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Got punked by apple again.

polycounter lvl 11
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HitmonInfinity polycounter lvl 11
I've been wanting to buy an iPhone for 3 years now. After years of Verizon rumors, when the iPhone finally came to my carrier early this year, I figured why not wait another six months for the successor. Of course this was the year the iPhone announcement was pushed back to the fall... ok no big deal I'll be sitting pretty with my iPhone 5 in a few more months.

And now finally... iPhone 4S. I should have just bought the 4 in January. :'(


  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    I believe a 4S, larger capacity 4, and a 5 is being unveiled today. Either I'm incorrect or you jumped the gun. :P
  • HitmonInfinity
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    HitmonInfinity polycounter lvl 11
    Keynote just ended. No 5. 4 is still available as 8gb for $99.
  • Wesley
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    Wesley polycounter lvl 14
    Well the 4S looks like a pretty decent jump in itself? I waited for the 3GS announcement then picked up a slightly cheaper 3G phone. Regret it loads now because it runs like crap and can barely load my text messages.
  • mLichy
    4GS is 5 in my mind anyways. Same bussiness model they always had.

    New cpu ( not always), but better camera as usual, better battery, better carrier data stuff, and new software. I'll get the 4GS, since I have a 3GS and its signed my Dave Mirra, so I need to stop using it and not lose/break it.
  • greevar
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    greevar polycounter lvl 6
    Why not just buy an iPhone and jailbreak it if you want it that badly? You have the legal right to do so.
  • HitmonInfinity
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    HitmonInfinity polycounter lvl 11
    greevar wrote: »
    Why not just buy an iPhone and jailbreak it if you want it that badly? You have the legal right to do so.

    Are you telling me this now or 3 years ago?
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    greevar wrote: »
    Why not just buy an iPhone and jailbreak it if you want it that badly? You have the legal right to do so.

    Will jailbreaking make it an iphone 5? I am unsure what your post is about...


    And adam has produced some sexy stuff with his older model iphone, so this can only be a good thing!
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Why would you get an iPhone when you could get any superior droid phone?
  • HitmonInfinity
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    HitmonInfinity polycounter lvl 11
    Autocon wrote: »
    Why would you get an iPhone when you could get any superior droid phone?

    I knew it was only a matter of time.
  • Fnitrox
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    Fnitrox polycounter lvl 6
    i've bought a 3GS just when they were released and still living with it... now i regret it and wish i had waited for an Omnia 7 or any android...
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Hit, I think you are fretting over a simple number, look how awesome the 4S sounds!


    It may as well be the iphone 5.
  • j_bradford
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    j_bradford polycounter lvl 17
    Autocon wrote: »
    Why would you get an iPhone when you could get any superior droid phone?

    Because Android isn't superior?

    I thought it was a good keynote, seems like Apple is following the same model as the 3G to 3Gs. The only mistake I think they made was not offering a larger screen.

    I currently have a 3Gs but am probably jumping ship over to WindowsPhone 7. It's an ultra snappy OS that doesn't try to copy Apple, feels really light and nimble. It also ties in nicely with the Xbox and Zune service.
  • Zpanzer
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    Zpanzer polycounter lvl 8
    Autocon wrote: »
    Why would you get an iPhone when you could get any superior droid phone?

    Why would you get an smartphone, when you could get a Nokia 3310 that does connection and power management better then any iPhone or droid device... you can even run it over with a tank and it will still work....
  • mLichy
    I'll prob. stick with iPhone just because of all the apps I have, and mainly songs on iTunes, so I dont have to convert like 2,000 songs. Also seeing Android on friends phones, it has it's nice features, but some of the customization stuff doesn't really matter that much to me. Like playing a game to unlock my phone? I'll have to checkout other options before I make a decision though.
  • greevar
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    greevar polycounter lvl 6
    Autocon wrote: »
    Why would you get an iPhone when you could get any superior droid phone?

    Thank you. I have the original G1 and I'm happy with the OS, but I do wish I had the latest OS.


    Sorry, I misunderstood your post. I didn't realize you meant the iPhone 5.
  • slipsius
    not sure why everyone was expecting iphone 5 to come out before 4gs....
  • Mcejn
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    Mcejn polycounter lvl 12
    I should have just bought the 4 in January. :'(

    Yep. :\
  • Acr0
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    Acr0 polycounter lvl 5
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Better wait for iphone 6, but do it will full knowledge that you'll be forever haunted for getting it and then having iphone 7 come out.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Autocon wrote: »
    Why would you get an iPhone when you could get any superior droid phone?

