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polycounter lvl 6
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Fnitrox polycounter lvl 6
Ok so i've been lurking here on the forum for quite a bit now and finally decided to post. My name is Francesco and I'm an italian student who got bored of his almost complete architecture degree and decided to go for something i always liked more... videogames art.

enough with the presentation... I'm in the process of choosing parts for my new pc and i'd like to know something about requirements for software like Zbrush and Mudbox.

Question is how much RAM is necessary for those applications when using really high polycount models?
and I don't mean in terms of home work in preparation for getting in the industry, i actually mean how powerful are rigs used in software houses.

Of course i won't be getting a nasa workstation or anything close but since i won't be upgrading in a couple of years i really want to get the best i can with my budget (witch is not really low luckly atm)

Also is it worth getting a Nvdia Quadro video card or would a GTX 570/ ATI6970 suffice? maybe to expand it to crossfire/sli in the future


  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Don't go for quadro, ever, it can be summarized as a waste of money for a game artist.

    As for memory, 8gb should be sufficient for a modern computer and working with something like zbrush.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    Get an nvidia card if you're going to use it for work, much better drivers when it comes to compatibility with Max, Maya, Marmoset etc. Stay away from Quadros if all you're going to do is videogame art, use that money to get a beefy CPU. An i7 would serve you well, and it kicks ass when rendering too.
  • Fnitrox
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    Fnitrox polycounter lvl 6
    thank you for your replies!

    so i was already leaning for a nvidia non quadro card and this will be my final rig then

    CPU: Intel i7 2600k
    MotherBoard: Asus P8Z68-V Pro
    Ram: 2x 4GB G.Skill Ripjaws (to expand to 4x4gb later on if needed)
    VideoCard: EVGA GTX 570
    HDD: 1TB Western Digital Caviar Black (and maybe an SSD as they're not so expensive anymore)
  • R3D
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    R3D interpolator
    What you have is good, how many monitors do you think you'll be getting?

    Also posting this again for other curious buyers.

  • Fnitrox
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    Fnitrox polycounter lvl 6
    I've got 1 22'' LG fullHD screen and a cintiq 12wx :D so i won't really be getting anything new on that front as they serve me pretty well!

    also thank you for that guide as it has some really nice inputs
  • greevar
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    greevar polycounter lvl 6
    eld wrote: »
    Don't go for quadro, ever, it can be summarized as a waste of money for a game artist.

    As for memory, 8gb should be sufficient for a modern computer and working with something like zbrush.

    8GB is good, but not for Zbrush. The last I heard, it's still 32 bit, so it can't use that extra 4 GB. That extra RAM is going to be used for Photoshop and whatever 3D app used in addition to Zbrush.
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    Looks like a great build. I have almost the exact same thing, minus the motherboard (I have the Asus Maximus IV) and the graphics card (560ti, which you may want to look at).
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    greevar wrote: »
    8GB is good, but not for Zbrush. The last I heard, it's still 32 bit, so it can't use that extra 4 GB. That extra RAM is going to be used for Photoshop and whatever 3D app used in addition to Zbrush.

    true, my bad, I generalized a bit, I should say that 8gb is enough for a computer made for an artist working with zbrush and other programs related to it, at the same time :P, or rather, don't go over 8gb.

    A 32bit application can only adress 2gb of memory though, can it?
  • Will Faucher
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    Will Faucher polycounter lvl 12
    32 bit can address a little under 4gb. I just say 3gb to make things simpler.
    Also, steer clear from ATI video cards. Do. Not. Want.

    ATI is known for causing issues when it comes to 3D, be it with Max, or in UDK, even Zbrush.
  • greevar
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    greevar polycounter lvl 6
    eld wrote: »
    true, my bad, I generalized a bit, I should say that 8gb is enough for a computer made for an artist working with zbrush and other programs related to it, at the same time :P, or rather, don't go over 8gb.

    A 32bit application can only adress 2gb of memory though, can it?

    4GB minus overhead for the OS. It's about 3GB after the fact, if I recall. So if you're not using a 64 bit OS don't bother buying more than 4GB of RAM. If you have a 64bit OS, you can run Zbrush/Max and Photoshop on 8GB of RAM at the same time.
  • greevar
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    greevar polycounter lvl 6
    Prophecies wrote: »
    32 bit can address a little under 4gb. I just say 3gb to make things simpler.
    Also, steer clear from ATI video cards. Do. Not. Want.

    ATI is known for causing issues when it comes to 3D, be it with Max, or in UDK, even Zbrush.

    I use ATI and I've never had an issue with any 3D app.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    greevar wrote: »
    8GB is good, but not for Zbrush. The last I heard, it's still 32 bit, so it can't use that extra 4 GB. That extra RAM is going to be used for Photoshop and whatever 3D app used in addition to Zbrush.

    Pixologic has said however that ZBrush 5 will be 64bit.
  • Fnitrox
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    Fnitrox polycounter lvl 6
    i'm pretty sure i'll be going for a 64bit os as also most of the applications out there are releasing for 64b too lately...

    also why are ATIs so bad for 3D? just curious as my current pc's running an ATI and i've never had any issue at all with max... haven't really used zbrush for big stuff and never used UDK so i'd like to know
  • greevar
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    greevar polycounter lvl 6
    PolyHertz wrote: »
    Pixologic has said however that ZBrush 5 will be 64bit.

