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Starbreeze's Syndicate reboot FPS

polycounter lvl 17


  • slipsius
    ruining another childhood game by turning it into a FPS.... wonderful :S
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    Although FPS are one of my favourite genres, I'm really disappointed Syndicate is getting turned into on. Granted we don't know much and the game could turn out great anyway, but I wish a new Syndicate game would be made that actually keeps to the same genre.
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    If we did have a new Syndicate game, in its isometric glory, it wouldn't sell because face it, the majority of the market is on the quest for maintaining masculinity on the Xbox 360.

    Lowest. Common. Denominator. Or nothing at all. No risk.

    I too, wish for what I want. But when they said the gaming industry was turning into hollywood years ago when it was a fear out of cutscene qte games... they were right. The executive control aspect is screwing it all.

    Or if Syndicate went isometric on this day and age it'd be a facebook game where you tap things

    there is no middle ground
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Syndicate wasn't only about Isometric gameplay as much as people like to claim that. What made it stand out was the core gameplay and foundation and the way it played out.

    Problem is, if a developers tries, they could very easily make Syndicate into an FPS, but still make it stand out (after all, you're simply changing the camera), making both new and old fans happy, but knowing Starbreeze, and their record, and how most of the vets left, I don't have much hopes for it, other then a simple Riddick-skinned-FPS-Syndicate game.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    slipsius wrote: »
    ruining another childhood game by turning it into a FPS.... wonderful :S

  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    None of the things I like about Syndicate include being a highly augmented cyborg agent with advanced PMC training who can't see five car-lengths down the street. Having to rely on a small low resolution mini-map to guess at what's shooting me from off-screen is easily the worst part of the old games.

    As long as the game maintains the dark British sense of humor, fun heavy ordinance weapons, squad based gameplay and ridiculously hard missions with multiple solutions it's a faithful recreation in my mind. The only problem I have with a first person camera is that it gives me more reason to empathize with the agents instead of only upgrading the first two and loading the others up as suicide bombers.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    To be fair though, the original syndicate was very much a shooter too, only the perspective was different, in fact, the feeling of the shooting was the thing that made it so fun to play.

    It was like an extension to the cannon fodder formula, there were a lot of room for improvements, especially in mission structure and how dynamic they could've been.

    The potentially unknown but probably not unlikely removal of a full squad might not be the right move though. I would love to see a swat 4 style take on things in such a game.
  • Fomori
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    Fomori polycounter lvl 12
    More games along the lines of Blade Runner/Deus Ex/Mass Effect sound goood to me. FPS or top down, as long as it's good, it's good for me.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    I believe in Starbreeze.
  • ivars
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    ivars polycounter lvl 17
  • slipsius
    the first one was all about squad management. controlling each one, upgrading each unit, flanking, stuff like that. Unless you can jump between units and move and shoot with them, and not some rainbow six way of squad command, then MAYBE. Ill definitely TRY it, but im not expecting it to be any different than other squad based shooters

    annnd i just watched that trailer. so they completely got rid of squads? losing more and more hope with each bit of info released
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    slipsius wrote: »
    ruining another childhood game by turning it into a FPS.... wonderful :S

    You know, I never really understood this logic. You always have the original to fall back on and play, so why complain? If you don't like the direction of the new one then don't buy it and move on.

    Yes, there is a chance that it could be a terrible game but knowing that it's out, will it truly sully the good memories you have of playing the original game? It's equally possible that the game could turn out awesome and bring in a whole new player base of fans. If it truly does well, who's to say you won't see a make of the game that more closely follows the first one once there is a smaller risk associated with production.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    praetus wrote: »
    You know, I never really understood this logic. You always have the original to fall back on and play, so why complain? If you don't like the direction of the new one then don't buy it and move on.

    It kills off potential comebacks of old genres,

    For example, look at x-com, the old classic still being some of the most indepth strategy gameplay you can find.

    Or looking at bioshock, we're up to three titles in this spiritual successor series, and we've yet to see any of the rpg elements and gameplay that made the two systemshock games so fantastic.
    praetus wrote: »
    Yes, there is a chance that it could be a terrible game but knowing that it's out, will it truly sully the good memories you have of playing the original game? It's equally possible that the game could turn out awesome and bring in a whole new player base of fans. If it truly does well, who's to say you won't see a make of the game that more closely follows the first one once there is a smaller risk associated with production.

    The problem is that if the new reboot succeeds, they've found a new cash-cow in the new type of game, there's no point in going back to the old one, and if it fails it just buries it even deeper.

    The outcome never looks good for someone who wants a new game in their old series.

    Even in the case of a new sequel actually being made good, like fallout3, it still kills of any chance of seeing a role-playing game in the style of the first games.