    I've heard droid users who weren't so happy with switching over - less apps and slightly shoddier build quality.

    also, don't buy a new video card because a better one is going to come out :P

    actually I've heard some sciency type folks saying Moore's law is starting to slow down, so when cpu manufacturers can't cram any more transistors on to a chip it's time to buy.
  • System
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    System admin
    Lol Justin, 'slightly' shoddier build quality? That's gotta be understatement of the year.

    Also, about the update cycle... One release per year is not exactly an unfair release schedule, especially when its happened dead on June every year since release, and even a little later this year, so it's not exactly unexpected.

    Look at how quick other phones (Android handsets in particular) are released, buying an Android phone is like buying a PC, it's techcnically out of date within a month or two. At least with an iPhone you know you're good for at least a year.

    Yet it's funny that people post the bulshit comic strips like the one above... The funniest thing about that comic is how dumb you'd have to be to not expect a new model to come out in the following June when they've followed the exact same release schedule since the first iPhone.

    Can we just lock Apple related threads upon creation from now on, they just become a Mac vs PC trollfest so quickly.

    On Topic, im mildly unimpressed by the 4S and will be keeping my 4 until upgrade time next year. Usually I'm a huge fanboy and upgrade at every new release, but I'm gonna wait this time.

    In all honesty I'd just save the money and grab a 4, it's still a damn good handset. The camera is awesome for both stills and video (as far as phone cameras go), and it's still super quick.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    TeeJay wrote: »
    Can we just lock Apple related threads upon creation from now on, they just become a Mac vs PC trollfest so quickly.

    that's going to be hard, I have a feeling the future handheld war will be between Nintendo & Apple.
  • Tenchi
    I suggest you look at the Samsung Galaxy s2, looks gorgeous too... I was going to upgrade but I hear s3 is coming out (this)soon for some reason.

    The iPhone is just pretty and hyped, functionally it's sometimes a headache, people send stuff and I can't even open it, I had to get a stoopid looking cover 'cause of the antenna problems etc...
  • EarthQuake
    TeeJay wrote: »
    Lol Justin, 'slightly' shoddier build quality? That's gotta be understatement of the year.

    You guys realize that android is an OS, not a specific phone right?

    Its like saying "windows have worse build quality than macs"....

  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    You guys realize that android is an OS, not a specific phone right?

    Its like saying "windows have worse build quality than macs"....


    ok, sorry, all the manufacturers making android compatible phones aren't up to the build quality of Apple's phones. This isn't my opinion, I overheard people with android phones discussing this. I have an LG Musiq.

    We discuss Nvidia cards instead of EVGA, Sparkle, etc...
  • EarthQuake
    In my experience, there is a wide variance in price and quality for android phones, but this to me, is a good thing. More choices in the marketplace is always good.

    Nvidia provides reference hardware for all 3rd party manufacturers, variances are very small. You don't see the difference here? Phone manufacturers completely design and produce their phone hardware.

    I'm not going to say X has better build quality than apple, or apple DOESN'T have better build quality than X, as I haven't owned an apple phone, but the logic here is just silly.

    If HTC and Samsung start rebranding Google phones, changing the finish, color, and logo and sell them as is, there would be a reasonable point that could be made.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I thought google has reference hardware because I've seen some android phones reviews get a con that it's just a straight reference hardware build.

    anyway, if we use the common argument against Apple computers here - go with the product that has a larger market share and more software.

    d'oh looked at the wrong graph, and I won't ninja edit. so we can't use that, looks like Android has the market share but iOS has the larger software selection.
  • greevar
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    greevar polycounter lvl 6
    I thought google has reference hardware because I've seen some android phones reviews get a con that it's just a straight reference hardware build.

    anyway, if we use the common argument against Apple computers here - go with the product that has a larger market share and more software.

    d'oh looked at the wrong graph, and I won't ninja edit. so we can't use that, looks like Android has the market share but iOS has the larger software selection.

    Gah, beat me to it!
  • EarthQuake
    The majority of Android based phones are not based off of Google's reference design though. I'm not even going to try to make an apple vs android argument here, because honestly its just a phone who cares.

