Dont know If this has been posted [sorry if it has i tried searching

Anyway, saw this in Gamasutra and absolutely loved it.
Gamasutra Article - Filip Coulianos"We have always asked ourselves what great stories are made of; as a consequence, many refined methods for analyzing and creating good stories in traditional media have been developed. As the video game medium is only a toddler, no reliable toolsets exist yet. However, the question remains: what makes great games?"
But I reckon there should be more analysis's (analysises?) of different games, specifically: those that have more variation and change more often. Because there's a balance to be found.
Compare it with dinner. A bite of meat, then some veggies, then some potatoes... that's good dining. Potatoes potatoes potatoes isn't. But it's also not nice to eat something that has been mixed up too much - like tossing your entire dinner in a blender and eat some mushy goop.
I'll read more thoroughly tomorrow, though.
I dont think in general many developers pay much attention to flow.