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Shadowing on models

So im working on these models trying to optimize them for my current workplace. From what I understand they were imported from Google Sketchup and there are N-gons everywhere so I am attempting to fix that. Occasionally when I fix a few egdes these black shadow like areas are created. I have been fixing them by deleting the face and either bridging the whole or capping it. This has become too tedious as of late because I seem to be running into worse and worse models. Any ideas on how to fix this faster then my current method? Thanks for the help in advance guys!



  • chazzur
    also forgot to mention that I am in 3ds Max 2011. I have tried resetting Xform but as you can see on the screen its dimmed out and wont allow me to do it for some reason.
  • billredd
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    billredd polycounter lvl 14
    my guess would be unwelded vertices...
    make sure you have converted it to editable poly, go into vertex mode, select all vertices (adjust threshold if needed) and weld...fastest way for this one might just be to re-do the whole damn thing from scratch, it's a mess, LOL sorry man. Looks like you can delete a lot of the extra edges, tie off those verts to get it to quads or tris and maybe that will clear it up a bit.
  • chazzur
    lol, thanks for the help but I did already check for unwelded verts and couldnt find any (at least in the trouble areas). Iv decided to remake the portions that I can do easily and just continue my spot fixing. From what Im hearing from my level builder is that Unity is taking these ridiculous objects and there working fine. I mean quads or tris are still needed right?
  • Racer445
    Offline / Send Message
    Racer445 polycounter lvl 12
    max is auto triangulating the ngons and creating edges that all go to that bottom right vert. use the create edges tool to manually connect the edges in reasonable ways.

    also remind me never to import from sketchup!
  • SpeCter
    Offline / Send Message
    SpeCter polycounter lvl 14
    That´s some messy geo for sure
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    Holy shit haha, I'd just completely remodel that. Sketchup models, seems very useful lol.
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    Brain explosion.

    Remove that entire section and just rebuild it!
  • billredd
    Offline / Send Message
    billredd polycounter lvl 14
    "?quads or tris are still needed right?"
    yeah you want to get it all to quads or tris for sure, preferably all quads because it would just look so pretty! (well there are many more reasons for quads) but tris are fine, its all tris in the end

    no doubt Racer is onto something there, i wonder if edit triangulation would let you see all the extra shit you got from the import, i don't envy your task..
    lol good luck man!
  • Vailias
    Offline / Send Message
    Vailias polycounter lvl 20
    Blast losing posts...

    Short version: toss an edit poly modifier on top of the stack and see if it clears up, yes even and especially if it is already in edit poly.
  • Ace-Angel
    Offline / Send Message
    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    You could hack another method, throw in an Edit a Vailias said, and setup your smoothing groups for the hard edges, then, a nice Turbo smooth, but with smoothing groups enabled.

    Not the best solution and might not work, so good luck mate!
  • chazzur
    Thanks for all the input guys. I ended up doing a 50/50 of hand fixing parts and re-modelling sections I could do quickly. Seems to be working for now so Ill just keep it up. On a side note, I talked to the guy that made it. He has an architectural background and his quote to me was, " I looked at the plans for it and had no clue how to make that in max so I just used Sketchup."

    WARNING: Take this model as an example why you shouldn't import from Sketchup.
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