    What bugs me is just spouting useless, regurgitated over generalized information. If you've got an opinion on a specific phone, that would be lovely to see. Like I said, there are a large amount of vendors making Android phones, so if X phone has poor build quality, i'm sure someone would be interested to hear that.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    rumor has it that Sprint will be getting the next iPhone as well - so the market share isn't too shabby when you consider the limited number of carriers it's in. When the iPhone came to Verizon, the android market share dropped - so we'll have to see if Google won't be evil and allow the competition.

    anyway, I'm not going to out them, just someone I know who hates apple switched to an iPhone for the better build quality.

    as far as my opinion - the phones and the plans are overpriced - I bought a cintiq with all the money I saved by not owning a smartphone.
  • System
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    System admin
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    there are a large amount of vendors making Android phones, so if X phone has poor build quality, i'm sure someone would be interested to hear that.

    Well, I had a Galaxy S between an iPhone 3G and 4, and looked at a few HTC phones whilst shopping for an Android handset.

    They felt very light, plasticky and flimsy in comparison to even the 3G (which was in itself a plastic handset)... the iPhone 4 blew them away by a large margin in terms of build quality. I'd happily say that the iPhone 4 is the 'sturdiest' and most well built handset that exists bar none (apart from those military grade outdoorsy type phones, obviously).

    And I would presume the 4S is the same.

    And again we've got resale value just like Apple computers; look at the market value of an iPhone a year after purchase in comparison to a similarly aged Android handset... it's quite surprising.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Oh Auto, why did you have to troll like that, look what you did to the thread man. :(

    And for the record, I'm of the windows humping Apple hating sort, but I can't or am not immature enough, to deny that their handheld devices (itouch, iphone, ipad, even MacAir) are damn sexy, capable devices. Don't go in for their Macbooks or iMacs though.
  • System
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    System admin
    Andreas wrote: »
    Don't go in for their Macbooks or iMacs though.

    Yet... ;)
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Youre just like my Apple loving friend. GET OUT OF MY HEAD! :D
  • jakelear
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    jakelear polycounter lvl 14
    I'm pretty sure if Apple had called the iPhone 4S the 'iPhone 5' there would be fewer complaints. People are butthurt because they waited 18 months for something that looks the same but it still has tons of new features and improvements that warrant a new model.
  • HitmonInfinity
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    HitmonInfinity polycounter lvl 11
    jakelear wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure if Apple had called the iPhone 4S the 'iPhone 5' there would be fewer complaints. People are butthurt because they waited 18 months for something that looks the same but it still has tons of new features and improvements that warrant a new model.

    We'd probably be more upset if they called it the 5 actually... The only new feature is the voice command system, "Siri," which was blatantly restricted to the new 4s. Other than that, it's the same phone with a better camera, battery, and processor. It doesn't even support 4g.
  • Mark Dygert
    Wesley wrote: »
    Well the 4S looks like a pretty decent jump in itself? I waited for the 3GS announcement then picked up a slightly cheaper 3G phone. Regret it loads now because it runs like crap and can barely load my text messages.
    I think I read somewhere that it wasn't necessarily that the phone was unable to handle it, but that they purposefully throttle the older hardware... My wife has a 3GS and it seems to get slower with every iOS update =/

    I don't look forward to my 4 slowing down to a crawl...
  • jimmypopali
    I think I read somewhere that it wasn't necessarily that the phone was unable to handle it, but that they purposefully throttle the older hardware... My wife has a 3GS and it seems to get slower with every iOS update =/

    I have to say, this is happening to me now, seems like it is slowing down a bit. I've had the 3gs since pretty early on up until now and I plan on getting a 4s too. Keeping my old 3gs as an iPod for the stereo/car.
    Looks like some great upgrades too, ios looks very nice. Especially with Siri.

    Also, standby time is 200 hours, whereas iPhone 3gs and iPhone 4 is 300 hours :(
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    My wife has a 3GS and it seems to get slower with every iOS update =/

    I don't look forward to my 4 slowing down to a crawl...

    THIS! I swear it can't be a coincidence, they must do something on purpose to cap older iphones to incentive you to buy a new one or whatever.

    I will refuse to update my IOS now that a new iphone is out.

    Still... /pets my iphone4, best (smart)phone I ever owned.
  • greevar
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    greevar polycounter lvl 6
    TeeJay wrote: »
    Well, I had a Galaxy S between an iPhone 3G and 4, and looked at a few HTC phones whilst shopping for an Android handset.

    They felt very light, plasticky and flimsy in comparison to even the 3G (which was in itself a plastic handset)... the iPhone 4 blew them away by a large margin in terms of build quality. I'd happily say that the iPhone 4 is the 'sturdiest' and most well built handset that exists bar none (apart from those military grade outdoorsy type phones, obviously).

    And I would presume the 4S is the same.

