hey polycount, Im a long time lurker who finally decided to get in on all of this fun.
So a long time ago I modeled the fenrir motorcycle from the advent children movie to get some hadsurface practice but now Ive come back to it and would like to see if I can finish it up with a lowpoly bake and such. but first i would like to revisit the high poly and see if fix some of the stuff that i goofed up. I have a pretty sweet toy model of this guy sitting on my desk which I have been using as reference. The problem with the toy model is that some of its details differ a lot from the model used in the movie, so Ive mostly just used the toy as the definitive reference on this. I know that Im missing a lot of grooves and seams in the high poly, my plan for this was to add them in after the bake using ndo.

and my reference. now I don't actually have a camera available to me right now so I couldn't take any good pictures of the toy, instead I looked online for some shots of it. Im not so sure that any of these are terribly useful but these will have to do until i can get my camera back.

so anyways let me know if you see anything fugly with my model so I can fix it. also do any of you guys have a special way of presenting your highpoly models? im using xoliul right now but I feel like im missing out on some neat trick.
hey are you going to model Cloud's blades as well? that one the retracts from his bike
here is my first pass on the diffuse texture. kinda dull right now, I haven't started the spec yet.
so I kinda differed from the gold metal in the original... cuz its kinda fugly.
Yours right now seems to sort of blur the colors together and not make it feel quite as bold, and confident.
...a part of me wishes I could also add to what Sandro's saying but I don't know enough about that side of things.
yea Im not really sure what I was thinking when I painted those in, I guess I got too highlight happy. the next screenshot shows it without them, its not a huge difference but if its not helping it then it probably shouldn't be there
@Nitewalkr- Thanks, I appreciate that. Yup its a 3ds max viewport render
@twolisten- Thanks for the advice ill keep working on the material definition