    And here's the mindboggler: Why even use the IP of a series that the entire new marketbase most likely don't know about.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    It misses the point of the original completely, and turns into the most generic sounding fps. I mean how do they right this rubbish, it sounds like its straight out of a movie scripts bin.

    The whole point was you werent an agent, you were the guy controlling the agents, they were just empty drones. You were a god overseaing all your chaos.

    I'm sure developers dont really want to make games anymore they want to make movies, but they its like they got stuck in the wrong job, so they make the most linear non game like experience they can.

    This might even be good, but its not Syndicate.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I never played Syndicate so I don't have issue with it, I like the trailer - it made me think of a meaner Deus Ex.

    why use the IP? I'm sure the bigwigs at EA look at their library of IPs and see it as wasting money by not using them. I've known since my time at EA that there are a number of IPs they want to resurrect, Syndicate was one of them; I just assumed it was canceled until now.

    Why isn't it a tactical squad game? Because that's a niche product, not something EA focuses on. Luckily niche PC games seem to be Paradox's specialty, it sounds like Cartel will scratch that itch.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    Looks like you're still able to control others, so there's that.
  • teaandcigarettes
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    teaandcigarettes polycounter lvl 15
    eld wrote: »
    And here's the mindboggler: Why even use the IP of a series that the entire new marketbase most likely don't know about.

    This FFS, this!

    You end up alienating the core audience, while the new users will treat the brand as something new and unproven.

    The only reason I can think of is that core fans and the gaming media will generate a little bit of buzz and controversy. Is that a good thing though? I honestly don't know. Whenever I hear anything about the new X-com game, the tone is almost always negative.

    And if it's publicity they're after, then why not turn it into a new IP? At this time, making a new IP would make it stand out a lot more than making another reboot/reimagining.

    Speaking of the trailer. I was sceptical, but it didn't look bad. In fact, I thought it was actually quite cool. But I'm sure as hell it didn't feel like Syndicate at all :poly142:
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Why isn't it a tactical squad game? Because that's a niche product, not something EA focuses on. Luckily niche PC games seem to be Paradox's specialty, it sounds like Cartel will scratch that itch.

    At the same time EA published the Sims series. a game series quite more complex than the average shooter, where you manage entire families down to the smallest detail, a quite in depth game series, and this series is weirdly enough aimed towards casual players.

    A niche is only a niche because of people, as facebook has proven there's massive markets/gold-veins that someone hit first and then everyone wanted to go there, even games on facebook played by millions of casuals have more complexity than publisher could imagine.

    Japan alone has thrived on tactical squad based games and in our western market we have big IP's like civilization, which is another series that according to some kind of game-industry law shouldn't even be able to exist.

    The very least I would expect from big publishers wanting to revive and IP is to at the same time they're making the new spinoffs or reboots, try doing a second title based on the old game and gameplay, it has been done before with interesting results.

    I'm fine with genres being oversaturated, I love shooters, but I'm not sure I want it to be at the cost of old games and types of gameplay we could really use and introduce to new players today.
  • ivars
  • slipsius
    cept EA doesnt care what fans of the series want. They dont care about keeping the integrity of the series. All they care about is making money, and sadly, right now, FPS games sell the most. Which is sad considering how similar they all are. Innovation isn't a common thing in FPS anymore, or so ive noticed. which is why i dont like them. its the same thing, over and over.

    Be different. Break the mold. That's all I'm asking. Judging by that trailer, You could strap a number of other game titles to it, and I wouldnt question it.
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    anything outside first person , require main character to be seen animated, to be like by gamer constantly in 10-30 hours of gameplay. this is what most developer and publisher too lazy to work around with it ... my blatant 2cent :)
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    slipsius wrote: »
    cept EA doesnt care what fans of the series want. They dont care about keeping the integrity of the series. All they care about is making money, and sadly, right now, FPS games sell the most. Which is sad considering how similar they all are. Innovation isn't a common thing in FPS anymore, or so ive noticed. which is why i dont like them. its the same thing, over and over.

    Be different. Break the mold. That's all I'm asking. Judging by that trailer, You could strap a number of other game titles to it, and I wouldnt question it.

    Thats one thing that confuses me. I dont think Apple said when it made its products this is where the money is lets go there(they might have done, though I doubt it). They said lets make these intuitive simple stylish products, that no one else is making. I expect they were even surprised the amount of money that was there.

    I think it was Nintendo that coined this blue ocean thinking or whatever its called. Whereby you dont go chasing after the money pot that everyone else is going after(which can only get smaller), you create a new ocean and plunder thats depths.

    I dont think anyone else is going to get 1 billion from just creating another FPS with slight changes. But perhaps with a new game, new concepts, it could make its own billion or even more. Just not by being like everyone else.