    And again we've got resale value just like Apple computers; look at the market value of an iPhone a year after purchase in comparison to a similarly aged Android handset... it's quite surprising.

    Ok, so some HTC handsets aren't of a high build quality. That's not indicative of android's quality. One thing that many android phones do have over iPhones though, is a physical keyboard. I've tried the touchscreen keyboards before and nothing beats physical keys, though android supports both methods.

    But who cares bout resale value? I certainly don't. I want a phone that I feel is worth keeping well beyond the point where it becomes out of style. I like a phone that lasts longer than until the next product cycle. I'm still using the original G1 from T-mobile. With the 2300 mA battery, it's nearly a brick, but it serves me well and it syncs with my Google account.
  • teaandcigarettes
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    teaandcigarettes polycounter lvl 15
    Zpanzer wrote: »
    Why would you get an smartphone, when you could get a Nokia 3310 that does connection and power management better then any iPhone or droid device... you can even run it over with a tank and it will still work....

    Hell yeah!

    I'm still using this piece of shit


    and surprisingly it's the best phone I've ever used. I mean when compared to the other three I had so far.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    But how do you look at porn on your phone?
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    I am pretty happy with the update. Only 3 things were missing from what I was hoping for. Redesign, larger screen and NFC.

    I really don't get the majority of the complaints though.
    Pretty large spec bump
    8mp camera with auto face detection and MUCH faster shutter (my biggest complaint of the iPhone 4 camera), oh and don't forget the 1080P video camera with video stabilization.
    Screen mirroring with airplay.
    HSDPA capability ("4G" as some other manufactures claim their phones)
    extra hr of talk time

    What more were people expecting? The stuff fromt he fake youtube videos (projector and holograms?)
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Get a shitty basic phone - you'll never regret it.
  • ericdigital
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    ericdigital polycounter lvl 13
    I don't get the crying that it wasn't a 5. What more from a phone could you possibly want at this point?
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Easy answer really : a higher number to brag about on Facebook (or a reason to complain about how much the previous number they are stuck with sucks. On Facebook.)
  • Needles
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    Needles polycounter lvl 20
    Smart phone tech is on a two year cycle, i always skip one generation to upgrade
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    I was hoping for an Iphone 5 too, I already have an idevice with an A5 chip..an Ipad 2. Looks like I'll be getting a Galaxy S2 after all, my old one rocks and the colors are amazing on this OLED screen.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Breaking News: People still love Apple. People still hate Apple. People are still indifferent about Apple.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    my girlfriend recently switched from the iPhone 3Gs to the HTC Desire HD. the reasons for this were:

    1. updating her iphone occasionally caused her backups to become corrupt, they could only be recovered on a mac, we don't own a mac, we're not going to buy a mac.
    2. apple claims that it "just works", which is fine, until it doesn't and then we were fucked. about 5 months of story writing notes gone in a single update.
    3. getting fed up of how clunky iTunes is
    4. getting fed up of how much slower the phone got with each update.
    5. growing to dislike the lack of choice on the iPhone. or if i rephrase that, growing to dislike the illusion of massive choice on the iPhone.
    6. absolute dog shit quality camera.

    the reasons for going with an android.
    1. updates done over the air, backing up is as easy as click + drag from phone to windows folder and back again (if you don't trust the automated backup sequence).
    2. it really does just work.
    3. no more itunes, yay!
    4. the phone gets faster with each update.
    5. no longer being told "you can't have flash because we don't think you need it!" and other such things.
    6. still not proper camera quality, but a damned site better, cheaper photo messaging, cheaper video calling.

    oh and to top it all off, there's not a noticable difference in build quality, there was no down payment on the phone with the plan we wanted, the plan itself was cheaper AND had more minutes/txts/internet within the bundle.

    i mean seriously... to get the iphone 4 (16gb) for free, it's £40 per month for 24 months. that's £960. you get a decent package with that though (900 mins, unlimited txt, unlimited data). BUT if you want either an 18 month contract, or a £35 per month contract, it's gonna cost up to £169 for the phone and the contracts themselves becomes substantially worse. but that's for new customers i guess.

    anyway, we switched from the plan we had at the time (£35 p/m 250 mins 250 txt 500mb internet) to £25 p/m 500 mins unlimited txts 750mb internet and got the HTC for free.

    my gf is happy with the new phone, and says she'd never look back. my only regret with going with android was my brand choice (sony). next time i'll still get a droid but i'll look for a brand that's not as dictatorial about the firmware it wants on its phone.
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