    64 bit only or will it be available as both?
  • nick2730
    Fnitrox wrote: »
    thank you for your replies!

    so i was already leaning for a nvidia non quadro card and this will be my final rig then

    CPU: Intel i7 2600k
    MotherBoard: Asus P8Z68-V Pro
    Ram: 2x 4GB G.Skill Ripjaws (to expand to 4x4gb later on if needed)
    VideoCard: EVGA GTX 570
    HDD: 1TB Western Digital Caviar Black (and maybe an SSD as they're not so expensive anymore)

    very good build. I would invest the money in a raptor drive or ssd. Especially if your gonna be loading alot of textures/files via unreal or max. The faster RPM drives will call the info much faster.

    Decent board but i think you can save money here you dont need to go crazy on a mobo unless you plan to go SLI. Gigabyte is a good brand as well ive had good luck with them.

    What is the speed/rating of the memory? stick to a lower speed ddr3 mem you wont bennifit much from high clock speed unless your going to overclock.

    Video card doesnt have a big effect on 3dsmax or unreal. Its mostly cpu, so again can save some money by going with a cheaper card if budget is lower

    Im preping a new build myself going simialr getting rid of my core 2 quad. If i were you i would wait till black friday/cyber monday weekend. Thats what im doing bound to be awesome sales always are
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    yeah the gtx 570 is overkill unless you're gonna use it for game. a 560ti can power most games at max at 1080p.
  • R3D
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    R3D interpolator
    Entity wrote: »
    yeah the gtx 570 is overkill unless you're gonna use it for game. a 560ti can power most games at max at 1080p.
    that's current-gen and next-gen games, what about next-next gen games, HMMM?
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    greevar wrote: »
    I use ATI and I've never had an issue with any 3D app.

    Same with me. I've had a few slight issues with Max every now and then but I've had those same issues on computers using nVidia cards too.
  • Fnitrox
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    Fnitrox polycounter lvl 6
    Entity wrote: »
    yeah the gtx 570 is overkill unless you're gonna use it for game. a 560ti can power most games at max at 1080p.

    of course it's gonna be used for games! and also i don't think i'll be upgrading it in at least 2 years so not really overkill
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    I would invest the money in a raptor drive or ssd

    Just be careful. There seems to be a lot of shit SSD's out there. I believe RenderBoxx is using Intel SSD's. If I were to get one right now, I'd look there first. That, and read lots and lots of reviews. Two Samsung Spinpoint F4 drive in Raid would be sweet. I have one and it's plenty fast for me right now. Raptors were too expensive. I'd rather just let the SSD market mature a bit and spend my money there.
    yeah the gtx 570 is overkill unless you're gonna use it for game. a 560ti can power most games at max at 1080p.

    of course it's gonna be used for games! and also i don't think i'll be upgrading it in at least 2 years so not really overkill

    You should still be fine with the 560ti. Are you thinking about SLI at all? Not sure if it's worth it.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    greevar wrote: »
    64 bit only or will it be available as both?

    Well here's their post on it: http://www.zbrushcentral.com/showthread.php?161231-ZBrush-4R2-Unleashed!
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    i just put together mine with the help of our IT guy. here's what i ended up with

    i7-960 3.2GHz 4 x 256KB 8MB Quad-Core
    ASUS Sabertooth X58 LGA 1366
    2 G.SKILL Ripjaws Series 12GB
    GTX 560 Ti
    Western Digital Caviar Green 2TB

    We went back and forth between the 560 and the 570. The highest 560 seemed comparable to the lowest 570 for about $40 cheaper, so went with that.

    Got more RAM than I probably need [24GB] but they have a good price going [$69 for 12] so I splurged. I WILL NEVER RUN OUT OF RAM
  • greevar
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    greevar polycounter lvl 6
    Sectaurs wrote: »
    i just put together mine with the help of our IT guy. here's what i ended up with

    i7-960 3.2GHz 4 x 256KB 8MB Quad-Core
    ASUS Sabertooth X58 LGA 1366
    2 G.SKILL Ripjaws Series 12GB
    GTX 560 Ti
    Western Digital Caviar Green 2TB

    We went back and forth between the 560 and the 570. The highest 560 seemed comparable to the lowest 570 for about $40 cheaper, so went with that.

    Got more RAM than I probably need [24GB] but they have a good price going [$69 for 12] so I splurged. I WILL NEVER RUN OUT OF RAM

    Can you say 8192 x 8192 texture maps?
  • Fnitrox
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    Fnitrox polycounter lvl 6
    as the price between the 560ti and the 570 are close (in a range of about 40-50euros in italy) i might actually think of getting the 560 instead, and see if i can afford a better cpu with those money...but i guess that superior models of i7s are more than 50 euros away from the 2600k.

    also g.skill rams are really cheap and i might abuse those
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