Would the world end? Would Polycounters be hiring assassins to kill another member? I mean, in theory, whats the worse that could happen? Would it somehow tarnish the sites reputation forever and ever and no one would join or come anymore? Do we simply need needing a holding hand from our peers to keep us from regressing to children?
Close this thread, lets find out.
you have no idea
edit[beaten to it]
test scenario #1 down.
Are you saying your girlfriend is... Never mind, it's too easy.
So far as I can tell, the only thing that people could be so afraid about is having to read opinions they don't agree with, and having to relate to views different than their own. Given that; the "worst" that'd happen is that people's world views would be challenged. Maybe even changed.
So I guess in a way, maybe people are afraid of the[ir] world ending.
(I doubt anyone's really going to have their views altered that much by a forum though, so I don't get the hubbub)
Though maybe I'm off the rocker on that. I haven't been able to figure out any other reason for the love of "moderation", but there very well could be good ones. :P
Let me answer that with a quote!
I don't about you guys, but if I was a Mod, I would do the same thing, close any iffy threads. Last thing I need is someone PM'ing and telling me Mr. X said a sexist homophobic joke, in a thread about Slave Trade Children.
Who do they think they are, closing all of our political and religious threads, you know, by far the most productive threads ever on polycount!?!?
Seriously Oxy, spend less time worrying about the world's problems on a game art forum, and more time, you know... Making game art, it couldn't hurt.
If you have an issue with what we're doing here, be an adult and contact a mod. This sort of thread is just completely passive aggressive.
you have no clue how mad that makes programmers and science nerds go off
let's just say many jobs would not have been had
In my last thread (since its related to that) I highly expected that thread to stay on topic. I didnt realize it would derail and end up in a complete odd state. I apologize.
I was going to pm the admin and request them to close it to be honest. =\
Yea, your right. But I like outing dirty laundry sometimes. Especially for something unspoken that more than one has thought about. Its good for the community. Keeps it interesting and you guys on your toes.
I am doing art (not at the moment of this typing, but neither are you when you posted that, so we both are screwed by your logic, huh?).
Edit: Besides, who would I contact? Every single moderator on the site to ask them the question?
Last I was there unless its changed, it was even more Off Topic than this section 90% of the time.
it's always offtopic, but several of the mods and admins are there daily.
Feels like I'm being babysat here sometimes. Maybe if we sense a lock on a completely valid thread (yes, its an art board, but I like discussing stuff with people on this board) we could create a G+ huddle or something.
Instead of locking threads, why can't mods take part in the thread? Steer it back to where it should be? Warn deliberately trolling posters?
There's a beer thread, that has nothing to do with games, maybe that should be locked too. As I find peoples opposing views on the best beer very offensive, and it ruins my day, and I can't make game art then.
Because they assume that, when you agree to their code of conduct right before joining the Polycount, you actually mean it.
Hell, would you be able to go to every thread and try to steer it back in to topic? Not unless you are getting paid $20 bucks an hour...It is a real painful job.
Even than they are easy going.
Threads that are off topic from their origin, I am pretty sure if people start posting tea and coffee brands in that Beer thread, EarthQuake is going to close that one too. <.<
You are going to have to be more specific.
2,3 threads a month? Really? Cause thats how many threads there are in GD that are about sensitive subjects from the beginning.
We can have a beer and booze thread, but not a tea and coffee types thread? Cause I was actually going to start one of those. Its relevant to us, and people can share their favourite brands/sites for buying online.
People's expectations and behavior naturally seek to 'fit in' and reach the average quality of the posting and discussions. If you leave a bunch of horseshit terrible threads around, then that lowers expectations and behavior.
Finally, I'd really want to remind everyone that while polycount is totally cool, a bunch of your co-workers and/or future co-workers post here, so perhaps participating in or creating or feeding the sorts of threads that get locked all the time is not a wise career decision.
Most people understand that the internet and workplace professionalism are two different worlds, but there is no point in making a wrong impression with someone you may find on the opposite side of the hiring table at one point.
@Andreas, he's talking about adding that stuff to the booze thread, not making a new one.
In other words, they dont expect too much trolling here (I think thats what they meant by "dont be a dick.")
You expect them to keep all threads that contain sensitive subjects in check? They can, like, posting a warning in threads that are off, generally warning everyone to calm down and get back on topic. But I thought many of us are mature enough to keep our selves in check on our own while posting.
I was trying to give you an example about an off topic thread. =\
EDIT1: Like they said, if you have any problems about them closing threads and keeping control here, than you should pm instead.
