I'm required to learn blender for my job and I am currently used to Maya.
The Maya presets are great but I'm trying to go further for a few things.
Am I able to set face selection from points to whole faces?
The 3D view/Mesh tools doesn't show all the tools available and I've only be able to find the rest in the shortcut keys area, how do I display them as buttons? i.e. split, separate, other basic modelling tools...
I may have more questions as I continue to learn Blender but I thank you in advance for any help you can offer.
Looks like the easy way to add button to the tool shelf has been removed due to it not working correctly - this thread http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1429450 says you can add custom button using a bit of Python. That might be worth looking in to.
I know how to get into face selection mode, I was more asking about the preferences of the mode itself. In maya you can have it set up similarly where you can select via face center points, but you can also change it to select anywhere on the face. I was asking if I was able to do this on Blender as well.