    So even if they are just thinking about making lots of money, their probably getting a lot less than they could.
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    I would've preferred the original genre, the amount of FPS's nowadays is overwhelming. I want to play some new, not another clone (self-restoring health, Meelee attack, Sprint, duck, climb box, move box, etc) If you're going to make a god damn FPS, innovate...!!
  • ScudzAlmighty
    that trailer should have ended with Business is BOOMing. Would have been waaay better.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    I never played Syndicate so I don't have issue with it,

    It was like this. <.<

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iatSWM6q7rc&amp;feature=related&quot;]Syndicate missions (part 1) - YouTube[/ame]

    It would've been much better if it wasnt FPS but RTS.
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sN6atDI4Cb0&quot;]Syndicate Wars (Eurocorp) Mission 1 - YouTube[/ame]
    syndicate wars 3d ,

    its look like gta, but more tactical

    however don't ever watch the intro cinematic :p
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    It will have been 15 years since Syndicate Wars came out that this game will hit shelves. Like with most reboots, I figured it was not going to live up to the original, or even be the same genre of game considering it wasn't being done by the original creators.

    I'm hoping for a nice rendition of the Syndicate cyberpunk cityscapes with the Starbreeze FPS with a lil RPG flare treatment. At least then I'd say they didn't shit all over the classics.

    Moreso, I'd love it if they'd re-release Syndicate and Syndicate Wars with mid-mission saves playable via steam.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    hold on just a minute, I read on wikipedia that this reboot will have 4 player coop!
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJY58Kq1UJg&quot;]Syndicate SP Gameplay Video - "Executive Search" - YouTube[/ame]
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    the music at the end was awesome

    the rest...... meh
    doesn't quite look like anything
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    In the future guns will be like Console FPS games, they'll have aim-assist built in! BA DUM PSHHHHH!
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Save for the addition of colors other than gold, this could be Deus Ex DLC.

    I was hoping for the more chunky retro-future cyberpunk art style. If you did that, and add the ability to control 4 FPS characters at will - that would be a Syndicate FPS. Right now, doesn't seem very Syndicate at all :\
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    I dunno, I never played Syndicate. I like Starbreezes approach in regards to FPS (loved both The Darkness and Riddick), this looks like it could be pretty fun to me.
    Love the trailer music too :P
  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
  • Sandro
    Yeah, never played original and I like this. Some parts of trailer/gameplay triggered mirror's edge and deus ex neurons in my brain. And I love cyberpunk and evil corporation/conspiracy junk, 8 bit music meets dubstep sounded interesting too. Also, it has turret hacking which is my favourite pastime :)

    As long as it has nice storyline and "breaching" gameplay is not there just for cosmetic reasons I'd say it's awesome in my book :P
  • HandSandwich
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    HandSandwich polycounter lvl 19
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5v_ZpfZBAiw&amp;ob=av3e&quot;]Syndicate Launch Trailer (Music by Nero) - YouTube[/ame]

    Played through the intro for the campaign last. Looks pretty and plays quick. Looking forward to playing more.

    We just got finished playing a 3 person co-op mission here at lunch and that was super fun. Good action, team takeouts on mini-bosses, no lag or jitters on high with 3 of us running around like chickens with their heads cut off. And then the chickens were given futuristic rifles.

    Anyone else started playing this?
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Loved the original, avoiding this like the plague. Reviews are meh. From all the gameplay videos and video reviews I've seen, the game looks astoundingly average with no major redeeming qualities. I didn't wait 15yrs for a Deus Ex clone. EA should have made a proper Syndicate game. There was no need to change the genre.
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    Well, there was one thing I thought about it that was neat.

    It ships with a .nfo file.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    I downloaded it for PC on Origin late last night, and tried to fire it up for a few rushed seconds before work...

    Ug. All the control prompts are for the Xbox, so every time I had to do something it was the "press random buttons on keyboard until you stop dying" game.

    So far it sucks kinda hard.

    We'll see how I feel tonight when I've played for more than 5 frustrated minutes.
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    grmbl, the year of failed reboots? Syndicate as FPS, Jagged Alliance getting rid of AP's & turn-based gameplay (and no fog of war? wtf?)... Firaxis, i'm counting on you guys for XCOM!
  • David-J
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    David-J polycounter lvl 11
    I am enjoying this game a lot. Tried a bit of the single player and it feels good. Regarding the Co-op, I tried it today with some friends at work and we had fun.
    I loved Deus Ex and so far Syndicate doesn't feel like a clone at all. Yeah, it might be a very similar setting but they have very different play styles, graphics and overall mood.
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    It's one hell of a claim to "clone Deus Ex"

    So far no one's done that.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    They're clones like the ones Alien Resurrection. Superficially similar to the original, but all twisted and gooey.
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