I feel a bit like I'm trying to panhandle, putting my portfolio up for critique while still being so new to the community, so thank you ahead of time to anyone who decides to chime in.
I'm currently working as a professional artist, but not in games. I'd like to change that.
I'm looking for:
Critique on the site itself, layout, colors, sections, content pieces. I'm limited by wordpress's default themes and I haven't found a gallery-type one that I'm completely happy with yet.
Critique on the individual artworks. What you see is the best of what I've got with one exception: How appropriate is it to put fan art in a portfolio? You can probably tell that I've already got some in there, but
this piece I think is much more obvious and I'm not sure it would be appropriate to include.
Thank you again for your time. I'm very much looking forward to being active in this community.

Augh, Portfolio is here:
There is no link to your portfolio in your post. Posting your work here while new is probably fine. The one piece you've linked looks pretty good.
This makes me come to the next point. Your best works should come first. So the first thing someone should see are probably your concept pieces. I don't really get why you have different pages anyway because I think you could easily put everything on the frontpage. Making it easier to acces your work.
As for the content... this is the best I've got right now. From your comments and from what I've seen around polycount it's pretty obvious that I'm not ready to send this out anywhere. It's disappointing, but it is what it is. There's only one option and that's to work on new projects and kick as much ass on them as I can.
dpadam - I'm super proud of that goblin, but I really appreciate what you've said. I'm proud of it because I completed it while learning software and it's not like anything I've ever done before. Sometimes it takes another person to point out that just because I'm proud of it doesn't mean it has any place in my portfolio. You're absolutely right about the texture, it is pretty bland. Do you have any specific advice about how I could improve it? Things to keep in mind moving forward on new projects?