. He stepped down as CEO, but remained chairman of the board. I thought that might have meant he'd have more time.
Truly, one of the biggest technology innovators we've seen.
Crazy shit
All the iPhone5 disappointment just seems sillier now than it did yesterday.
Really? The man has been living on borrowed time for a while now. Surprised he lived this long. This is sad news regardless.
I just hope EVERYONE realizes who he was, what he did, what he achieved because he changed the world.
I'm sure he still had a lot of life in him, but he deserves rest more than anyone, so Rest in Peace steve.
This is not the moment to be an asshole, especially when you know this is not true, and if you do not know that, then I pity your ignorance, this kind of unrespectful comments leave me speechless.
It really feels strange, because I just didn't think he would die so suddenly. When I heard he's leaving Apple I knew things had to be serious, but I never would have realized that he was still working while standing one leg inside the grave. Obviosuly, even if he couldn't do much work at that point, he still gets my full respect. Most people would retire ages ago to spend all that time they have left with their families.
Goodnight sweet prince.
RIP Steve Jobs - a visionary.
Seriously though, sad loss =/
People can hate on Apple all they want, but the guy was a visionary.
People can hate apple all they want and still see him as a visionary and sad to see him go.
rest in peace.
I feel the same... I'm not an Apple fan, but he was still huge to tech and to my area (born, raised, and live in Cupertino), so much like HP it's a worldwide thing that's very close to home. All in all, who he was aside, a person has died, and that is something to mourn.
Also... fuck you cancer.
I'm going to speculate wildly that once it got to the point that it was "pain management" a very well paid Doctor hooked him up with enough stuff to make sure he wouldn't feel any more pain.
Rest in peace, Mr. Jobs. My heart goes out to his family and friends.
Bill Gates had some very warm words, those guys respected each other immensely it appears.
Not surprising at all, the two of them got along, unlike their fans.
PAUL thanks for posting that vid.
Put up for adoption, raised by an uneducated mother and father of very meager means. College dropout. Basically creates the personal computer. Is ousted from the company he created, goes on to create two more amazing companies, bought up by the company that snubbed him. Takes it from near bankruptcy to the most valuable corporation in the world all while making paradigm shifting consumer electronic devices.
Crazy story.
Denied being the parent of his first daughter, raised on welfare in her early life by the mother. He was already a millionaire.
Put up for adoption, raised by an uneducated mother and father of very meager means.
Lucky to get a good family. They were middle class.
Basically creates the personal computer.
The Woz created the personal computer, Jobs just knew how to sell it.
Is ousted from the company he created, goes on to create two more amazing companies,
Pixar was already on its way, starting with computers financed by Lucas, but Lucas had to sell due to divorce, Jobs just financed it really.
Bought up by the company that snubbed him. Takes it from near bankruptcy to the most valuable corporation in the world
and yet hasn't even come close to donating the amount of money, even percentage wise that the Bill and Melinda gates foundation has.
all while making paradigm shifting consumer electronic devices.
No, he just took things that already existed and made them whiter, with less moving parts, more expensive, and with shittier software to run them. Other paradigm shifters were taking things they already sold and repackaging them in about 20 different sizes and flavors.
Crazy story.
I'm honestly not hating on this guy, I'm just not a big fan. People think hes some kind of tech god when he's just a good investor, salesman, and marketer. That's great, he made a shit-ton of money, but that isn't the person that should get the respect. Save respect for the scientists, artists, workers, educators, not figureheads.
Here's a great article, though:
I wasn't expecting this to be so soon. He stepped down as CEO, but remained chairman of the board. I thought that might have meant he'd have more time.
Truly, one of the biggest technology innovators we've seen.
A sad day.
While Steve Jobs did deserve respect in regards to his accomplishments, I can never respect a man who turns his back to his own blood.
But if I died and had an ounce of his success, I could die happy.