EDIT2: And make that Trolling, discussing something completely irrelevant to the main topic in the threads, inflammatory debates, etc. = Being dicks. (Thats what I assumed to understand when I read the code of conduct)
I agree with you, that they should just post a warning, stating that everyone should cool down and get back to the topic of the thread if its getting out of hands, and I disagree with you at the same time, because many of us are mature enough to know that the topic is getting out of hands or off the main topic, step back, observe, and fix without being moderated.
I am editing this post* because this was suppose to be my last post in this thread, explaining to you my understanding about "2-3 threads being closed a month."
Well said. Lets all read this last quote, acknowledge, and move on.
That doesn't explain why they cant partake in these threads if needed, to gently steer things back to acceptable levels of discussion. Surely they have an opinion on these things too, no?
I also really dislike people throwing that ironically stupid and moronic 'troll' tag around here. Guys, if someone has a strong opinion, or is presenting an opposing view to yours, they are not 'a troll'. The amount of actual trolls active on this board is nearly nil. Under 2 anyways. A troll is someone who deliberately incites for their own amusement. If it seems like they offer a genuine argument to a point, its not trolling.
Is that possible in high charged threads with differing opinions? I just see escalation till the thread is locked.
I don't understand, you quoted my solution to that :P
Its entirely possible. Here look.
Thread title: My favourite colour.
Me: I like yellow.
(Enter EarthQuake)
EarthQuake: Now now keep things civil and on-topic or I'll spank you. I like pink. Here is a nice article I was reading about pink the other day (thread)
et cetera
Just get over it guys, there are PLENTY of websites on the internet to discuss these issues, and everyone has been told multiple times, polycount is not the place.
Also, there is a massive difference between an off-topic, but harmless and actually productive thread like the beer/booze thread, and threads that 100% of the time end in vitriolic arguing and flaming. If the beer thread turns into a heated debate over guineas and old stripe, ending in multiple users flaming/generally acting like assholes, that will be closed too. (This is very unlikely)
Honestly, part of moderating a community is upsetting a handful of the vocal minority that get involved in these threads every single time, and we're not going to change the way things work around here just to please some people who get a kick out of bitching/trolling useless political and religious threads. This has been the stance that we've stuck by for YEARS, why would we change now?
Nobody likes to close threads, I personally really try to avoid it, but sometimes it needs to be done. Our job involves looking at the greater picture.
This would be absolutely fine.
What wouldn't be fine is a "Hey what is your favorite religion?" "Hey what is your favorite political party?" - for very obvious reasons.
I know people like to be over zealous about the whole "not your blog" thing, but a thread talking about food or drink, actually discussing something, is a big difference between a thread that is started to say "Oh hey i ate a burrito and now I got diarrhea LOLOLOL". - That would be a blog type post. Or "My mom won't let me have coffee, she's so mean!".
We're not going to police every thread and kill off all the off-topic ones, but the combination of off-topic and clearly destructive type threads will be dealt with.
Joe (EQ) nailed it on the head with his replies above mine.
There are plenty of forums that have moderation that make nazi concentration camps look like kindergarten. I have never seen anything even remotely similar here at Polycount, and it's one of the reasons I keep coming back.
This comes to mind when on the topic of forum moderators: [ame="
and make it read only
I'm being facetious, but the way you termed that seems funny as I know you mean it promotes goodwill for the alcohol drinkers on here. Purely from the objective though, it doesn't relate to art, unless all artists must be booze hounds (don't answer that
I guess what I'm saying in lets just be honest. The rules here are enforced by people. People with opinions. You even show your own bias EQ,
Truthfully, its not that big a deal about closed threads. I just interpret it sometimes being self serving which threads are scrutinized while others are not. I wish there would be more honesty in that.
Please read all posts.
Did I have some sort of vested interest in that thread? Did I even post in that thread? How could you possibly know that I closed the thread because of biased reasons?
Truth be told, that thread was a classic example of the typical political flame-bait thread, AND we got complaints about the torture/gore photos that were posted in it. We like to keep GD relatively worksafe.
I guess if you're accusing me of being a human and using my own judgement as when to close threads, guilty as charged?
Damn I missed those
FWIW. I wasn't referencing one thread nor are you alone in this. It was a general statement of all moderators. Hell, I don't even know what thread your referencing.
Now back to polycount, already in progress.
Controversial Thread(UnModerated):
Give it some ground rules:
Rule 1: No gruesome pictures or grotesque/hardcore Porn
Rule 2: No solicitation of Illegal activities.(Mainly Links to pirated content)
Rule 3: Have at it!
Then if anyone wants to start a political topic or start some A vs B rage they can do it here and the warning tag is like a giant "DON'T CLICK ME IF EASILY OFFENDED" tag.