I've been wondering what other people do.
Do you generally lay out all your character on a single texture page and make it larger, or do you create a seperate face texture? Is there a specific need for each?
I guess if youre doing something like closeups of the face it makes sense.
I'm asking because I'm wondering about sculpting a bust seperately and doing the texture for that. I guess then the issue is how to get the bust mesh to attach to the body again. Not so bad if you have armour joins etc. But nuts for anything else.
Hmm, probably just thinking aloud. Don't mind me, I'm character mad right now.
However, in games like ME for example, faces where a separate textures, since the necks could be closed off with clothes and armor, or in some cases, necklaces. Plus, faces are where you interacted most with said characters. Plus, it better to have 2x 2K textures, as opposed to 1x 4K textures, which at 32 bit can weigh in over 64MB, so there is that to remember.
Also, busts can extends more then simply the face. Facial textures can include any facial hair UV's (eye lashes, beards, ect) and/or in the case of many female character who show alot of skin and wear sultry clothing, all the way to breast and shoulder/arm-pit area.
Another reason to do this is for animated wrinkles of your characters in games like Crysis (and now, even UDK), you can have custom shader input, where you can essentially 'hotzone' areas which will wrinkle during a cinematic. Which is much better off being done so on a separate texture as opposed to one where it has the whole body on it (it will require more time to setup the correct coordinates in said texture for the wrinkles since it's bigger and more busy).
It's all about balance. Generally however, unless you're making a porno game, making a single 4K texture is a bad idea, much better to have it 2x 2K textures.
PS: I crap, I didn't ask if for ingame or 3d package. In 3D packages, a single texture is fine for rendering purposes.
Like so.
It always depends on the situation, most games tend to separate the head though from what I can gather.